Meriller Member


  • So... Very cool feature, unfortunately it won't work for me!!! I upload the photo, and click "continue, and then the next page is supposed to show you your ticker so far... but there's only the x in the box where the photo should be. When I pick my slider and my preferences, it comes up with "page has expired" UGH:explode:…
  • There's absolutely fluid retention due to ovulation - " Water retained in tissues from heavy salt consumption, constipation, or ovulation cycles can affect overall performance in any competition. It can also affect attitude and self image." Excerpt from: Be kind…
  • I used to feel the exact same way - I couldn't fathom how I'd ever get the gumption up to exercise being so fatigued... BUT the old adage is true - A BODY IN MOTION STAYS IN MOTION So just work yourself up to a comfortable exercise routine slowly, you'll definitely notice a big difference in time. Also, I'm the metabolism…
  • One of my faves for breakfast is: 1 serving of cooked plain rolled oats, which I cook in the microwave, and before cooking, I add 1/2 a cut up apple in small chunks, and a few shakes of cinnamon for flavour... No sugar, but the apple adds sweetness, the cinnamon a treat for the tastebuds, and for whatever reason, it's true…
    in ^#&@^#&@^& Comment by Meriller May 2008
  • Well... I haven't read any of the previous responses, but your story is seriously almost identical to mine... I'd love to chat back and forth-if you like, I'll invite you as a friend. I truly believe that our negative relationship history has imprinted on our psyches; somehow we've become addicted to drama and hysterics…
  • Oops :blushing: New to this "quote" business! It's true, sometimes we women can be extremely cruel by reading the worst in whatever our hubbies say, depending on our moods! I'm definitely guilty of that! It may be just that if he comments on how much weight you've lost, or how great you're now looking, that you'll take it…
  • Long, perhaps, but LADIES - WELL WORTH THE READ!!! I can't take credit, it's not my letter - My name is Jill - but Wendi, well written! 'Dear Mr. Thatcher, I have been a loyal user of your 'Always' maxi pads for over 20 years and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the Leak Guard Core or Dri-Weave absorbency,…
  • Thanks again for your words of encouragement! :flowerforyou: I had all but 2 stitches removed, and it went ok, a bit stingy - but uneventful, which is always the way you want it right??? They said things are healing well, and I'm feeling completely renewed! It's so liberating... Being a member of the MFP community has been…
  • Thanks you two for your kind words and encouragement!:flowerforyou: I'm craving getting back to my workout, but still healing - trying to be patient. I've been able to remain under my caloric limit, which I'm pleased about, although a good bout of post surgical nausea has been helpful! LOL :sick: I'm down 11 pounds total…
  • That is FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations, keep up the good work, you're on a roll baby!
    in new stats Comment by Meriller April 2008
  • I was a ballet dancer for 14 years; it's no longer a hobby, but one I'd love to get back into! Miss it terribly! I'm a seamstress, started out for fun and necessity, but have started to get little jobs for other people through word of mouth! I do home decor mostly, drapes, cushions, slipcovers, etc... but I also dabble in…
  • I've had an ample bosom my entire adult life. I've always wanted a reduction, but wouldn't consider it until I finished breast feeding, I mean that's what I have them for, right? So my youngest is 13 months now, and I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow! Yes, I'm terrified!!! When you've had looks your entire life at a…
  • Obviously a hot topic here! I think any of us previous smokers sympathize, weight gain is always a concern! I am an ex-smoker now, 5 years this November. My husband and I quit at the same time, which for many is a nightmare and asking for trouble, but we both used Zyban and it was amazing! Since the Zyban removed the…
  • I have hypothyroidism, it's a serious condition that carries serious side effects if left untreated. I know that it is highly hereditary, does anyone in your family have it? I'm in Canada, so I'm not sure how it works for the US, but you should definitely take the possibility of it seriously, and get tested for it, or at…
  • Well, welcome & good luck! My hubby and I started to live a healthy lifestyle together too. It's so nice to have combined motivation, and a genuine cheerleader when you need it most! Good luck with the little things, soda and snacks... it's a little by little journey, right?
  • Well for me, no way. My youngest of 3 just turned a year old 3 weeks ago, and I - as is every parent - am incredulous as to how fast it all goes by... My husband I and just rented a treadmill a couple weeks back, which we are LOVING! Set up some type of system between you and your spouse to be on the buddy system for…
  • It's an unfortunate situation. The truth is, you probably hit the nail on the head with the fact that this "friend" has really never had to struggle to lose weight. It sounds like a pretty clear case of emotional immaturity. She may never understand what it's like from your perspective in regards to weight loss, but life…