magdalune Member


  • The elliptical machine pretty much works the same muscles, but because it takes some of the stress off your limbs, you also lose in how many calories you burn. However, I think it's well worth it to be able to do an elliptical machine for over an hour while I'm unable to run for a few minutes because of the pain in my feet.
  • Copy the code given to you into your sig. Everything else is automatic as long as you check in at your Home.
  • ... I adjusted my settings in order to accommodate a more sedentary lifestyle (I walked around a lot more to get to where I was going when I was in university). So now I'm eating about 150 calories less than before. Intuitively, this should mean that it's harder to keep from going over. So why am I having trouble trying to…
  • I like Cool Whip much better than whipped cream. I'm not partial to rich creams.
  • You can't be a vegetarian and go on a no-carb diet. Also complex carbs are good for you, as are some kinds of fat. Pursue a healthy diet, don't go on one. Check out everyone else's posts on eating the right kinds of food rather than throwing whole food groups out.
  • Spoke too soon.
  • Hee, I like playing with words. :)
  • It's taken seven weeks, but I think (just think) it might be working. When and if I reach 165 lbs, I'll know. If it is working, here's hoping it keeps working. :)
  • To put it in perspective, you would have had to eat 7000 calories to have gained 2 lbs of fat. For a lot of people, it's hard to make it to 2000-3000 calories. Don't worry. A day or two here and there isn't going to break the bank.
  • The way to lose 10 lbs in a week is a no-carb diet. Unfortunately, you may be losing weight, but you won't be losing fat (you lose water weight, a little bit of fat, your sugar stores, and your muscle). That's the problem with most of the quick-fix diets - they focus on people's attention to numbers rather than health.
  • Actually, the way that MFP works is that it sets up the amount of calories you're allowed to eat with the understanding that you want to lose weight. So when you exercise, you're allowed to eat EVEN MORE in order to lose the same amount of weight. It's recommended to eat most of your exercise calories.
  • Granted, but you have bad acne.
  • Protein is a funny thing. If you eat too much of it, the extra is converted and stored as fat. If you eat too little, it's all converted and stored as fat. If your protein is unbalanced, it's all converted and stored as fat. It's not a very practical set-up our body has for protein, if you ask me.
  • I think that you've told yourself that there are so many foods that are off-limits to you when there are lots of things to try. Check out our recipes area, feel free to ask about some things. You don't have to just eat chicken: you can try some tofu, sirloin steak is actually pretty good for you (minimal fat for the…
  • Actually, the healthier I eat, the more I realize that 1430 w/o exercise is quite easy to maintain, especially if you allow a little wiggle room now and then. I'm realizing that I can eat quite flavorful things, that I can have variety, and that I can have pizza and ice cream and chocolate pudding on occasion. I'm not as…
  • From what I've heard, colon cleansing is a kind of ritualized starving. I would only recommend it for people will really bad digestive problems like really bad IBS, Crohn's, or people who've just been diagnosed with Celiac's, or people with a gluten intolerance that don't quite qualify for Celiac's. Standard IBS or mild to…
  • 8% is way too low. For the sake of your body, gain some fat weight. Fat =/= bad Too much fat = bad What you have is too little, and that's also bad. Someone else give me a hand - healthy fat percentage is 17-24%? The thing to go for is not as little fat as possible, but a healthy amount of fat. Your body needs it! I…
  • That's why I love the elliptical. The way to make it more interesting for me is to watch television while I'm doing it. Then I get distracted from the repetitiveness, and it makes me want to stay on the machine until the show or the show after it is finished! I once did elliptical for over two hours because I loved the…
  • Your smile is very similar, as is your skin and facial shape. Let me see if I can find one of the icons I made of her... Nope, none of mine have her smiling - she doesn't seem to do that a lot during photo ops. This is the closest pic I could find that looks like your icon. :)
  • As the above poster said, usually the right kinds of foods have an amazingly low number of calories. My lunch wrap, which is mostly vegetables, is a little less than 400 calories. It's an average size wrap, and the tortilla is 210 on its own. So although the bulk of the wrap is veggies, they comprise the minority of…
  • Different people lose from different places, and you can't target fat loss. You can only target muscle tone. You cannot expect immediate gratification with weight loss - the healthiest drastic changes are about 1-2 pounds a week, but it adds up. I've been on MFP for a month, and I have not seen any change. But it's…
  • I'm sometimes below my daily allotment, sometimes above, rarely by more than 200 calories, but since I'm on a 'lose 1 lb a week' thing, it shouldn't make a tremendous difference. I make sure to have about 2-3 or more servings of vegetables a day, 1-2 servings of fish a week. I've been doing walks lately because I can't…
  • 2 lbs lost. 2 lbs that could just be fluid fluctuation, especially since the waistband of my jeans continue to cut into my stomach when I sit. It may actually be worse. I've been doing everything I'm supposed to. What's up?
  • You never have to reach the full allotment of fat. I wish MFP did a separation of saturated and unsaturated fat because they mean such different things for your body. Alas, though.
  • I usually find the closest thing to it and approximate.
  • Did anyone ever tell you that you look like Amber Tamblyn?
  • A variation of 2 lbs is normal, if just because of shifting water retention. I would recommend only considering weight variation of 4-5 lbs or more.
  • Olive oil, like fish oil, is the good fat. Embrace it, and don't let the high fat count bother you. The Omega 3s are counterintuitively excellent in bringing down your bad cholesterol, raising your good cholesterol, and generally bringing down your triglyceride levels. It's also good for blood pressure.
  • Give yourself a variety of exercises, otherwise your body plateaus and treats it as the norm.
  • Now, my skin has never been the top contender for insensitivity. On the contrary, I have a history of fairly sensitive skin. But it's never been nearly as bad as these last few years. It's only localized on my legs: behind my knees, between and behind my thighs, and sometimes behind my calves. Sometimes I scratch so much…