Singularity84 Member


  • I went for a walk even though I had left my iPod at work and didn't have music to listen to.
  • Name: Jennifer Hi everyone. I took the summer off from MFP because I'm a slacker, but I'm back now...10 pounds heavier than when I left, but still back! :p SW: 333 CW: 314 GW: 309 UGW: tbd I weigh in on Mondays: 9/15/14: 9/22/14: 9/29/14:
  • I think part of it is accountability as well. For some people, the knowledge that they have shelled out $50 or more on the program is added incentive to stick with it.
  • Wow! So many milestones and so much good news happening on this board! Congratulations, Paula on hitting your UGW! That is an incredible accomplishment and really speaks to all the hard work and determination you have put in! Amazing and inspiring work! Congratulations to Jackie on your 1 year anniversary (and fantastic…
  • Hi, I'm Jennifer :) My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 308 GW: 302 LTGW: 160 Weigh ins: Mondays 6/2/14 = 308 6/9/14= 306 (-2) 6/16/14= 302.4 (-3.6) 6/23/14= 6/30/14= Not quite sure how that happened, but I'll take it! I am super focused this week, as a co-worker invited me to a black tie gala event this weekend. Unfortunately, the…
  • "If you don't get serious about this, I'll kick you."
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 308 GW: 302 LTGW: 160 Weigh ins: Mondays 6/2/14 = 308 6/9/14= 306 (-2) 6/16/14= 6/23/14= 6/30/14= Forgot to check in here on Monday, but I did weigh in and had a pretty good week, despite the graduation party and the boatload of potato salad I had over the weekend. I'm still working on being more…
  • Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am an emotional eater. But today, despite the fact that I had a horribly stressful last couple hours of work, and despite my anxiety being through the roof, I drove straight home from work. I did not stop for ice cream. I did not go through a drive through (sadly, I didn't pass go and…
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 308 GW: 302 LTGW: 160 Weigh ins: Mondays 6/2/14 = 308 6/9/14= 6/16/14= 6/23/14= 6/30/14= I've been off track for a little while and have been gaining and losing the same five pounds for about a month, so I am going to be more consistent with my logging and exercise this month and get myself back on…
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 309.8 GW: 299 - A bit ambitious, but I'm hoping with the weather getting nicer and my dance group starting back up, I can amp up my exercise and leave the 300s behind. LTGW: 165ish Weigh ins: Fridays 4/4/14= 311.2 (+1.4) Sodium fluke...I was back to 309.6 by the next day. 4/11/14= Didn't weigh in…
  • I found out my dog died on Facebook :( It was a family pet we had for over 15 years
  • Hi guys :) I am so excited that it's actually starting to feel like spring around here! I've been able to get outside and take several walks over the past week, which has been great. I used to hate going for walks unless I was going somewhere specific, but I've been cooped up in the house for so long that I have absolutely…
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 309.8 GW: 299 - A bit ambitious, but I'm hoping with the weather getting nicer and my dance group starting back up, I can amp up my exercise and leave the 300s behind. LTGW: 165ish Weigh ins: Fridays 4/4/14= 311.2 (+1.4) I'm assuming that this is a fluke due to the ridiculous amount of sodium and…
  • If I'm really craving something, I eat it, I just try to watch my portion size (only eat one brownie instead of an entire pan of brownies) and then work the rest of my days calories around that indulgence. Otherwise, I just end up eating all day, and never quite get satisfied. For me at least, it's better to just give in…
  • Congratulations, Russ! That's such an amazing accomplishment!
  • I've been around for about 3 months and could always use more friends (especially ones who are willing to call me out if I start slacking off on my logging.)
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 309.8 GW: 299 - A bit ambitious, but I'm hoping with the weather getting nicer and my dance group starting back up, I can amp up my exercise and leave the 300s behind. LTGW: 165ish Weigh ins: Fridays 4/4/14= 4/11/14= 4/18/14= 4/25/14=
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 314 GW: 308 LTGW: 165ish Weigh ins: Mondays 3/3/14= 314 (0) 3/10/14= 312 (-2) 3/17/14= 3/24/14= 3/31/14= 309.8 I got a bit off track in the middle of the month, and stopped logging and weighing in, but I've been back with it this week.
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 314 GW: 308 LTGW: 165ish Weigh ins: Mondays 3/3/14= 314 (0) 3/10/14= 312 (-2) 3/17/14= 3/24/14= 3/31/14= After three weeks stuck at 314, it's nice to see some progress!
  • My Numbers: SW: 333 CW: 314 GW: 308 LTGW: 165ish Weigh ins: Mondays 3/3/14= 314...still...for the third week. Well, that's...frustrating. At least I'm not going up, I suppose. 3/10/14= 3/17/14= 3/24/14= 3/31/14=
  • I do my "official" weigh in on Monday mornings as well, but I do step on the scale several other times during the week, just because I like to see the various fluctuations. If it's causing you a lot of stress or anxiety, I'd try to limit it to once per week. Tracking your measurements can also be really helpful, since the…
  • SW: 333 CW: 318.8 GW: 309 LTGW: 160 Weigh-Ins: Mondays 2/03/14: 316.8 (-2) 2/10/14: 315.4 (-1.4) 2/17/14: 314 (-1.4) 2/24/14: 314 (0) Bummer, but admittedly I did very poorly with tracking last week. Plus it's my ToM, so I'm sure that doesn't help. Just have to get back into this and hope for a good number next week.
  • I watch Netflix way too much... I was on a Joss Wheadon kick for awhile (Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse). I also really love Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Merlin, and way too many other shows to remember.
  • My coworkers and I are all about the same age (28-29). The other day, we were discussing how awesome it would be to go skydiving next summer as kind of a celebration of us all turning 30. Whether or not we will /actually/ follow through with this, I don't know. What I do know is that I'm too heavy to go skydiving right…
  • This is a really great thread. It's nice to 'meet' all of you :) What to call me: My name is Jennifer, so that's a good start :) I get called Jen a lot online (though not offline). If you don't remember that, Singularity is fine (or just Sing for short). Birthday: December 3, 1984. I'll be turning 30 at the end of this…
  • Doctor Who fans, did you see this one? Um, I think I might need that shirt. Not want, need.
  • SW: 333 CW: 318.8 GW: 309 LTGW: 160 Weigh-Ins: Mondays 2/03/14: 316.8 (-2) 2/10/14: 315.4 (-1.4) 2/17/14: 314 (-1.4) 2/24/14: Due to the sheer number of Girl Scout cookies I consumed this week, that right there is a minor miracle.
  • I'm with you, OP. When I saw my mom last weekend, she told me it looked like I had lost weight. I tried to brush it off and change the subject, but she wouldn't let it go, and I ended up being sucked into a ten minute conversation about how I'm trying to watch my calories and exercise more. I hated every moment of it. To…
  • I got a lot of similar comments my whole life, but I think what hurt the most was that no one ever complimented me. Even if I was dressed up for a choir concert or a school dance or something, no one ever told me I looked nice. Maybe it's shallow, but sometimes you just want someone to call you pretty.