JennyBanker Member


  • By no means am I anywhere near to being thin yet, but when I try to imagine myself thin I can't. I am now down to the same weight I was in highschool. I have been overweight for as long as I could remember. I am scared of how I will look. I am scared at how I will feel when people look at me. Already people are just so…
    in Scared Comment by JennyBanker June 2008
  • I am a stay at home mom and I run my own Daycare. I love children and I love my job. It can be a headache at times but Those little smiles and all those hugs are well worth it all. My husband works in warehousing full time and he started his own business as a financial consultant. Once he builds his business up he will do…
  • I am just going by what this website says about how much protein I eat. It seems almost everything I eat has protein even dry cereal.
    in protein Comment by JennyBanker June 2008
  • I try to make good choices in what I eat but I keep going over my protein count. What can I do?
    in protein Comment by JennyBanker June 2008
  • Like you I always wanted one but the commitment of one was something I was not sure of. Well both our boys are born under the same zodiac sign, the aries. The are five years apart but their birthdays are 15 days apart in april. So I told my husband for our anniversary I wanted the sign of the Aries to represent our boys.…
  • I am sorry to sat this but just becuase he helped make a baby does not make him a man. sounds really immature to me and needs to do a alot of growing up. I think you both need counciling so you both can do what is right for your little boy. Good luck!!
  • You can get them at walmart for under 20 dollars.
  • I drink lots of water and i own my own daycare. So I get a good workout just taking care of the kids. The water I drink when i get a craving and also I drink i big cup of water with every meal. It helps keep me full so i dont have to eat all the time and I have cut down my portions. You know what they say eats less move…
  • well not that new. I have been on here for two weeks and I love it. This site is so easy to use and it really helps me figure out what to eat each day. So far I have lost 10 lbs since april 4th. 2008. I have along way to go but it seems to be getting easier but there are and there will always be bumps in the road. :smile: