ASG_21 Member


  • She didn't say they were correlated at all, in fact, nowhere in her post did she say that doing these will make you lose more weight; I think that what she was implying is that eating "clean" (I hate this term) can help you feel more satiated at a deficit and help you meet your micros--and that you can also eat "dirty"…
  • Honestly, I think you're going a little crazy over this. Obsessing about it is going to make you miserable. Just LOOK at the amazing achievements you've made! 15 pounds in a month is HUGE. Getting from over 500 to 333 is HUGE. Be PROUD! :) Your progress is amazing, and keep in mind that as you get smaller, you're going to…
  • I checked out your diary for a bit over a week back... And from what I can see, I personally don't think you're logging accurately at all. I see a ton of generic entries (Homemade, Generic) and entries that are measured in volume (1/2 cup, 1 cup) rather than weight. Picking a random entry from the database that is generic…
  • Maybe she's more like me. :) I suffer from rather mild constant depression, with occasional bouts of much deeper depression that tends to come and go. For me, a very small happenstance can sometimes be enough to send me spiraling down into that deeper depression for a while, then it lets up for a while again.
  • I do suffer from depression, and for me it's also very difficult to care what I do or don't do/eat or don't eat when I'm depressed. One thing that I've found to be helpful is keeping healthy food convenient. This helps me out because I don't want to cook or go out or get food ready when I'm depressed, so if my freezer is…
  • Honestly, I just take my regular recipes and lighten them up--I also read regular food blogs like The Pioneer Woman Cooks and My Judy The Foodie and just adapt their recipes to be less fat or less carbs or less calories, whatever I might need at the time. has tons of nice recipes, and so does…
  • Yup, fat is definitely highly satiating; if I have no fat in my meal, I'm hungry just an hour or two later, but fat keeps me very full! Eggs are a great combo of protein and fat that keep me full for a long time. Maybe some full fat milk, although liquid is obviously less satiating than solid food. Cheese is also a great…
  • Are you entering a recipe or a new food? For a new recipe, you add the total amount of ingredients in, then the calculator divides it all up according to the serving size you entered. If you're creating a new food (under "My Foods"), it will ask for the serving size and nutrition information for that particular serving…
    in Recipies Comment by ASG_21 November 2014
  • It won't make a difference in your weight loss rate, except that you may end up dropping some extra water weight/solid waste weight from drinking the majority of your calories, and you might be very hungry for a while. However, drinking up most of your calories in coffee (not in one day, that won't matter, but in the long…
  • Regardless of all the sarcasm and snark in the above comments.... Those posters are pretty much on point. You really don't have to limit your diet to that extent, and almost foods are "processed" by the time you get them to your table. Chopping, grinding, cutting, mixing, and cooking are all forms of processing food. There…
  • I have two favorites. The first is iceberg lettuce (not a big spinach fan), tomatoes, cucumbers, about half a can of tuna mixed with a tablespoon of mayo, and a chopped up hard boiled egg. Add salt and pepper and you're done! I LOVE this salad. The second has the same veggies; iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Then…
  • Not eating x hours before bed is a long-time myth; meal timing doesn't matter at all. So don't worry about it, and definitely eat up some of those calories that you're burning regardless of what time it might be--not eating them and giving yourself such a steep deficit is what you should be more worried about.
  • I don't know about you, but I don't make it a habit to eat out of my garbage can, much less do it repetitively! ;) On a more serious note; no food is trash. Food is simply a source of energy, with some being less nutrient dense and more calorie dense than others. Eating food with little nutritional value doesn't mean…
  • Oatmeal is also very easy to make in one-person servings and extremely customizable. You can have it sweet with peanut butter, cocoa, fresh/frozen/dried fruit, chocolate chips, nuts, honey, plain with a bit of sweetener (sugar, honey, artficial, whatever you like)... Endless options! If you like it savory try making it in…
  • ....So don't track everything, nobody is forcing you. Editing to add... Weight loss surgery isn't going to stop you from eating at all. If you can't stop eating, WLS is a very bad decision to make. You can easily force food into your stomach (potentially life-threatening if you have a stapled stomach) and cause lots of new…
  • The good news is that you can change your starting weight to reflect what you've lost now! Go to Check-in>Edit Previous Entries and re-enter your starting weight. :)
  • A glitch from MyFitnessPal's side, most likely. Editing to say: Your ticker also shows that you've lost only nine pounds. Are you sure you updated your weight check-in correctly?
  • Also, if you are logging completely accurately, eating at a deficit, and haven't lost weight in five months... Maybe it's time to see a doctor and check if there's anything wrong on the medical side of things. Otherwise, it could be water retention. Your body can retain water from any new form of exercise, a large amount…
  • The recipe builder can be found here: You can use it to create your own recipes. For example, if you make your own spaghetti sauce, you wouldn't want to just go to the database and search "spaghetti sauce". You would want to weigh out your tomatoes, garlic, whatever, and add…
  • From all of your responses, you haven't made one thing clear, which everyone has mentioned. Do you log your food accurately? Logging accurately means the following: * You own a digital scale, and you weigh EVERY SOLID item that enters your mouth. This includes fruits, veggies, cheese, you name it. This includes fatty…
  • This is not true. Eat whenever it suits YOU. I'm commenting from my husband's account, but you can check out my diary (username SusieQ_1994) and see that I eat 5-6 small meals per day, but my husband eats three large meals. Some people would want to gnaw off their arm eating small meals, since they NEVER FEEL FULL, and…
    in Calories Comment by ASG_21 November 2014
  • I weigh once a week, every Monday morning (because MFP resets on Mondays, so I like to be able to go over the last week and check on my intake/exercise/macros if I got an especially good or bad week). As everyone else said, I weigh first thing in the morning, after potty and before food. It's the most accurate picture…
  • It's most likely sodium, which can cause a huge amount of water retention. Give it a few days and most (if not all) of it will be gone. Don't stress about it--Consider this instead: To gain 2 pounds, you would have had to eat 7000 calories above your maintenance calories! I highly doubt that you could have managed that…
  • 1) Boiled eggs, sometimes I cut it in half and spread a bit of cream cheese on each side. 2) String cheese, definitely! 3) Plain skimmed yogurt 4) Beef jerky--I don't get this one often, but when I do... Yum! 5) A serving of cream of wheat with a bit of low-fat cheese
  • I agree with the above posters who said to pick ONE thing at a time and change it. Don't go into a crazy lettuce-and-celery-only frenzy! Slow, gradual changes are the best way to slowly overhaul the way you are used to eating and turn it towards a healthier way of eating. It is the same with exercise; you don't need to…
  • I miss the old recipe builder! (Someone had to say it....)
  • Disclaimer: I'm a lazy bum and so I'm commenting from my husband's account rather than logging out and logging into my own. Here goes! While I agree with Tavistock Toad about moderation being more helpful in the long run, keeping them out of the house is what I have to do at home, and it has helped massively. If I have…