

  • Good Morning, Smurfettes! I figured I'd get us started today since I didn't see the threat. I have been out of the loop for a few days. I have been busy at work and studying for the CPA, so not much time. Weigh in today was VERY pleasing! I am going to kickboxing tonight. I didn't get to go last week because of studying,…
  • :drinker: GREAT JOB, CONNIE! You are amazing.
  • Hi Everybody, Sorry I haven't been on lately. Work has been NUTS! The scale is almost recovered from my events on Monday night. This weekend is going to be boring filled with cleaning and studying, so I am expecting a HUGE loss on Tuesday. That's all I have for now. Have a GREAT Weekend, Papa Smurf
  • Sorry I haven't been around! I've been busy at work. I did not do well Tuesday night. I ate guacamole, salsa, chips, artichoke dip, salad with Gorgonzola cheese, macaroni and cheese, jambalaya, chocolate cake with hot fudge, ice cream, and cookies. while it was delicious, I LITERALLY ate myself into a stupor. I was getting…
  • Congrats on the great week, Connie! I did not meet either of my challenges yesterday :( I stayed away from the candy dish all day, but I ended up having to stay late last night at work. I started getting hungry, and I had eaten all of my snacks so I went nuts with the candy dish. Argh. After I got home, I had a very light…
  • Shauna--I know what you mean. I went crazy Saturday night. I ate pizza and wings and pudding. I was full, but it was there so I stuffed it in. I was so uncomfortable trying to watch the end of the game. I'm glad that you have a reasonable challenge for yourself. I had my piece of candy already, but I made myself a mini-bag…
  • I am becoming a reality TV junkie. I watched 2 hours of Amazing Race, and then I watched 2 hours of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. My building has a "Fitness Room", which is nothing more than a Treadmill in a broom closet. It has a TV in it, but it is only connected to a VHS player! I think part of my challenge is going…
  • Good Morning Smurfettes! I had a fantastic weekend, except for my little football party hiccup on Saturday night. I spent the weekend relaxing and catching up on studying. Sunday morning I went to kickboxing, and it was so-so. Nobody can compare to Wednesday night Krazy Kate Kickboxing. This morning I feel refreshed and…
  • I had a VERY VERY VERY bad night last night. I woke up this morning feeling horribly stuffed and I was DISGUSTED by the number on the scale. I had a football party at my apartment last night (YEAH PENN STATE WON!), and I just went nuts. I made a frozen pizza that i ate 3/4 of. I then ate about 6 wings. I then had tons of…
  • Happy Friday, Smurfettes! Sorry I haven't been around the past two days, I've been in meetings. I went a little bit overboard at lunch yesterday--ribs, bbq wings, and buffalo wings with tiramisu for dessert. Then, one of the guys in the office's wife made the most delectable chocolate chip bars and caramel bars. I had a…
  • I forget to say... KICKBOXING TONIGHT! Hopefully she'll be brutal...
  • "Look at all of these Jenny-O products, which one should we get?" "Well, the 99% Lean Ground Turkey is the Leanest you can get!" The Subway subs and Trident gum were also less than discrete.
  • Good Morning, Smurfettes! I got into work early today, so I figured I'd start today's thread. I was very pleased with my weigh in number. Go Blue! I have meetings for the rest of the week with food. Today, lunch is tuna salad with a dinner roll. Usually there is not much lettuce and tons of tuna. I'll need to watch that.…
  • [/quote] Papa smurf- How cool is that to be filled up on one cup of ceral...I use to just pour and eat too! The only thing I don't like about it is washing all the measuring cups:grumble: [/quote] Jules--What I do is portion it out as soon as I get it home. A regular cereal box has about 9 cups. I then just throw the…
  • Good morning, Smurfettes! I was out last night, and I had a few too many pieces of pizza (it was a mini margherita pizza, without a lot of cheese). I felt myself being "satisfied" but I still had a little bit more. I didn't leave STUFFED though, just a bit more than satisfied. Good thing I made a side salad or I may have…
  • Is anybody else liking the daily threads better? I would prefer we go back to the daily thread. I promise to check in the afternoon for all of you on the left coast. I lose track of the conversations.
  • I know what you mean. I was in NYC this weekend, and I put on a pair of pants (34" waist) The store employee said, "you need to go down a size". I looked at him shocked. I thought that there was no way I could be wearing a 32" waist. I tried it on, and it fit. Then he said, "you need to be wearing a slim fit shirt". I…
  • Good Morning, Smurfettes.... I had a nice weekend. Friday night and Saturday during the day I was a bit crazy, but Sunday I made up for it. I'm weighing in this morning less than Friday which is nice. I have to pick up my friend at the airport after work and then we're going out to dinner, so I don't think I'll make it to…
  • I wear Acqua di Gio by Armani and Vintage by John Varvatos. I always get compliments on both of them.
  • yummm that picture makes it look sooo goood... lunch is in 45 minutes so i can do it. Donuts make great desserts though, too. Right?
  • I didn't actually take one though...yet.
  • There are delicious frosted and sprinkled donuts here. They are calling to me. I walked over, picked up a napkin, told myself I'd only eat half of one, and ran back in here to post. AHHHH
  • Sorry to post late. I've been sending follow-up e-mails from dinner last night. I went a overboard last night (crepe stuffed with ricotta and spinach covered in sauce; salad with goat cheese and balsamic; huge steak with potatoes; cappuccino; tiramisu; three glasses of red wine), but I think it actually kicked my…
  • Good Morning! I went kickboxing last night, and we had a crazy sub. It was the one from a few weeks ago that had us headbutting. She was brutal, but it was amazing. Although I was exhausted, I was pumped about the awesome workout and still managed to jump while doing front kicks. I wish she weren't just a sub :( On a…
  • Eating half the pan would make the cutting a lot easier...
  • The fresco tacos are awesome...The Pico de Gallo they put on it is very flavorful. I add a bit of fire sauce to it. You don't even realize there is no cheese or sour cream (which I don't like that much) Hard - 150 calories Soft - 180 calories
  • I wanted to participate, believe me. Pain is temporary, Pride is Forever. If tacos didn't have calories, I would have been stuffing my face as well...regardless of the indigestion or other unfortunate after effects. There was a large prize--Bragging rights. Yes. We are guys. Yes. We do dumb things.
  • I just came back from lunch today... The director and one of the project managers decided to have a challenge to see who could eat 10 Volcano Taco's quickest. The entire staff watched as they INHALED these tacos. Although I was tempted, I saved myself from eating 2400 calories, 170 grams of fat, 50 grams of saturated fat,…
  • GOOD MORNING! I went kickboxing last night. Tuesday night is not usually that great, but we had a sub last night since the instructor was pregnant. The sub was fantastic. On another note, I passed my first CPA exam (Auditing) with a 95!!!! YAY!!!!!
  • Late check in today--sorry about that! Yesterday I did a very bad job at work. I stuffed my face with chocolate and candy all day long. I think because of that, I was tired and crashed when I got home. I then ate so many things last night (crackers, salads, salsas, cheese, pretzels, ugh) I weighed in this morning, and I…