lotusfromthemud Member


  • Happy Tuesday, my pebbs. Also WHERE MY OTHER PEBBS AT!? Sorry, I just miss the newsy updates. Mary, all I could think of when you said "ganache" was how good that would be with figs. The farmers market chocolate I eat with the figs is super high in cocoa content and has chili in it, so it's super rich and spicy, so self…
  • PA and some osteo here, along with fibromyalgia and a whole host of other isms. Weight loss will help. A lot. Another thing that will help is to have your doctor take your pain management seriously right now at your current weight. This will allow you to be more active, which will accelerate your weight loss and increase…
  • Happy Monday, beautiful pebbles! First up, confession time. I realized yesterday that I have not done a workout of any real sweaty seriousness in over a week. Not good. So, my one week goal is to get at least two sweaty cardio sessions of at least 30 minutes in. For today: Work sessions, AND breaks with gorilla. I didn't…
  • Happy Sunday, pebbs. MM, you are a moving powerhouse! I get very manic when I move, and like to make it look like I live there ASAP, so I can relate to the feverish unpacking. Mary, I have no idea what to do with so many egg yolks. Hollandaise comes to mind, but even that would not use 16. I made an amazing salad last…
  • Oops. I got so involved in my work I nearly forgot to check in. Also, I forgot to take breaks and do my workouts. I did manage to go for a very short walk. Now, I'm about to make a delicious salad with flank steak and homemade chipotle dressing, so that's good for me. Also, I was incredibly productive again today, which is…
  • Morning, pebbs Did well yesterday. Didn't find anything at really spoke to me at the farmers market (this year it's very treat/prepared food/lotions and soaps heavy) so I just walked around a bit. The heat has broken a bit here, too. It's awesome, but also a bit sad, because the air has fall in it. I want the summer to…
  • Morning, pebbs. Mary, there is one other special practices class, but it is full. I could probably ask very nicely and get moved to it, but it's also at a less desirable time. I do like to keep my routine, as I am a creature of rituals. I am actually seriously considering filing a union grievance with the department, as…
  • Mary, I know exactly what you mean about "The rules" . Anybody purporting to know "The rules" for Everybody drives me bonkers. We're all different and we all have lots of emotional, and psychological, and physical stuff that makes us very complicated, so there's no one set of rules. That's why I stay off of the boards…
  • Well, apparently my one day at a time idea worked well. I sat with the current chapter for a while, and realized that I can't finish it until I make the trip in early September. So, I moved on to the next thing and banged out nine pages (which was essentially all I needed to do to make my "finish this much by the time…
  • Yay, Mummsy, yay! I love all my pebbs, but especially one we haven't seen in a while. Pebbs, I am feeling super un-focused. I think I am suffering a bit from the overwhelmeds, and I always have trouble when one season is sort of winding down and another one is winding up. Mary, I have the same need/strong desire to plan,…
  • Happy Sunday, pebbs. Mary, you are crazy, and I am jealous.:tongue: MM and Livi, how goes the moving prep? Well, yesterday was a do-over, work-wise. I ended up deciding that I needed a day off for brain recharging purposes, so I took it. I think I need just a bit of percolation time. Today is meeting here, a trip to the…
  • Morning, pebbs. I think my brain is broken.:tongue: I only wrote about half a page total yesterday. I am having fits being productive on this chapter, so today I am switching gears entirely, and working on the portion of my intro that I may or may not be presenting at a v. Important conference in Nov. Then, I intend to…
  • I am 5 7 and 150 pounds. I am fit as a fiddle, and do not look at all underweight, trust me. In fact, I'm still curvy/maintain my "voluptua". Also, I am in strong agreement with the posters above who point out that anorexia is a serious disease, not a number on the scale. I'm sure your sister didn't mean anything by it,…
  • Morning, pebbs. Today I have to work, and have a raging case of the don't wannas. But, I will. Plan of attack: Work for three sessions, with whatever the monkey makes me do in between.:wink: Eat the food that is in the house. Drink lots of water. Between the acupunctue and the yoga yesterday I feel a bit detox-y, if that…
  • Everybody is busy bees. Sorry, I mean busy pebbles.My smilys aren't working either, so wink. Today is yoga, and a trip to the health food store. My acupuncturist is putting me on a supplement she thinks will help to even out my hormones. Not feeling pms-y two weeks out of the month would be good. Then, it's home to write.…
  • Hummus is ground chickpeas, so yup. Hummus can be a gassy food.
  • Livi--thank you for inspiring that post. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: It was you saying your day was a "fail" and I was like (in my brain) "No way, Livi. You're not a fail. Not ever." I know you were saying that your day was a "fail" and not "you" were, but I sort of recognized that thinking, if you know what I…
  • Mary, the app is actually called "gorilla workout" it was cheap, if not free. As far as the toilets go, I would call the city (to see if others are having troubles) then straight to plumber, and fast. Scary toilets are scary. I do not mess with the toilets. MM, you guys are going through a lot of chaos, and I'm sorry it's…
  • Late check in today due to early (for me) morning doctor visit for my special lady annual physical. Hooray, that's over! Then, it was off to my pharmacy (to hear them say behind the counter "are these all for her?" "this is a lot."). Boo. Then they called my doctor, who prescribed such a large quantity exactly because she…
  • Happy new week. The weeks are just flying by for me. I am having a huge, sort of bad for me breakfast as I type this. I am rationalizing it by saying that I made it all, and I seem to only be eating watermelon as of late. Today is work (big push today on the chapter), gorilla trainer in between work sessions, and some…
  • Great news, Livi! Congratulations, Mary 17 years is amazing, and I hope you celebrate all week, in the manner of a birthday.:smile: I just found out that Sunday Zumba is cancelled for the next 3 weeks.:grumble: So, I may go to the gym later. I'm considering getting on a spin bike and pretending I'm outside (and it's not 90…
  • MM, your updates are making me tired.:laugh: Yeah, Livi. .. how are you? Today is housecleaning for activity. I looked at the tub yesterday and it seemed. . .gross. So, I'm working two more sessions (already did one) and then getting to cleaning the bathroom. If, after that is finished, I still feel energetic, I'll…
  • Mary, if I had a chimney, I would surely be using it for fire-y purposes.:wink: Yesterday I had a Chinatown walking adventure. I love Chinatown, despite the language barrier. Movies will film scenes in China here in our Chinatown, as no signs are in English. I managed to get the herbs I needed (I had my old boxes, pulled…
  • Wow, MM so much for you to do. Moving is always a great de-clutterer for me, too. Although when I read about a closet so big that a bed would fit into it, I thought, that in this town, it would have been marketed as a bedroom. :tongue: Today is yoga, and a day off from thinky thoughts. I may go to chinatown to pick up my…
  • Morning pebbs, I managed the C25K week 2 day 1 yesterday (on the crosstrainer, not the treadmill) but I must have had high adrenalin, because I needed to keep upping the resistance/incline. When I got off, I had serious jelly legs.:laugh: then I did my little gorilla trainer workout (it was squats and pushups) and that was…
  • Wow! You should totally wear it for Halloween! Think of how fun it would be when someone asked you where you got it and you can say "Oh, I wore it once before WHEN I WAS 19!" Seriously, that is awesome.
  • Morning pebbs, MM, the house sounds awesome, and I really hope it works out. Mary, I'm only a little jealous.:wink: Today is work, then a trip to the gym for couch to 5k on the elliptical and some sort of resistance. Then, rest. Yesterday we went to see the Harry Potter movie, so that was fun. Also, the heat broke, so now…
  • Happy new week! We had a rollicking thunderstorm about 4 am, so I'm optimistic it broke our heat. We've had over a week of upper 90-100+F degree days, which is crazy for here. So many people do not have air conditioning, so I have been really grateful that we do. Today I'm doing my little "gorilla trainer" app in between…
  • Happy Sunday, pebbs. I ended up not walking much yesterday due to continued crazy hotness. Also, just too tired. I'm discovering that living with the isms means budgeting energy/thinking ahead with workouts or plans. I thought yesterday "rest so you have energy for Zumba tomorrow". This is how my life works now. We had…
  • Afternoon, pebbs. I had a friend over, and she stayed til 2 in the morning, we enjoyed talking so much. So, I really slept in today. I am planning a walk a bit later if there's no rain. I did get a tiny bit of writing (and a lot of "what to write about" brain work) finished yesterday, then realized I haven't taken a solid…