Parthus02 Member


  • Hi Tryxx, i joined last week and would be interested in the MFP Sisters group.
    in I'm New! Comment by Parthus02 April 2014
  • Welcome. Feel free to add me. I log in every day!
    in I'm New! Comment by Parthus02 April 2014
  • I have a couple go-to's for the work week: 1. Home made parfait - Plain greek yogurt, blueberries, or blackberries, cashews/almonds (or your favorite nut). You can get the nuts already pre-chopped or you can chop yourself with a food processor the night before. Mix the yogurt and berries and top with nuts. 2. toasted whole…
  • Welcome! Or welcome back! Feel free to add me if you like. We're all about positive motivation on here.
  • Welcome and good luck. I'm new here too (making a profile that is), so feel free to add me!
  • Hi! Just sent you a friend request.
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me. I love positive motivation!
  • Welcome! I'm fairly new to MFP myself (needed to switch to something not costing me quite as much money), but what I've learned from other programs and life in general is: 1. MFP is a tool--just a tool (like all online calculators) that will give you a decent starting point, but should be tailored specific to you and what…
    in Hello Comment by Parthus02 March 2014
  • 28, add if you like
  • While this is good information, your approach for delivery might be unwarranted. I believe the original poster said this was her first time she ever tried a 10 day program and she didn't need the negativity from the poster who claimed she would be back at day 1 without knowing anything about her. I would bet that it was…
  • The HRM should be more accurate than the treadmill because it is constantly monitoring your heart rate, which actually determines what you will burn. Also keep in mind that individuals are on a spectrum when it comes to a normal heart rate--it's a range. So though someone in your height/weight category may have a lower…
  • In addition to everyone being different, strength training can also add muscle, which actually weighs more than fat. You could possibly be gaining muscle which appears to be slowing down your weight "loss." It may be a better measurement of your progress to take measurements of yourself (waist, chest, hips, etc.) to track…
  • Hi I just started today too. I can already tell my problem is not going to be so much my caloric intake, but carbs and sugar. Also looking for some motivation/accountability. I'm planning on doing some zumba to exercise because I love to dance and I'm told it pretty much blasts anywhere from 400 - 1000 calories per workout…