DeBiKin Member


  • I started out with the "recommended" once a week but noticed when I looked at the reports that there's a little bubble for each day o I started keeping track daily. The report graph was like a roller coaster but overall it was mostly going down, it was pretty cool because I knew not to sweat it when it went back up because…
  • I'm not an expert but something doesn't seem right somehow... Unless you are only about 3'9" tall or so and/or like 90 years old. (not really, I'm just trying to illustrate). If you were that short then your goal weight would be too high. I'm about 5'7" and when I weighed 205 my fat was no where near 40%. I'm in my late…
    in Ruh Roh. Comment by DeBiKin October 2011
  • With or without the hormones, anyone eating only 500 calories a day will lose a drastic amount of fat and zero skin. Eating only 500 calories a day is bad for you without the hormones but the hormones don't magically make it healthy. I know slow weight loss is just so hard but you don't damage your health this way. If…
    in hCG Comment by DeBiKin September 2011
  • It may help you (I did me) to get some dark chocolate instead of the milk chocolate. If you are having withdrawals, even bakers chocolate tastes good. If you forbid all chocolate you will feel deprived and that isn't good.
  • How 'bout when its a man looking you up and down and saying, "Your proportions are great, you don't need to lose weight"? (Creepy) I'm not showing some guy where my excess weight is! I think that as more and more of us became obese (including myself for a time) that overweight is the new sexy (as compared to obese), I…
  • You cannot rely on doctors. They are 'practicing' medicine for their own paycheck. You are one small part of that equations that they have to deal with. If they are wrong on a minor issue (not life threatening) then they won't lose sleep. I actually hope, for your sake, that both tests ARE normal. You don't want problems.…
  • Check out how hungry and how soon you are hungry after eating fruit (or any other sweet). When the blood sugar is elevated it soon drops and you may find yourself hungrier sooner than when you eat vegies and proteins (and other fibers).
  • If you are getting more of an aerobic workout then you should enter the calories under aerobics and then choose low impact, high impact or general, those will register more calories.
  • The blending would defeat the purpose of the chewing (and the appetite suppressant action), silly :wink:
  • You came to the right place. Anyone on this journey has felt similar pains. You keep at this though, it will pay off. This day will fade away and so will the extra weight. Don't let the scale be your only measurement and don't worry when it doesn't always say what we want it to on a particular day, it is going to start…
  • Congratulations, that's so exciting!!! :happy:
  • I'm sorry but I have never laughed so hard at any of the replies as I have to all of these, my eyes are watering!!! I know it was a serious question but I think that even though the replies were hilarious, I also think they are serious enough to take Alli with caution (if at all). BTW: Less fat in=less fat out is true with…
  • First of all, if you get a good workout prior to the night out you will "earn" extra calories to your food diary goal. Don't forget your calorie goal set by MFP already has the weight loss built in. Cocktails are the hardest to calculate and high in calories so go easy on those. You probably already know which foods are…
  • The most difficult thing is realizing it, and you have, congratulations. It can truly sneak up on you. I don't know how long ago you started, how long it took you to get down to 100 or how long you have been too thin but those may be factors too. Many years ago I lost too much weight but I could still see the excess fat…
  • Me too!!! :happy: I still have more than a year till I'm 50 but I figure it will take a little while to tone everything back up so I just keep focusing on that. Welcome & good luck, MFP's the way to do it! :wink: (my goal was 50 but I think 55 lbs. is really where I should be aiming.)
  • I don't know that the length of time is really the issue here as much as the stress this situation creates. Stress is not good for you and it sounds like each bite is accompanied by a lot of unnecessary stress. It's probably better than skipping the meal but I think it's important enough for you to try to squeeze a little…
  • Some of the music that makes me "have to move" often has little to do with the words like in Rhianna's "S & M", (I'm not into S & M but the beat just makes me have to move). Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" is slower but has a major beat to it too. The songs that do have to do with the words are the ones like "Sexy Chick"…
  • As far as inexpensive food goes, lentil beans one of my favorite diet foods because they (are not only cheap but they) are really easy to cook, high in fiber & protein and low in fat. Other beans are filling and have the protein & fiber but take a lot longer to cook. If you lose weight too quickly you will be stuck with…
  • Same here. MFP has really helped me make sense of it all. Of course I knew a cup of sour cream with a cup of crumble blue cheese (and seasonings) couldn't be all that good for you but I didn't really know how much. Or my favorite eating out meal; Appelbee's Oriental Chicken Salad (the fried version tasted best to me) with…
  • This post is for the person who has limited themselves to 600 calories a day. When you don't eat enough calories your metabolism slows down. (That means that your body will not burn calories at the same rate as if you reset your metabolism back to normal.) You will still lose weight with fewer calories but you are doing…
  • It is still early in your journey so you probably haven't dropped enough excess weight to create any problems yet. The most important thing is to take your time. Think of it as your body healing. If you got a cut and needed stitches, would your cut be healed the very next day? (Of course not.) Our bodies knew what to do…
  • Toxins that are not flushed out through the digestive tract or the skin are stored in our fat cells. As we burn the fat cells the toxins are being released for our bodies to attempt to eliminate them once and for all. It's not attractive at the time but it is a good thing. It is a sign that your body is doing what it's…
  • The minimum calorie count is to keep your body from going into "starvation mode". The metabolism slows down to preserve the fat stores (no matter how much fat there is). It's nature's life preserving mode. Your metabolism may (or may not) already be in this state since you are not hungry. If you entered your correct…
  • This may sound cliche' with you being a teacher and all but I hear that an apple can give you more energy than a cup of coffee. Also, your other nutrients and the timing of the nutrient consumption are very important. If you have increased the demands on your body, your nutrient (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.) demands…