Kat120285 Member


  • Wine all week but I've had lots of water before bed so I've felt fine every morning. Must remember my water tonight for girls night.
  • Sorry you're so stressed Kate :/ I'll be sure to have some for you and everyone else who's stressed, tonight. Anything to help :p :D It is absolutely gorgeous here today, sunny and in the 70's so I'm being a bum with the pups and clearing out the DVR. I'll get upstairs for my P90X in a bit.... After a tough work out I wine…
  • Agreed, I love our what we call "our nights" where it's just us at home watching a movie or something while having some wine. During the week I don't really leave the house unless I have an appointment or need some groceries. But these past few weekends we've been going to a new local bar and staying for hours because now…
  • Woof, the past two weekends have been unbelievably lushy :noway: and yet I'm having wine now. I think I need some time off from our socializing and boozy weekends. Maybe a few with just husband. I always feel like I need to hibernate and recover after socializing. I'm definitely that article with the headline 'The troubles…
  • Need to pick up white wine and since husband won't be home at normal time there will definitely be wine.
  • Today is husbands birthday so needless to say it was a lushy weekend. Not sure what he'll want to do tonight. Need to go get a workout in.
  • Girls night tonight which means wine and Cougar Town. I bought my friends and myself wine glasses that fit a whole bottle :tongue: It's fitting that we'll now have them for Cougar Town because one of the characters pulls out a huge glass when she's having a bad day. Just did X Stretch which felt amazing and now gearing up…
  • No zeros but good workouts and the scale was down soooo.... Lushing on.
  • Spring has finally found us and it was gorgeous today. This is going to make getting 0's tough because who doesn't like sitting on the couch sipping wine with all the windows open while the fresh Spring air comes in?? I should probably dry out after last week and this weekend but I have about 1500 calories left for the day…
  • Thank you all <3 <3 <3
  • Last week was tough thinking about this week then this weekend was tougher and today :pensive: haven't eaten yet, hoping husband might want to go out for dinner. Might be good to get out of the house. Tomorrow is going to be miserable :( I can't believe its been a year and we're wishing our little girl a happy first…
  • I've had wine all week but have also worked out so it's safe to say there will be wine tonight.
  • Thanks everyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Probably going to be a lushy couple of weeks, next Tuesday is what would have been Lily's first birthday :'( I'll shoot for some 0's though.
  • Sunday - 0 Monday - 0 Tuesday - 0 Wednesday - 0 Thursday - Loooooots of wine Going to go sweat it out then probably get an early dinner with husband :# <3 Happy Friday!
  • I did it! Big ol zero last night while out B) Sunday - 0 Monday - 0 Tuesday - 0 Wednesday - 0 Thursday - Wine =]
  • Sunday - 0 Monday - 0 Tuesday - 0 Going to dinner with the Bff tonight but hoping to be good and get my zero because there will definitely be drinks tomorrow night :drinker:
  • Sunday - 0 Monday - 0 Supposed to be 40 and sunny today and 60 and rainy on Thursday =] Spring might finally be coming to CT :# B) Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
  • Sunday - 0 B) allllmost gave in but was good :#
  • After a lushy week last week and a lushy weekend it is high time to dry oooout.
  • Too much pounding grape during games girls night last night :noway: going to go sweat it out in a couple minutes. I'm sure there will be wine tonight too. Happy weekend all :flowerforyou:
  • Sunday definitely threw off my week along with St. Patrick's day so I've had wine all week BUT was down on the scale so :drinker: And now it's girls night which means wine and snacks while watching Cougar Town :smiley:
  • Right?! It was a crazy documentary.
  • Drank last night and slept like a rock which was fantastic. Debating if I want to run out and get wine for tonight since we don't have any except the expensive fancy stuff. Hope everyone has a fun St. Patrick's Day :# :drinker:
  • Welcome Alcia :flowerforyou: Husband and I went out to lunch yesterday with my sister in law and her boyfriend which meant too much day drinking :noway: I dropped Beast (my car) off and they'll have her until Thursday or Friday, I have a death trap for a rental. Fighting the urge to just be bad this week and have drinks.…
  • Waaaaaay too much last night during girls night, trying to find the gumption to go sweat it out. Not sure if there will be drinks tonight buuuut it's Friday which seems like it should be mandatory haha. We'll see!!
  • Yeah we bring the pups now because there isn't anyone to watch them anymore and I have never boarded them and never will.
  • Oh my gosh she is soooooo cute!!!!!!! Puppies are a lot of work but worth it <3 there's a saying "If puppies are the rainbow, senior pups are the pot of gold at the end <3" I don't know how people just get puppies and think they aren't going to grow and then when they do they just give them up or give them up when they're…
  • Sunday - 0 Monday - 0 Tuesday - 0 Wednesday - 0 Thursday - Wine :# :drinker: Sunny today but cooler than yesterday which got up in the 60's, today is 30's :( Oh, well. Having some liquids now then going to do the P90X stretch dvd because goodness does my body need it. Then a bit of cleaning before Eve comes over for our…
  • Look at us getting all our 0's =] Sunday - 0 Monday - 0 Tuesday - 0 It'll be another today and then tomorrow wine! :drinker: