ElkeKNJ Member


  • Mohow!, @opalwisteria : groeten terug uit Heule
  • It might be that you are eating more than you think, by not weigheing your food accurately, or it might be that your body is holding onto water as you just recently started a new and intense workout routine, but, as atypicalsmith just said: just be patient, you are doing great. Keep at it.
  • Me too! In West-Vlaanderen. Welcome!
  • Sheer vanity for now
  • OP, you remind me of myself, but this time around, I am taking the advice offered by the wisest people on MFP. If you have no health issues, calories in/calories will do the trick. Don't aim high, so you get a managable deficit. Eat your biscuits, logg them. Be as accurate as you can, be carefull to weigh definitely the…
  • Leslie, same here. I love eating and drinking too much, whilst my husband has always been athletic, and always stops eating before he is full. He often voiced that he wants me a bit slimmer, and I guess he's the reason I never become obese, just overweight. This app will help you, but you'll have to be patient and…
  • started week two this morning (after a double rest day, oeps). Now I'll have to do a 12-day stretch, no resting days in between.
  • 30 pounds, just doing Insanity and eating at a deficit? Great! that would take me right to my goal weight. @angielisa75 : waw, you are in a different league altogether!
  • @fattybelly, don't get discouraged, you know you have a task to do as one of my rolemodels. Bad day today, better day tomorrow. I imagine myself becoming like one of the class members on the dvd. I'd love to become like the black lady, but right now, i'll aim for the blonde one that always wears the long pants. @jtf5582,…
  • finished day 5 this morning, but my body is quite sore by now. Jumping jacks with no arms raised, new style... (and spending too much time reading on this website, I have work to do!)
  • How often do you weigh? I now weigh daily, and this morning I am almost three pounds heavier than yesterday. I did not eat 1500 kcal in excess, actually I ate 1200 kcal net, at a 450 kcal deficit. It's just water, please be patient and stick with it. Just be sure to measure al the calorie-dense stuff meticulously, because…
  • I wouldn't skip rest day, I think that they thought long and hard when making this program, and rest days are there for a reason. Where's the rush? Too bad about the Italian dinner getting cancelled, perhaps you can make your own pasta salad tonight, with a glass of wine, to fit within your calories. (I got inspired, got…
  • Hi @fattybellybegone, the chocolate worked indeed, no need for it today, as it was day 4, the yoga-type session. Going to a workout over lunch as well with my friend, the Milon Circle, I don't know if anyone knows this, it is mostly weighttraining. I have been skipping too much, and now she called me out.... I am jealous…
  • It's romantic in a weird way
  • I would like to edit my previous entry, sounds as if I was on drugs...
  • I finished day three, and stuck with it till the end! With a few breaks off course, even during warm-up :) Now, the chocolate thing: I had my piece of chocolate after waking up, and then went into the workout fifteen minutes later. I lasted throughout, though I am a bit disappointed at the taste of chocolate at 5:15 am.…
  • I started yesterday, I have never completed a full round before, and really want to this time. It's fun. My main aim: go to bed early enough, so I can get up at 5:00 to work out. This is day two, but unfortunately could not finish. I really felt depleted of energy. I have done this at 5:00 am before, but never when eating…
  • Emily, I am sorry this thread got hijacked, but if you are looking for a place to start, I recommend you read the announcement threads in the general weight loss section. These are written by people who were really succesful at this. The gist of it is: all weight loss comes from eating at a calorie deficit: less calories…
  • I want to start again tomorrow. Regular Insanity. Furthest I got in the past was three weeks. I would like the challenge. Maybe the accountability will make me stick with it. I am not looking forward to the sore muscles though. But I know from experience: that will be gone by Thursday.
    in insanity? Comment by ElkeKNJ March 2015
  • I'm 5:2, at a 1200 kcal regime, and doing just that: a semi-healthy diet. My first goal is to lose weight, so I guess it 's ok this way. Ultimately, I want to ease into a more healthy lifestyle, but all at once, is setting myself up for a failure again, I think. I've only been back for one week....
  • This site will help and teach you to lose weight. You are allowed a daily budget of food, counted in calories. If you spend no more than your daily allowance, you will lose weight. If your 'wallet' is spent, then you have to wait for breakfast.... However, in your case, your health and even your life is highly at risk as…
  • I am still a bit in denial myself, but sadly yes, it is all about calories in Vs. Calories out. I miss my calories in....
  • If there's a buffet, you can be more in control. you can choose wisely, just don't go back for seconds. As for my husband, he is a foot taller than I am, and a lot more active. It just is not fair, but if I keep up with his eating habits, well, I end up where I am now...
  • I have similar experiences with my husband, but even without him telling me that he would like me to be thinner, I know he does, and actually so do I. It is not a rejection of who you are, but a simple opinion voiced in a conversation that was steered that way. I am sure he loves you at any size. That being said, it can…
  • My husband does as well, but it is not out of ill will. He just likes me better a few sizes smaller, and never had a very good way with words, coming off rude sometimes. We just had a talk about it the other day, and now he leaves me to it. I can get raving mad about his comments, but he does have the truth on his side. If…
  • I am too short for my weight as well, at 5:2, my CW is 148, my goal is 120. I thought MFP never sets your daily goal below 1200 kcal, which for me is 450 kcal deficit from maintenance level, and therefore less than a pound loss per week. I don't think even my 4 year-old eats below 1000 kcal.
  • how much did you gain? And are you breastfeeding? It took me 4 months to lose 20 kg out of the 17 kg
  • Same here! And I am so mad at myself for not staying at my goal weight the last time. I then reached it by losing about 20 pounds, now it's more like 30.... But we'll get there again, and suffering a throat infection at the moment, also helps....
  • To the OP: what your husband did, is unforgivable, it was not even a drunken cheat, but preplanned and deliberate. You are a catch: pretty, smart, kind to others, .... You are way out of his league so don't waste any more of your time on him. Except for perhaps aiding his musical carreer along: Il Castrato used to be very…