Matiara Member


  • I have the opposite problem, but I feel your pain. I'm an inch taller than you and when I gained weight, it mostly went to my middle and my bum. I hardly gained anything on my legs. Now my thighs are back to my pre weight gain measurement of 19"(mid thigh), my butt is getting smaller, and my waist is around 30 in. Jeans…
  • The methods that a lot of BB coaches use may be aggressive and annoying, but ultimately, they can't force anyone to buy anything. All advertising is manipulation and if someone falls for it and buys a product while having unrealistic expectations, it's on them. With that being said, I own three of Beachbody's programs. I…
  • I have a friend who judges a woman's dateability by their feet. He looks at sandaled feet in the summer because he says that any woman can get a manicure, but a pedicure "truly" shows a woman who cares about her body. He's also freaked out if the second toe is longer than the big toe. And yes, he's completely serious. I…
  • Seriously. Someone being thin doesn't mean they don't eat. It reminds me of the ignorance I used to encounter in my young adulthood. I've been 5'11" since I was 16 and from that point to my late 20s, I weighed between 125-140 pounds. It wasn't something I aspired to, it was just my body's set point. I didn't even care what…
  • Progress. It can actually be demotivating for me. I lose a few pounds or certain clothes get looser, and I feel like I can let up on my routine. Whenever I get to feeling that way, I try on a couple of pieces of clothing from my goal size to remind me that I still have a way to go.
  • If a woman doesn't want visible muscles, it doesn't bother me. It's a personal choice and it doesn't affect my body. I just think most women (in the general population) want to be thin or fit into a certain size/be a certain weight and don't necessarily want to look muscular/ripped. I don't think the majority of them can…
  • None of them represent what I want to look like, actually. I'm 5'11", have a 35-36" inseam, and an hourglass shape. I aspire to get my measurements back to 36-26-36 and my ideal is size 6 self from 1993-2009 before I gained weight. That said, if I had to pick a celeb for inspiration, it would be Jordin Sparks from her…
  • Ham Stuffing Scalloped potatoes Green beans Sweet potato pie Honestly, I've never gorged myself on Thanksgiving. I'm stuffed when I fill my plate with one portion of each of the above and I go back for seconds when I'm hungry again in 5-6 hours. In any case, it's only one day.
  • 5'11". Currently 185, my goal is the low 150s, but I would be happy at 160. Whatever weight puts me in a size 6 again. :)
  • I've experienced this as well. I never had cellulite, gained almost 30 pounds in 18 months and still didn't have cellulite. When I started working out again and my legs started getting their definition back, I developed these weird fat pockets on my thighs. I've noticed that at times they will look worse and then suddenly…
  • Hmmm. Perhaps this is what happened in my case.
  • It doesn't make logical sense to me either, but here's what happed to me. Around 10 years ago, I had 15 pounds to lose. I'm 5'11" and was trying to get from the 170s into the 150s. I was "eating right", eating 1100-1300 calories per day and exercising 5 days a week. I did weigh and measure my food and write down what I…
  • I'm not doing a specific program, but I own Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and Brazil Butt Lift. I do Turbo for cardio 5 days per week and I do the Stretch 40 workout at least once per week (I need it badly). I'm not crazy about Sculpt 30 and Tone 30, but I do use Upper 20 and Lower 20 frequently. For BBL, I'm not crazy about…
  • That's the other thing that concerns me. I have peanut butter on crackers every morning when I get to work and I *know* I'm off on the peanut butter most days. PB is too calorie dense a food to play guessing games with.
  • I'll be investing in a digital food scale in a couple of weeks mainly for measuring rice and pasta. For rice, even using the cup measurement for two servings shown on the box, I always, *always* end up with more than two servings cooked. The same for macaroni, rotini, etc. And for spaghetti, the box says a serving is two…
  • 5'11", 150-155. I'm a size 6 in that weight range and that's where I want to get back to.
  • I was at my goal two years ago and for most of my adult life, so I definitely remember it. What I don't remember is gaining the weight. It's like I went from a 6/8 to a 14 overnight. It took 18 months, so I know it was not overnight, but it seems like it was. I still don't understand how I could have gained 7 inches each…
  • Marking so I can find this at lunch time on Tuesday. If it survives. And to think that I wasted my lunch time today on the starvation mode fight on the general board. :grumble:
  • I agree with your sentiment, but having experienced it from the other side (tall and small framed), we get crap about our body type too. It may be presented as the ideal by the media or what not, but in real life, I been getting dirty looks from other women and comments like "do you eat?" since I hit my full adult height…
  • I was feeling this way a few weeks ago. I've lost weight and dropped almost two sizes in the past few months, but my stomach still looks roughly the same to me. When I started, my waist was my second largest measurement, but my body is primarily losing fat from my legs, butt, and chest. However, clothes don't lie and this…
  • My goal is to improve my internal health and outward aesthetics, so it is about weight (fat) loss to me. I gained nearly 30 pounds in 18 months, am carrying an abundance of visceral fat in my abdomen, and my blood pressure went from perfect to prehypertensive. Both my parents have diabetes and high blood pressure, as does…
  • When spring rolled around and I pulled out my warm weather clothes. I couldn't get any of my shorts past my thighs or butt, could not get any of my dresses over my bust without a fight, and I had "outgrown" several of my skirts. When I tried on my tighter fitting t shirts and tank tops, it was back roll city. Buying a pair…
  • 5'11" with a 33 inch inseam. Obviously my height is all in my legs. :) I also have very long arms and while long sleeved shirts made for tall women hit me at the wrist, they are too long on my body. My one and only trip to a Tall Girl store was a major disappointment. I just buy regular tops and live with the sleeves…
  • DNA. I'm 5'11", have a small frame, long arms, a defined waist, and a 33 inch inseam. Before I gained weight, I was a size 4-6 and people would ask me if I modeled. And yes, I realize that in the wacky world of fashion modeling, size 6 is trending toward "plus size" nowadays, but to regular folk on the street, that's thin.…
  • I'll join you in the anomaly club. The only time I feel jealous when it comes to other women is when I see someone with fabulous hair and I'm having a bad hair day. :laugh:
  • Thanks to all of the supportive replies. To clarify, I am not unhappy about. It's not bothering me. I'm analytical and I'm simply perplexed because I can't wrap the my mind around the differences I'm seeing and feeling being only a four pounds' difference on the scale. I don't care about the scale number if my results keep…
  • 5'11", though my profile says 5'10" just to be safe. :) Starting weight: 193 Current weight: 189 Goal Weight: 150-160 I actually have goal measurements of 36-26-35 and a goal size of 6, so whatever weight I hit those measurements is fine. In my experience, that's around the 155 mark.
  • Both my parents have it, along with both my grandmothers, and a couple of aunts. Hypertension and heart disease also run in my family. I don't live in constant fear of it, but I am taking steps to prevent it. I gained 30+ pounds in two years and 7 inches on my waist. My vanity wants my belly gone, but seeing my mom having…
  • Every time I read one of these threads, I think of how my mom would kill to have this problem. She's a 38J and has been trying for years to convince insurance providers to cover a reduction to no avail. Even evidence sent to them from multiple doctors showing the havoc they are wreaking on her frame doesn't convince them.…