

  • Work up to it fairly slowly. If you are like me you have a natural inclination to jump in with both feet and do as much as you feel you can. But keep in mind, your heart and lungs will progress much faster than your joints & bones...and it takes time for them to build up the stamina necessary to handle the pounding of…
  • Mercedes Half marathon on Feb 11. Was this >< close to trying the full, but I want to do one I know I can finish =)
  • It depends on where you are already, but the training programs are designed to have you ready to run a marathon or half at the end of the program. Personally, I'd wait to start it until the end coincides with the race date. I'd just keep up my normal training routine until it basically lines up with whatever week in the…
  • Salad, salad, salad. My idea of dieting is/was just altering somewhat the things I eat, reducing portions, and burning more calories. Little things add up in a pretty big way at the end of the week. Doing things like substituting ... say .... lean ground turkey for ground beef in tacos can make a difference, plus it allows…
  • weight loss is just math for most of us. Burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. Exercise is just a way to burn more calories, but you still have to take in less than you put out. In other words: that article is beyond retarded. It's a nice thing to read if you want to rationalize being lazy, I suppose, but…
  • Some encouragement, and some advice. I took my first steps in April, at about 270 lbs (this was after I'd lost about 40, and felt...well... capable of attempting to walk/jog). My first day out, I accomplished much less than you did. I think I made it about a mile and a half total....and felt like warmed over CRAP for days…
  • My most frequently used playlist for running has songs by: Sublime, Belly, The Breeders, KoRn, Ministry, Pantera, Screaming Trees....along with a bunch of Tool and APC. I tend to run faster when Tool, Korn or Pantera are playing...and slower when Belly or SC is. I've mostly been listening to MP3 books lately, though.
  • Home, sort of. I just dont ever eat at/during work except for like a protein bar or something for lunch.
  • Yep, easy run is still a run. Do what you can is a good rule of thumb, IMO. I completed the C25k program a while ago...4 or 5 months ago I guess. Now, most days I run 4/walk 1, some days I run 2 miles, some days I dont run at all...and then some days I imitate Forrest Gump and "i've run this far, I may as well keep…
  • IMO, it would certainly be better to do than to do nothing. Probably not the same benefit as you would get from actually running...but exercise is exercise. If it's a choice between running in place or sitting on the couch, choose the former. Then when it warms up you will be a step ahead in doing it the 'right' way.
  • Eating healthy makes me not wanna do fun things :/ Keep with it long enough, and you will get over that. Very much so, in fact, to where it works the other way around. Eventually, your definition of 'fun things' wont revolve so much around unhealthy eating...and even in situations where there are too many unhealthy…
  • I'm an anti-social exerciser, more or less. Dont pay any attention to anyone else really at all. I run 5-6 miles every day after work on the same trail, and have done so for the better part of 6 months now. Even then, there are really only 2 or 3 people I 'wave' at...because those are the only 2 or 3 people that I've ever…
  • First thing: make sure you are actually plateaued rather than just screwing up your math (I.E. eating more calories than you are logging or not burning as many calories as you are logging due to poor 'guesswork' on the numbers). I had several apparent 'plateaus' before I got a good calorie monitor...online BMR calculators…
  • Probably not, at least not starting out. Certainly not if you have been very sedentary for years. I'm not so big on the 'rest means rest' thing, though. Do what your body will let you do. I participated in competitive sports for many years and trained daily, as do gazillions of other people across the world. You do need…
  • Low Fat products are generally going to mean high sodium (particularly if it's savory), though I can see them being higher in sugar content too (I just havent actually noticed it). This is mainly because sugar and fat are the two main drivers of flavor, if you dont have one you are likely going to need the other. Plus…
  • Thanks ya'll. It's been much easier than I expected, so far at least...but I'm not done yet. Forgot to mention the best part. When I went to the doctor about a week and a half ago to get a checkup, my cholesterol had dropped from 250 to 160, and my blood sugar from 110 to 80...so I'm healthier than I've been in a long time.
  • Heh, I had the same shock. All I really do is get up and walk laps around my office when I'm on the phone, whenever possible (invest in a good quality wireless headset. Hello Direct .com is good, and worth every penny...and yes, unfortunately, they are stupid expensive). But even that doesnt do much, it's a small office. I…
  • Not surprising. They cheat though, pros get to weigh in a day or so before the fight. Real men weigh in 20 minutes before they compete.* *sarcasm, obviously.
  • True story, but we actually did that 25 years ago. Today, the NCAA and pretty much every other regulatory entity (AAU, HSAAs, etc) have made rules against the practice....due to the final step happening every once in a while. I cant even begin to count how many times I dropped 6-10 pounds in an hour or so to make weight by…
  • Do the wrestler's make weight diet Step 1) Buy a jump rope, and a ton of saran wrap Step 2) Go home. Turn on the shower, hot. Step 3) close the bathroom door, put a towel at the bottom to keep the steam & heat in Step 4) wrap yourself from head to toe in the saran wrap. Try to leave a hole to breathe out of Step 5) cover…
  • Well, I hear ya... However, in answer to your (implied, if not actual) question: does that mean you can eat 1200 calories of CRAP and then expect weight loss just due to a deficit. Give me a break!!!! Yes, you can eat 1200 calories of complete crap and lose weight due to the deficit. You wont be very healthy, but you will…
  • Made at home? Yes, maybe, I guess. Ordering out? Heavens, no...not likely. Like the guy in front of me said: it's not so much the core ingredients (meats and veggies, even rice) as it is the sauces & manner of cooking (I.E. fried in oil)...very high in sodium and/or sugar across the board, high calorie sauces. I havent…
  • Good job, you have started the journey. It's all downhill from here! I started around January at 310 lbs. I thought I couldnt stick with it, either....but I have. I'm 224 now, and feel better than I've felt since highschool. If I can do it, you can do it. If you can force yourself to stick with the commitment for a month,…
  • Same here...it wasnt even close. Though, oddly, my BMR is a bit higher than what MFP estimates...but my exercise calories tend to be less. No idea why, but...well, that's how it works out. At this point I'm not really on a 'diet' anymore, though. I use my BMF armband to tell me how many calories I've burned total, and I…
  • Chantix... the 'nausea' risk is not the worry; the suicide ideation and heart attacks are. Trust me, both are very real. I'm not telling anyone to not try it, because it can help you stop smoking. But they need to know what the risks are when they are deciding. ALL of the risks, particularly the ones that are fatal. As…
  • Quit cold turkey on April 1 2009, havent looked back since. Man (or woman, whatever) up and quit. No more excuses. No, it's not any fun. I'm not going to lie to you. I actually rented a hotel room and stayed in it for 3 nights, because I did not want to be around my wife and daughter (actually, I'd have LOVED to be around…
  • I'm not sure how much 'nutritional training' is necessary to recognize that protein is kinda important, and cutting it out of your diet is likely to have consequences. Pretty standard, simple stuff really. Kinda like asking someone how much legal training they have had if they tell you you might get a ticket for running a…
  • If you plan on eating your exercise calories back, just make sure your counts are ACCURATE. If you are relying on estimates of exercise calories...like from MFP's database, or from the treadmill machine you are running on, etc... then you are relying on numbers that are, at best, wild guesses. Generally, wild guesses that…
  • You need to eat protein, which is typically found in the meats you just cut out of your diet. yes, there are natural foods that add this. These magical, natural foods are called "meat". If you have some specific reason for cutting meat out of your diet and dont want to add it back, you need to find another way to supliment…
  • I drink beer, but not much. A glass or two with dinner a couple times a week....and when I do, I log it. Though logging the beer is a guess at best, as I can never find nutrition information for the beer I actually drink...so I just have to throw some generic beer in there and hope for the best. But like I said, I dont…