

  • Years ago, I tried working out with my wife, then gf. Went badly and we probably wouldn't be married if we continued that way. We tried cycling together. We weren't compatible riders. I tried working with her when she trained for a 5k while I was doing a bike ride. We also tried going to the gym and lifting together. The…
  • So you lost 3 pounds super fast. Way faster than expected for your diet. Obviously, you did not lose 3 pounds of fat or combination of fat and lean body mass in 1 week. An unrealistic and inaccurate assessment of your progress. You gained 4 pounds in a week. Again, you didn't put on a real 4 pounds of fat or fat and lean…
  • My first time losing weight, I did quite a lot of cycling to get there. Like 100-200 miles per week every week for 18 months. Riding position will not be a big difference in how many calories someone burns per hour. More upright and wider hand position will cause more drag and make it harder to go fast. You just burn more…
  • Looking at the food diary, you are less than 2 weeks in. People have varying experiences with the first two weeks. Changes in water retention and glycogen storage. Changes in metabolism. There is an adaptation period. Some people lose like 8 pounds in the first week. Some people gain a couple pounds. I've also found…
  • Just a tip on following the DVD's. It might be good to sit and watch the DVD without doing the workout once or twice. I also found it takes about 2 or 3 times through a workout before I feel comfortable with the movements and the transitions. I'm doing Power 90 right now. The workout video itself is kind of dated looking.…
  • I think it would be one thing if you started a while ago and had weeks or months of weigh-ins with an inaccurate scale. If you started yesterday, why not just get a proper tool? That way, you don't have to worry about being scared of seeing the an accurate reading somewhere else. MFP lets you edit your initial weight and…
  • After my daughter was born, I decided to increase my life insurance. I guess I'm lucky I didn't die the year before...obviously. I really should have done it sooner. If something had happened during the pregnancy or first three months of her life, that would have been really catastrophic and irresponsible of me. The life…
  • I'm still trying to figure out the same thing. We have one 16 month old. In the last months of my wife's pregnancy and then the first 6 or 8 months with our daughter, I was in this implicit crisis mode. I would set aside things like eating well and working out because I'm busy, but soon it will get better. I've come to the…
  • I suspect you're actually under-reporting sodium on some days. The white bread you're eating is showing as 0 sodium in your diary. That's not right. I bet that homemade chicken soup also has sodium in it. As already mentioned, the biggest problem seems to be that beef stroganoff. Just that one meal is 1.5 days of sodium.…
  • In this case, the directions that come with the pills are probably the cause of weight loss more than the pills themselves. Don't eat snacks and drink a lot of water. Since they can't sell you a sheet of paper that says those two things for $$$ every month, they throw in some pills.
  • There is one thing in this reply that I think is concerning. The whole, you're going to "ruin all your progress" thing. If your fiance is trying to manage your daily routine or basically discouraging you by using language like "ruin", then you might have an issue you need to work through. Especially if your relationship…
  • I lost about 50 pounds in 2005 and 2006. Much of the success was driven by shear dissatisfaction with my life. I actually did a lot of road cycling. It was not unusual to go for a 5 hour bike ride on a Saturday. I rode 100+ miles per week for something like 40 straight weeks at one point. Lots of 200 mile weeks. The…
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