

  • EDM and some old school Rap for running/biking and Rock for lifting (System of a Down does wonders for me).
  • Hi there, here are my thoughts (disclaimer: not a pro at this, don't even want to think I know anything scientific about my method but here it goes). I work at a desk, about 10 hours a day and for the most part don't move much during the day while working. I set my goals for sedentary but workout 6 times a week. I do also…
  • Great idea OP. Can I ask based on your personal taste what you would rate it out of 10?
  • Was thinking the same thing. Got myself a launch edition also with all the bad feedback for One it seems that PS4 might sell out and be the hot item. I don't really need to sell mine but if some rich dude offering like $1500 for it I'd be an idiot not to upgrade my gaming rig instead.
  • Dream job: Consulting > Start my own firm Actual job: Financial Analyst
  • 25, but I see where you would think of the 22 :) (it's actually my birthdate) Second the @babyblues being 25
  • Great article, I enjoyed reading this. I find myself in this situation a lot. If we go out to eat and I decide on a salad instead of my usual (pre-MFP) food then I get questions to live a little. Well living a little is what got me to this point so that's really all I ever have to say. Stay strong people, understand that…
  • All suggestions above are great for this. Especially the frozen bottle, that's a must for me twice a day (morning and evening after work). Also on my off days for C25K (On Week 7 Day 2) I tend to swim which is a pain free way of cardio.
  • Can really see a big difference! Great job, keep it up.
  • I kind of feel the same way. I'm not sure why but I was a fan of FFXIII even though it killed the franchise for many. Yes it was linear but still awesome in it's own way. The monster hunts were very fun and wish they expanded on that a bit more to make it more open world.
  • I love pc gaming myself but really miss all the exclusives consoles get. It is the only part of me that wishes I still had one. All that said, Ps4 all the way for me too, Xbox is just plain creepy.
  • With PS finally requiring PS+ for online play for all people I think I am going to switch also. I always hated the free online for PS, it was terrible because everyone would use it often flooding the place with people who were really bad (no mic) etc. I always loved Xbox for that one reason they forced you to pay to play.…
  • Nothing seems worthwhile yet. I might wait for it to drop a bit in price.
  • Feel free to add, I usually use my phone so see the updates quite often. Only time it's hard to update is weekends when I am off doing stuff. Been at it for years, finally got serious about 2-3 months ago and this time I've made more progress than ever before. Down 22 pounds since, 40ish to go (for healthy BMI but not sure…
  • I've gotten this a lot (also the opposite where they say you lost so much). Best thing is to just chalk it up to ignorant people who don't understand what you have gone through. Keep on living on!
  • FFXIV ARR - for it not to suck like alpha/beta from original launch. When I quit the game had made some serious strides but still no beta access. Friends been telling me it's pretty good so let's see if it lives up to the hype.
  • It's not that the used game part pisses me off (I don't normally buy used games so not really worried, plus dude it's 2013, gamestop's used price = Amazon's new price). The part that get's me is borrowing games, I used to often share games with little cousin, his parents won't buy him everything so he would just take my…
  • There was that crazy Kinect game I played a while back (initial stages) where you were basically in some obstacle courses. Crazy fun game, that was a good time however the best times were our family Wii tournament for Boxing game on Wii Sports. I can say that a 11 year old girl kick my BUTT hard in the finals...
  • Great story and congratulations on this awesome feat! Keep up the good work.
  • Age: 25 Height: 5'7 CW: 195 GW: 150
  • Typically morning for running (c25k days) and lifting, and evening for swimming (helps me relax and sleep better). Weekends whenever I want but do get it in. Also weekends usually dedicated to play bball and golf.
  • 45 for me. I don't anticipate reaching that goal until end of this year or maybe early next year. This process has taught me **** happens just have to get back on track as fast as possible and continue this new way of living. No reason I should ever resort to crappy eating habits even if I can't exercise due to any reason.
  • Another great cardio workout on off days is swimming. It is low impact (no impact really) so it works very well. I am on Week 6 and find that swimming helps me recover more than what I used to do which was walking/elliptical/etc. Also second the weights idea, can't hurt to maintain some muscle mass while doing heavy cardio…
  • Definitely see a difference. Keep up the good work. As previously stated you do look younger and livelier (never ever had the need to use this word before but it works here).
  • bump for that dude's blog link. found a bunch of good recipes on there.
  • bump for l8r
  • So after a couple weeks of stalling out I found what worked for me. This does not mean this will work for you but you could try. Change is sometimes what the body needs to see some results, what I ended up doing was cutting a bit more in calories, I stuck to a normal 1500 calorie diet eating 100% of exercise calories back.…
  • There are some drills you can do to increase your technique and breathing. I found when I first started I was like you sucking wind after a while, it takes some time to get that endurance going (approx. 2-3 months before I could swim 10 laps nonstop consistently, 40 laps during one period). The drills are mainly side bar…