krystalrhillage Member


  • NEED. Don't care if it's LC or not. Last time I had LC it was not that bad. I agree with the pizza is like sex comment. Bad pizza is still pizza, which equals life. Also, the new Pizza Hut pizzas are not bad! I got the light Italian with balsamic drizzle and oh my.
  • literally, if there is junk food in the house THROW IT AWAY! I will always think about what's in the cabinet and try to go to that before anything else...Do I love carrots and hummus? YES! But will I reach for sweets if they're in the house first? Absolutely. I do not keep junk in the house. The only junk is what my…
  • #1 made me smile!!! I hate: 1) having cute older clothes that I NEED (or feel the need) to wear again 2) eating in front of people 3) my boyfriend watching me get dressed in the morning ...I'm all please look away look away...especially on days I feel a little larger and put on my "holder inner" as he so delicately calls…
  • Oh sweethear I am in the same boat!!! I eat pretty good 6 out of 7 days a week and stay at or gain weight. I am going to go have my thyroid checked because it has been an uphill battle the last 2 years (and I'm 26). Make sure you're eating 5-6 small meals a day, the dietician at my work recommends getting in all the fruit…