babyworms Member


  • You poor thing! I had a headache for a week after a botched epidural this year to try and stop the back pain... The epidural didn't work but I came out of it super glad I don't get headaches. I feel for you! Is it under control now?
  • Right, here's my dear little introduction: I'm Hosanna, 23 years old, I live in outback South Australia in a Rural Centre. I Got married in January this year to an amazing man, and we live with our two dogs, Alex and Xena, who are like our children. I'm an Enrolled Nurse at my town's hospital, but I only work casual night…
  • I too suffer with chronic pain issues. I need to get a ton of weight off to try and avoid spinal surgery... Where is your pain?
  • Hey! I'd like to join in on this, 52lb sounds like exactly what I need to lose to get to my goal, and It would be great to be able to do it in a year!
  • I agree with Stephanie. Keep going until you're happy! My goal weight is 80kg (from a SW of 105), but even though that's my "goal" I'm not thinking of it as the end. I have always been bigger than I should be, so I don't know what 80kg will look like on me. I'm trying to think in terms of working towards 70kg, but stopping…
  • Pretty sure doctor counts :wink: I forgot to add, I've got about 50lb to lose!
  • Heya! 23 year old EN in Australia here. I only work nights too, but casual so not too many. I've been off the wagon for a bit, but desperately trying to catch up with it and jump back on at the moment, so anyone can feel free to add me! x
  • 23 Regional SA :) add me if you like!
  • I would suggest to start wherever you feel most comfortable. Whether that's by trying out one video for a while and then introducing more or otherwise. Well done on your loss and wanting to pick up exercise again! Really, you HAVE started. Also, as far as the fitbit syncing goes, What I do is see how many calories my food…
  • Bumpity bump!! Lots of potential new faces, I love it! Looking forward to getting to know some of you better later! (And Pinbotchick is not kidding... the topics of conversation get super intense and in depth... I think we may actually know more about each other than anyone else in the world! Which is saying something!)
  • I use a mild laxative like Coloxyl and Senna. But a lot of my issues are medication caused. Just make sure you're eating enough fibre.
  • I went speed dating once just for a laugh. It was great fun! Just make sure you relax and just be yourself! I don't know anyone who met through speed dating, but i met my husband on the internet.
  • i WISH mine would shrink!! I'm an E cup, and i swear that if mine don't shrink from weight loss, they're getting chopped off!!
  • Vegan food blog! I :heart: this one!!
  • Back out. When i was planning my wedding, my Maid of Honour just was NOT interested in any of the planning. She couldn't even take a weekend off work with six months notice for my Hen's weekend. I KNEW she didn't want to be a part of it, i knew she had her own stuff going on, and I FINALLY (after months of trying to…
  • Hello! Welcome aboard! Feel free to add me if you like :smile: Hubby and I aren't ready now, but that's one of the reasons i'm here - I've got a family history of conception problems as long as my arm, so eliminating any problems that i actually have control of is a big thing for me. We can do this!
  • I'm so sorry you had that happen to you! It's so horrible! You are making AMAZING progress, and if you keep doing what you're doing then you'll get there eventually. Just remember it for when (if) you do ever get pregnant, and take great enjoyment in being really offended if people ask if you're pregnant and you can…
  • Maggie Lawson - Plays Juliette O'Hara in Psych. :love: Or the chick who plays Max in 2 Broke Girls. I could happily go there!
  • FITBIT! I've had mine for two weeks and it has literally changed my life!!
  • Frozen vegetables. No waste and always good quality!! AND you can bulk buy when they're on special!
  • Good luck! There are plenty of options - If all else fails, ask as your local pharmacy :)
  • Also make sure you're drinking plenty of water!
  • That sucks :( I get the same problem from the meds i take. You can get fibre powders that dissolve in your drinks (metamucil does a really good one). They are completely tasteless so you can even add them to water!! Failing that, you can also get a mild laxative that you could take in the evening so that it can work it's…
  • My Xena baby watching me do Zumba on the Wii... Comfused, scared, thinking i'm a little bit loopy? CUTE AS!
  • Thanks everyone :smile: I've done a lot of PT in the past, but this time it's just not working. I know what the issue is (slipped vertebra in my lumbar spine) and went to an orthopaedic surgeon when i was younger. he said to "wait and see" how it all turns out as i get older... I got my GP to send a referral to a spinal…
  • way to go! I can relate with the spinal injury thing... it's so frustrating to not be able to exercise when you want to! You should feel very proud!
  • Heya! I'm 23 and I log in every day! I'm a housewife with a chronic back problem, so i have to be very strict about doing exercise or else i've got every excuse not to. I love supporting people!! Anyone should feel free to add me!
  • Most gorgeous man alive!! (That's why I married him!)
  • Aww thank you! You totally just made my day! And i know that even though i've gained back a lot of weight since then, I looked better in the pics than i would have without the work i put in - rather than thinking about how much BETTER i could have looked if i worked harder. if jealousy can be channelled to use as…