JoshLikesBeer Member


  • I'm 5'9" and I want to stay around 180. Judging by the mirror, I would guess I'm around 15%-17% body fat, and would like to reduce that while maintaining my current weight.
  • Hi, and welcome. I'm some kind of an atheistic pagan something-or-other. Feel free to add me if you like. That goes for others in the thread also.
  • You (and others in this thread) can add me also if you like. I'm on here almost every day. I tend to lose track on the weekends because my activity is so unstructured. Saturday, for example, I loaded, unloaded, and set a ton of flagstone to make a patio, and I have no idea how to count calorie burn from that.
  • I agree with the above two comments. You definitely need to make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet. I have mine set to 30% of my total calories from fat. As far as the scale goes, your weight can fluctuate day to day based on a lot of factors. I usually only weigh myself about once every 1-2 weeks. If I weigh…
  • I make my own yogurt. It's easy, I save money, and I know exactly what's in it. You need eight 1 pint / 0.5 liter jars, a cooler large enough to hold all of those jars, a thermometer, one gallon / 4 liters whole organic milk, and a small tub of the best organic Greek yogurt you can find to use as a starter culture. Heat…
  • As the page title on your profile says, no pain, no gain. You can maintain a caloric deficit without going around hungry all the time if you eat a lot of vegetables.
  • My homebrewing hobby involves a lot of science. I have to know about water chemistry, how various enzymes work, how to work with microbe cultures, learning the fermentation process, learning about the various organic compounds such as esters and phenols that give beers different flavors, etc. I'm in the process of…
  • Nice. I have a Belgian Golden Strong with fresh strawberries and an oak-aged Belgian quadrupel ale that both just got ready. I'm bringing them to share at my homebrew club meeting tonight. Oh yeah, left out part of my strategy. If I'm out at a bar that has drinking and dancing, 30 minutes on the dance floor will completely…
  • Hey, I'm new to this group. Not only do I like to drink alcohol, I also make it (beer), and I belong to three local homebrew clubs where we all share our latest brews with each other. I don't brew or drink many light-style beers either, all high gravity / high calorie stuff. Some of the beers I brew approach 400 calories /…
  • Rounding. Your math assumes that fat is precisely 9.0 calories per grams. It's actually slightly higher. Also, the number is different for different fats, and it can range from like 8.7 to 9.5, depending on how long the chains are and how saturated they are. Edited to add, run your calculations backwards and solve for…
  • Rounding. Your math assumes that fat is precisely 9.0 calories per grams. It's actually slightly higher. Also, the number is different for different fats, and it can range from like 8.7 to 9.5, depending on how long the chains are and how saturated they are.
  • Not sure how she looks but 152.2 watts for 45 minutes means she's got good stamina.
  • It's a bit old school, but I still recommend The Weider System of Bodybuilding by Joe Weider. That guy used to train Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, and a bunch of other famous bodybuilders back in the day. This book explains all of the basics for getting started. I just looked it up on Amazon and you can get a used…
  • It depends on your goals. I'm sure you know that exercise does a lot more for you than just burning calories. The vigorous cardio improves your endurance and makes your heart stronger, and the weight training makes your muscles and bones stronger.
  • Congratulations! I just switched from weight loss to maintenance last week. I still have a little fat I want to lose and I want to add more muscle, but I want to stay around 180lbs for now. You can add me if you want to.
  • I work from home as a software developer. I live in North Carolina, but I work on west coast time because everyone I work with is in California, so I have plenty of time in the morning to do the gym thing.
  • It's good to see everyone else's success stories. We're awesome!
  • I'm fitting comfortably in pants that were too tight six months ago. I need some smaller belts because I have to put the ones I have now on the tightest notch and they are still too loose. I'm using more weight in every exercise in the gym than ever before. I'm getting tons of compliments about how I look now. I'm going…
  • Are you counting your calories? You should lose weight if your calories in are less than your calories out. I started out eating healthy and working out, but I didn't lose any weight because I wasn't tracking my calories. Even though I was eating healthy, I was still consuming too many calories. It wasn't until I started…
  • Hi, I'm Josh. I live in the central part of North Carolina. You can add me if you want to. I have been on MFB since March and I have met my weight-loss goal, so now I'm trying to stay at my current weight while adding muscle. I'm on this app just about every day, except for the days when I'm not.
  • If I'm planning on drinking in the evening, I'll reduce my calories and carbs throughout the day to account for calories and carbs I expect to get from the drinks. Since MyFitnessPal doesn't track alcohol calories, I count them as sugar calories. If you plan on drinking more than one or two drinks, you could do extra…