RedVelvette Member


  • I still haven't heard from the red team, but here are the winners for Week FIVE: Team winner: GREEN with an average of 202.6, however, I'd almost call it a tie with Yellow at 202 points! Purple Team came in 3rd with an average of 153 points And the individual with the most points was FabricWoman (Gloria) with 235 points!
  • I'm just waiting for the red team average points and top score points to post winners for week 5... does anyone on the team know these numbers? If so, please PM me.
  • Good morning, team! Wishing everyone a healthy Tuesday! My plan is pilates this morning, and ballet class tonight for exercise. I've started eating fresh berries (blue and straw) with fat free greek yogurt. I think it's a good way for me to get more fruit into my diet. And I've been vegetarian-by-day for the past couple of…
  • haha! seriously. I'm not an alcoholic but I do enjoy a little something with dinner. I don't even think the problem is the calories in the wine, but rather the inhibition with food intake afterwards. I'll be good this week though, I promise! :-)
  • Hi Team, I did pretty well except for no alcohol... my biggest weakness. Since this week's focus is in this area, I'm going to really try to watch it! My points for the week were 200.
  • Happy Mother's Day in the UK! I kind of freaked out when I read your post, thinking I forgot to get something for Mother's Day for my mom... ours isn't until May in the US. Phew! I hear you on the motivation. I've been struggling with energy and focus lately. Don't beat yourself up for a couple of treats, that makes it…
  • I hope you feel better, soon!
  • So far it's been pretty good this week for me. I'm trying to eat like a vegetarian during day on weekdays in hopes to get in more fruits and vegetables into my diet. And I've managed to make it to the gym two days in a row! I took a pilates class which I'm still feeling my muscles from, and I stumbled into a combat workout…
  • ANNOUNCING: Week FOUR Winners! TEAM winner: GREEN! The green team came in with the highest average points at 190.3! Great job green team! The rest of the team average points were: Yellow at 162 Red at 161 Purple at 143.6 And, the individual with most points award goes to…FabricWoman (Gloria) with 242 points! That's crazy…
  • My points this week was 186. It was particularly challenging weekend as we had house guests staying with us, so lots of events around food and drink. But I did manage to get in some activity, including kayaking around the bay! It was so beautiful, and I'm still wonderfully sore from it two days later.
  • I didn't get good sleep two nights ago, and I'm having a very hard time motivating myself to do much of anything since then. I don't even want to get stuff done that really needs to get done (work/study)... all I can think about is taking a nap. Anyone else have this problem? What helps to snap out of it?!?
  • Yes, it was by accident! It's called Native Foods Cafe, so I figured it would just be health food, but didn't realize it's all vegetarian until I read the menu. Instead of meat they have plant-based proteins, that kind of tastes like meat... and it was so good! What don't you like about exercise? For me getting started is…
  • What a great find! I'm doing better with veggies than I expected. I accidentally went to a vegetarian cafe yesterday and rediscovered my love for vegetarian food! It was so good! And now I'm inspired! How's everyone else doing this week so far? What are your challenges, you victories?
  • ANNOUNCING: Week THREE Winners! TEAM winner: YELLOW! The yellow team came in with the highest average points (twice in a row) at 203! Way to go YELLOW Team! The rest of the team average points were: Red at 146.6 Green at 138.5 Purple at 131.6 And, the individual with most points award goes to…Patti (again!) with a whopping…
  • Oh, and my points for the week are 157. I was SO close to the extra 10 bonus points! But not quite close enough (I had 3,393 calories burned)....
  • Concetta, I know the feeling! My schedule varies day by day. Sometimes I start work at noon and other times at 9am, still others at 4 in the afternoon for a late night. It certainly does make things more challenging to plan ahead. Be kind to yourself, and I'm sure you will find a system that works for you!
  • Jan, it's good that you stuck with the challenge, even when on vacation! Good for you! This week was okay for me, I'm noticing that weekends are my downfall! Working hard to keep up the new behaviors, even on the weekends! On the positive note, I *may* reach the bonus points for exercise this week! Depending on how much I…
  • Ok, this is the new plan!
  • Jan, I hear you! Being on vacation is the hardest for me to stay on track, I think in part because the change of routine, but also because of being around new and different experiences that include food and not wanting to miss out on those experiences. And yes, good chocolate is always the hardest to resist! (with red wine…
  • Happy Wednesday, everyone! Don't get discouraged about not placing in our points, we were a close 3rd! And a big improvement from the first week! I had a little "staycation" and am finally back at work today (since Friday). It's always harder for me to stay on track when I don't have structured time. This is a huge…
  • ANNOUNCING: Week TWO Winners! TEAM winner: YELLOW! The yellow team came in with the highest average points at 222! Way to go YELLOW Team! The rest of the team average points were: Red at 170.2 Green at 165 Purple at 158.6 And, the individual with most points award goes to… (drumroll)… Patti (again!) with a whopping 227…
  • And, my points for the week are 162. I could have done better with vegetables, and I didn't make my water goal for two of the days, though have definitely done a lot better with it!
  • Jan, that's great that you're staying on track and loosing. I haven't lost yet, but have stopped gaining so that's a win!
  • If you don't get a response, I'd assume they are not able to participate, at least for now. If they come back before the end of the challenge, then great, you can add them back in. We want to have accountability, but also understanding that sometimes life gets in the way and that's just the way things go! I hope this…
  • Happy Valentine's Day everyone! How was the shoe shopping? Last night we went wine tasting, so of course I didn't do no alcohol, then they had pairings with morsels of chocolate for each tasting, so that blew out the no sweets, too. But I'm okay with that, part of this challenge is to know when it's okay to indulge WITHOUT…
  • It is hard to stay with exercise goals while also being sick. Be kind to yourself! And I hope you feel better, soon! :-)
  • Hi Team! How's everyone's Thursday going? I've been away from a computer today, but things seem a little quiet on here... hope everyone's staying positive and HYDRATED!! :-)
  • Becky that's great that you did so well for Monday. Keep it up! BJ Good for you for having asparagus instead of fries! That's a great substitution! And Jan to make yummy food and avoid it by keeping busy making it! What a great plan!! I'm getting so inspired from you all. Today I made it to pilates this morning and instead…
  • Happy Tuesday everyone! Yesterday was a good start to week 2 for me. I managed all the water, fruit, and exercise, and avoided sugar and alcohol. My only oversight was vegetables. I only had some with breakfast and the rest of the day I totally forgot... so that's what I'm going to try to add in for today. That and I'm…
  • ANNOUNCING: Week ONE Winners! We are ALL winners -- just in the fact that we’re here, together, participating in this challenge and encouraging each other… However, this is a “challenge” with teams and all, and for some the friendly competition can be highly motivating, so without further adieu, here are the week ONE…