Quickster34 Member


  • For one im assuming this scale is either one where you step on or grab two metal surfaces? it sends a current through your body to measure densities and resistence therefore the amount of water will impact your number significantly which is why these sclaes are not that accurate as you have acknowledged, calipers will get…
  • well from your numbers thats 2.75lbs a week, thats on the high side for maintanability, a more realistic goal would be to avg around 1 or slightly higher since in the beginning loosing will be easy then those last 10-15lbs . Now thats not to say you cannot do it, it will just take serious work and commitment diet wise to…
  • I find that i HAVE to eat them back otherwise you are just dead.. I was a sprinter in college and would burn at least 1500cal in one workout and we would have 2 a days 3 days a week, needless to say i ate whatever i wanted and still maintained around 7% bf . those days are gone unfortunatley but I still train and when i do…
  • Get most of it from whole foods like eggs, chicken, turkey, beef ocasionally. and suplement with protein shakes depending on your specific protein goal, Im currently around 1.3-1.5 g per lb and I like it for the training I am doing. also cook in bulk it makes it way easier I make a bunch of chicken at a time since I eat 6x…
  • id say the low energy levels are do do the low carb intake for one. and as for protein like he said above, animals, chicken , beef, turkey... and proetin shakes generally have VERY few carbs , Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard has 3g per serving, its also excellent tasting and great quality. and i would consider finding…
  • They exist as their name implies to supplement all the nutrients you get from whole foods, for example certain BCAAs ( amino acids ) cannot be produced by your body so you need to get them from your diet and some people find it hard to get these through their normal eating habits so supplements are a great choice for them,…
  • 3 weeks is not a long time.. 2 lbs in 3 weeks isnt a bad number at all if you only have 10lb to lose, It wont happen over night , it takes time , think of it like this, how long has it taken for you to get at the weight you are now.. Its going to take more work and time to loose those last 10lb and an avg of over .5 a week…
  • You don't need a HRM to track calories, take your pulse at a few random intervals during your workout for 15sec , multiply by 4 then average them to get your HR over a certain period of time. works everytime
  • Weighing yourself everyday is too inconsistent.. a 1 lb fluctuation is mainly water weight.. i can vary 5lbs throughout the day easily usually more, thats why you have a reference day and time to weigh in and evaluate your progress. don't blame the carbs. it could be several different things
  • Id stay away from just wandering in the gym, and watching people can cause you way more problems then it's worth, I look around my gym and find 80% of the people doing something wrong form wise. like others have said get a book and read up, this will not take the place of learning good form though, Id either reccomend a…
  • I think it depends on the person really, I am an athlete , that's how i am wired.. I always have been and always will be competitive in something. so this obviously effects all the choices I make, I don't see working out as something i HAVE to do it is something that is a normal part of the day just like work or sleep its…
  • Protein on MFP is set low, depending on your goal you can stay around 1g per lb as a generic number. as for eating back your excercise calories, MFP automatically sets you at a deficit so even if you eat back your excersise calories you are still at a deficit but if your not hungry dont eat. if you are eat them back.
  • calibrate it , take a known weight, like a dumbell or bag of flour and see which one is more accurate then be consistant
  • 4 times a week ish , sprinting and compound lifts do most of the core work though
  • muscle is more DENSE then fat, yes a lb is a lb regardless of what the substance is. but liek above said you know what they mean so why get bothered about it, and the statement 'muscle weighs more than fat' is technically correct muscle per volume does weigh more than fat,
  • You are correct, You NET 1790 cal if you eat 1790 burn 300 and eat 300 --> 1790 -300 +300 = 1790 now as far as eating back your calories, many people have differing views, I say if your hungry eat them if not don't Good Luck!
  • Do you physically see a difference, as in my opinion that is the most important measure , not a number on a scale, but the increases could be muscle or water weight.. i wouldnt worry too much if you have been eating clean and working out consistently
  • for you to have an unhealthy amount of protein, meaning too much, you have to actively try , dont worry becuase you wont even come close to that level , in general use protein powder as a supplement to reach your daily goal, which is dependent on your personal goals, mine is about 1.3g per lb at this point in my training,…
  • so i think i understand what your trying to do, the static lunge with elevated leg sounds like a bulgarian split squat and the dealift is obvious, you can try a smith machine and set the bar low enough to rest the top of your foot on, search for plyo boxes, use a weight bench. or the saftey bars on a squat rack, all the…
  • I sprint so its a different program than a distance runner but i lift 4 days a week , and run 6 days a week unless im racing in which case i run 5 race one and rest one. when you have hard workouts yes they wont be easy but is it was easy everyone would do it hah!
  • http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/kelly3.htm check that link out, short version yes you can do both, for you to get bodybuilder big you have to actively try very hard to eat a lot of calories and lift heavy, a normal strength program will get you the results you want if you tailor it to your goals. you can build lean muscle…
  • this and all the above HIGHLY depends on what type of running you are talking about, distance yes you all are correct putting in the mileage is the best thing sprints on the other hand needs the strength component to build muscle fiber and enhance your running workouts.
  • Well it technically will make it harder to breath because your muscles are contracting around your abdomen, it takes a lot of practice in my opinion but yields excellent results, a good way to practice is during planks, keep your core tight which is easy to tell since it sags if you dont during planks and focus on…
  • Like above mentioned a diet implies that its just temporary, really you should be aiming to change your lifestyle so that you can achieve something maintanable without worrying about gaining it all back. that said think about how long it took for you to be at weight you are now , It is going to take time to get rid of it,…
  • everyone seems to be pointing at the nutrition side of this problem and no one mentions stretching? ive read tons of threads on mfp about how stretching does nothing and they always have these studies to back them up, well... the reason why collegiate and professional athletes warm up and stretch is because IT WORKS.. i…
  • I suppose it could be hip bursitis, but more than likely its probably a hip flexor or a high IT band issue, if its really that painful go to a sports med doctor that can diagnose it correctly and recommend stretches and exercises to help, Ive popped my hip flexor once or twice.. not a fun experience and takes a while to…
  • look at it this way , what one single investment of your time will yield better results then working out? none. because even all the money in the world is useless if your in poor health. im not saying you are by the way, im simply stating that if you look at it as job #1 before everything else you can and will make time…
  • I just take my heartrate a few times through out the workout and avg them , then use [(0.2017 x Age in yrs ) + (0.09036 x weight in lbs ) + ( 0.6309 x avg heart rate - 55.0969) x time] / 4.184 = cal burned im sure there are calculators online to avoid the math ,,,
  • dont know who told you about the timing but not true. within 30 min of a workout is the best time to get a protein shake becuase it absorbs quickly in the body and your muscles are broken down after the workout.. chocolate milk is good too, becuase it has proetin and carbs and absorbs quickly , thats what your body needs…
  • Yup ive tried it, especially when i was travelling often, theres several variations but i did a full day fast one every other week for a while, it was nice to have a "cheat day " before the fast. for me though i like 6-7 small meals a day just becasue i enjoy eating, results have been very similar between the 2 methods,…