jouttie Member


  • I go through phases of craving tomatoes... they are lovely things. Not having a phase of it now, although I do eat them regularly. Actually, tomato soup for lunch, tomatoes on my salad just now... other times I have phases of craving beetroot. Gotta have beetroot all the time. Other times, sesame. I literally sweat and…
  • Ha! A man after my own heart.
  • What, pray, are rainbow carrots?
  • Can I come to your house for dinner?! Only beer and a bit of lettuce, some half-used chillis, the obligatory carton of milk (lactose-free since my daughter has a lactose intolerance), some chicken legs because I made my daughter chicken soup this week since she is ill, and they will probably end up in the bin - I am…
  • I don't log food or exercise when I am holiday. I realise that I am probably gonna have gained when I get home, but hey that's fine. I just get back to my normal lifestyle and any temporarily gained weight is gone within a few days.
  • Wander backwards and forwards between my couch (with the telly on) and my bed (with the radio on) and try not to look at the clock. At some point my body just gives up and I fall asleep wherever I happen to be.
  • Which fools don't appreciate firefighters?! Hats off to you lads! They'll be sorry when their house is on fire and you have become a... dunno, greengrocer or something. I work as a translator, German to English, free-lance, which is why I am hanging around on here instead of tucking into the next job! I like the hours, the…
  • Why would you want to be "video running" - whatever that might be - at five fifteen a.m.? Or anything for that matter? The thought of being anywhere but snuggled up in my bed snoring my head off at that time of the day makes me shudder :D
  • It is at
  • I am British but live in Germany: do I count? :D
  • You need to get a bike from a reputable bike dealership. They will set the saddle, handlebars, etc. to the right height for you, which is important. Use the gears, that is what they are there for. Make sure the tyres are pumped up, otherwise you'll feel like you are cycling in treacle. Make sure it is always well…
  • Is it bad to want a drink at 9:09am? No :-) I agree however that alcohol is certainly the reason I am on MFP in the first place. You drink, don't eat, drink some more, miss dinner, drink more, even more... go home, wake up the next day and eat everything - EVERYTHING - you can get your hands on. The greasier, saltier the…
  • Listening out for my 16-year-old to come sneaking in at some silly o'clock and then shouting out, "WHAT TIME DO YOU CALL THIS?" and getting an answer such as, one o'clock or three o'clock... and her excuse is ALWAYS that the bus didn't come... surely by now she could think up a new excuse?!
  • I went swimming this evening. It was cold, dark, snowing a bit, I was tired and I cycled there slowly so as to not fall off my bike. All I wanted to do was snuggle up on the couch, under the duvet. Got down to my undies and realised I had forgotten my swimsuit! Nothing for it but to swim in my underwear. I KNEW there would…
  • Yes! Late-night toast sessions when you come in from the pub. Hand-eye coordination, null point... you end up putting an inch-thick layer of salty butter on your numerous slices of toast and wind up with it dripping down your chin. Seriously attractive. Then you wake up the next morning thirsty as hell and covered in…
  • About 12 Weissbiers. Regularly. Now if I have six - which I did the other night - I pay for it the next day.
  • I have never had Marmite (the UK version) or peanut butter - the sight and smell of both are gross. The same with Nutella here in Germany - just looking at it is enough to put you off. Guess that is my body telling me... erm, something!!
  • How many wedding rings do you have?! Just curious...
  • I went to my gynaecologist today for the first time in two years and she praised me on my weight loss. Usually I get earache from her for having a too-high BMI, and today she was chuffed and said she was gonna recommend MFP to her other patients after I told her how I had managed to lose 21kg this year!
  • To go to England to see my folks. However, I tried booking and my bank wouldn't let the payment go through... have to try again when I get the proverbial "minute".
  • Crisps. It is impossible to have a handful or a bowlful. Here in Germany you can only get them in huge, ill-making quantities. They are evil. I don't go there unless I am on travelling on a train with somebody else who promises to share them with me. Since I only go on long train journeys about twice a year, I think that…
  • Just had a falafel sandwich. Was delish. I'll be swimming it off later.
  • Hehe my daughter is almost 16 so I think I have missed the boat there ;-) Good on you though!
  • Prunes. They are sweet and tasty and the prompt laxative effect gets you sprinting to the loo, waking you up in the process :D
  • Log, log and log! Log EVERYTHING, even if you bust your calorie account. Sometimes I overdraw my account by so much that I think I am gonna break MFP :-) You need to know where the calories are coming from to help you make sensible choices. That is what has helped me anyway. GOOD LUCK!
  • In the basement? LMAO. That is funny.
  • My head/face. Noticed it when my glasses kept falling off. Then my shoulders. Noticed it when my tops kept falling off. Still got a HUGE belly, bum and thighs. Guess I always will have.
  • I cannot drink water that isn't from the kitchen tap. I KNOW that it is the same water that comes from the taps upstairs in the bathroom but I would rather run the risk of waking everyone up by traipsing downstairs to get a fresh glass of water from the kitchen in the middle of the night when I am in England (we live in a…