mmcdonald700 Member


  • Great advice! Listen to this.
  • Agreed with what everyone has said - I think one way to put it is people start noticing when you've lost maybe 30-50% of your goal weight to lose. So if you have 20 lbs to lose, people will probably notice after 10, if you have 100 lbs to lose, people might not start noticing until 30-50 lbs. Depends too how comfortable…
  • In baking and cooking eggs are generally used in three ways: liquid content (to balance dry ingredients), leavening and binding. In all three cases, all you need is the egg white. If you want to decrease a bit of fat content (because maybe you want more cheese on your casserole but want the right macro ratio for your meal,…
  • Giiiirlll people are lookin' at you in your heels when you're 6'2" because you're hot ;) everybody loves an Amazonian woman! Haha :) but seriously. I used to think I looked like a giant in heels too until, when I expressed this to my grandma (who is 5'8" used to be 5'9") she told me that she thinks tall women are elegant…
  • Hey OP and anyone who comments/read the thread with similar goals feel free to add me! :) I am 5'10 and a bit and my highest weight was 184 I believe but I have fluctuated from 175-184 over the last couple years (usually about 178 most of the time). In the last 5-6 weeks I've lost everything I've gained since January 2011…
  • Just saw huuuge bags at costco, if you have a membership. Costco also sells protein powders (don't know about their quality I haven't looked at them closely or bought them), protein bars (which are hard to find boxes of.. usually only sold individually). I imagine they're kind of like poppy seeds. Pretty much just an added…
  • Victoria's Secret VSX line. They have underwire which is awesome if you have a larger chest. I'm a C-cup so not huge, but big enough that I can't wear those flimsy things without underwire while running especially. It does make them slightly odd because they have a clasp and they're cross back straps (for more support) but…
  • Hey, I can't say I've personally had to deal with this as my mother has rarely, if ever, commented on my appearance or weight. However, I do have a very close friend who has struggled with similar things with her mother. The key thing to remember is, as I'm sure you know but sometimes it's harder to believe when you're in…
  • I don't know how tall you are but I can see that you only have a few lbs left to lose so like everyone else said... you should probably eat more than 1200. You will lose weight faster, but if you only have a little bit of fat left to lose it's more likely you'll lose muscle mass too eating only 1200 so yeah you'll loose…
  • Hey girl :) it's just water weight. If you're eating at a deficit and working out you can't be gaining weight, and you especially wouldn't notice an overnight weight gain. That isn't even a ton of water weight to gain. I notice serious water retention the week before my period - I usually gain 2-4 lbs of water within a day…
  • Hey! I'm an undergrad soon-to-be grad student, feel free to add me. I'm also starting a C25K (finishing day 3 of week 1 tomorrow!)
  • Agree with what everyone on here said! Also my stats are very similar.. 21 years old 5'10.5", currently 164 lbs but I was consistently 175-183 for about two years until I decided to give this an honest effort. I would like to lose about 15 more lbs (ideally fat, not muscle) and "tone up" as well. So far I've just dropped…
  • The other day... I snapped the bottom snap on my lab coat and it wasn't strained :) same thing with this longer button up (or I guess "snap up") shirt I have that also has snaps (the bottom one is around my hips so it was a little to snug before to snap it comfortably, it would just come undone while walking around or if i…
  • 7 pages of comments? Guyyyysss OP is a troll, and a successful one at that. This is the same person who posted last week asking for photos of women aged 20-30 in lingerie for "comparison" yet their profile pic is a sundae and their profile is private. "Hey give me pics of yourself in your undies for, you know, science.…
  • I know what being busy is all about because I'm taking a full course load, volunteering 5-10 hrs/week, plus working a few hours a week. Like some other people mentioned... I find waking up earlier and going to the gym works for me. Will I get up at 5:30 am to go to the gym (which is on campus so it's like going to school…
  • If it isn't easy for you to eat more (like, throw a protein bar in there they're usually 250-300 cals and are like a chocolate bar with protein, or an extra snack with calorie dense foods like some peanut butter or almond butter it shouldn't be difficult), you probably have a problem you should seek out professional help…
  • Our gym teacher told us in grade 10 that chest presses would make our boobs bigger. She might have been lying to get the girls into strength training exercises. BUT theoretically.. you'd be building/toning your pecs so you may find your boobs sit a bit higher (read:perkier) and project farther from your chest wall (read:…
  • How does anyone go all day without eating/eating very little? I get a serious headache when my blood sugar takes a dive. That's usually when I can tell it's time for lunch or supper - I feel a slight headache coming on that leaves after I eat. Anyway, yeah like someone else said as long as you're eating at a deficit it…
  • Haha thanks! No problem. One thing I thought of that I didn't mention... if you are gonna use that calculator/TDEE method and you choose to put your activity level to include your workouts then it will increase your average daily TDEE - that means you don't eat back your exercise calories on the days you exercise (event…
  • Everyone has given great suggestions - almond milk, light creamers, stevia, etc. All of which are great alternatives! I started drinking my coffee black in high school cold turkey - it really is a different drink altogether than coffee with cream and sugar. Also agreed with buying better coffee - I am a bit of a coffee…
  • 1 mL of water = 1 gram of water; 500 mL=500gm= ~17 oz =~1 lb. It's not ridiculous, if you retain all 16 oz of water you take in, it should equal about a lb. Are you going to retain all 2.5-3 L a day you are drinking (5-7 lbs)? No, you urinate most of it out. If you have water retention, less water will be excreted and will…
  • check out that calculator everyone seems to use. Just for s**ts and giggles I put in your height and weight and threw in the age of 25 (since you don't say - it will be slightly lower the older you get I think) and it says your BMR is around 2100 HOWEVER even if you are…
  • You can still gain weight eating carbs from fruits. It's all about calories in/calories out. If you're eating enough fruit to go over the amount of calories you burn in a day your body will save/deposit the excess (aka store fat). It doesn't matter whether these calories come from proteins, carbs, or fats and it doesnt…
  • This is an awesome post, I think you read my mind I was just thinking about that this morning. Sometimes I weigh raw, sometimes cooked but yeah I try to find the proper nutrition info on MFP by making sure if i weighed it cooked it says it's for cooked because it will say higher calories/protein/carbs/fat since it accounts…
  • I do it when I want a higher protein:fat ratio - especially if I'm adding some fat in like a bit of cheese or some mayo for egg salad. Sometimes you want a lot of egg protein but for every portion of egg protein you don't want all the fat (i usually do keep a yolk or two for, as you mentioned, the healthy fats and…
  • If you just started and you don't feel comfortable weighing yourself so soon, just give it another week! Sometimes people's weight will drop dramatically in the first week (due to water loss from burning off glycogen stores; glycogen (a quick energy release carbohydrate storage) will store 3x its weight in water weight),…
  • Not sure if that's a typo, but the vast majority of proteins are enzymes (I mean, if you had a list of all the different proteins, most would be enzymes, but of course if you're talking about the total AMOUNT of protein in the body then no, most of that is not made up by enzyme mass). However, 99% (I have no source for…
  • Even though you're eating veggies which is a lot better to binge on then chocolate chips... have you ever thought about why you're binging? If you don't try to change your relationship to food along with your diet.. what's going to stop you from going back to binging on unhealthy foods? If you're hungry and like to eat…
  • I'm not even gonna click that link! I don't even want to know what cookie dough oreos would look like. Nope nope nope. Haha