vwbug86 Member


  • There are actual definitions of what a small banana is. You will need some sort of ruler/measuring tape though. I suggest a food scale. That 's the only way to know for sure. I buy a bunch of bananas, peel them, weigh them, mark the weight on masking tape, and put them in the freezer. I will take them out and use them in…
  • No this is a persons reaction. Women are just allowed to express it in our society. The posters gender has nothing to do with the frustration they feel while trying to lose weight.
  • I have the same issues with cow's milk. I can do goat's milk, and lactose free, but unsweetened vanilla almond is my favorite. I also like unsweetened plain for cooking.
  • [/quote] Ok, thanks for the great advice. The thing iis, I log my exercise from day to day so MFP tells me my deficit. Therefore I don't think I need to calculate my exercise again into my TDEE. I guess did look better 20 lbs heavier -- except my thighs. I'm really wanting to regain the muscle but not the fat. I guess…
  • You might try joining one of the Strength/Lifting Groups and ask your question there.
  • She was answering your question. She just wanted to know why people are confused by exercise calories. It happens very often and is something the developers of the site should know. There is no need to be rude and sarcastic.
  • Choosing one bread is madness Favorite breakfast breads: Everything bagels with garlic & chive cream cheese, whole grain for toast, rye for egg dipping, and biscuits, brioche (best french toast ever), sourdough english muffins. Sandwich breads: Pita bread, whole grain, sourdough, italian and potato Soaking up liquids:…
  • Food timimg does not effect your metabolism. You do not need to rev up your engine in the morning. The only ways to really wreck your metabolism are literally starving yourself, and uncontrollable hormon/thyroid issues.
  • If you do end up falling in love with running I would advise making the investment in running socks and shoes.
  • Allrecipes.com is one of my favorite sites. Most of their recipes have nutritional info at the bottom too. They also have a healthy, vegan, and vegetarian categories too.
  • The OP is just quoting the title of the article. I the the Slate article writer is really judgmental, and seems to be missing the point of the diet.
  • I also stopped weighing myself. Bad idea, even if you are not trying to lose weight you should weigh yourself once a month.
  • I lost about 39lbs tracking my food here in 2011. I moved to Montana for a summer job. Then I stopped counting calories, weight stayed about the same. Then I stopped working out, weight slowly started to creep up. Then I got a desk job. Gained everything back except for 3lbs.
  • Unfortunately you can't choose where you lose. Spot training your trouble zones will build those muscles but you may lose inches from your bust. Once you strength train you will lose inches as you body uses the stored fat however it sees fit. You can attempt bulking and cutting to build muscles, but your figure is genetic,…
  • The problem with analogies like that is that you assume a twinkie cost as much as a bump of cocaine, or ice. Smokers don't usually knock over liquor stores to get a nicotine fix, but that doesn't mean they are not addicted.
  • Thermodynamics is a law, like gravity it will never change.
  • Sonic's Double Bacon Cheese Burger. I thought it was going to be 600-800 like a quarter pounder with bacon. It was OVER 1200 calories. I'm glad I had decided to skip the ice cream. Tasted pretty good though.
  • That is my 6 month goal but I have over 100lbs to lose. The less you have to lose the slower it will be. That is if you want to maintain muscle mass, which you probably do.
  • Thats why you scroll down to the bottom and click the link to the sited sources.
  • As someone who works for McBurger Corp. I eat there everyday I work because it's free/cheap. I still lose weight because I count my calories.
  • Fruit like apples and bananas with natural peanut butter. Hummus and cucumber or carrots. Greek Yogurt and fruit. peanut butter and honey on the carb of your choice. Green smoothies (spinach, kale) with banana and vegetarian protein powder. Cheese and high fiber crackers. I like a wedge of laughing cow with triscuits.…
  • If you have a juicer and like greens in your smoothie I find it easier to juice those and then blend it with the things like the banana and protein powder.
  • All of my smoothies have protein powder, unsweetened almond milk (I can't have a lot of dairy milk), and a banana. After that it's a free for all. It really depends on my macros. Nut butter, avocado, and greek yogurt (I can eat all other dairy) if I am low on fat. Berries, juice, spinach, kale, other greens if I am low on…
  • So lets clear up something. Theory vs. Fact vs. Theory Theory in laymen's terms is a hypothesis that you are trying to prove with anecdotal evidence. Most commonly used for things like english papers or M.A. Thesis Facts things science has proven as true. Like that the earth revolves around the sun, gravity, existence of…
  • Stoney field is one of the few companies that actually makes real greek yogurt. My shock was yesterday. Sonic Double Bacon Burger. I thought it was going to be in the 700-850 range. 1250 calories! I should have just got a whopper and onion rings for that.
  • If you are eating at a caloric deficit then it is unlikely you will build much muscle at all. If you don't exercise it is more likely that you will will lose muscle and fat. Stregnth training while you are just starting out may cause a little muscle gain, and will at least preserve your lean body mass. Btw there is nothing…
  • How fast is fast? Even if you lose two pounds a week (upper limit of healthy) That would still be 12-14 weeks.
  • Last weeks weight: 264.6 lbs This weeks weight: 263.2 lbs Total amount lost in challenge: 6.8 Amount to hit goal: 8.2 Looks like I'm not going to make my goal, but thats okay.
  • Whoops.