fitfatty88 Member


  • Just came back from a week long vacation and I have a few NSVs... I didn't beat myself up for enjoying food while on vacation. I didn't really log but I kept myself on MFP daily. Stayed on an island an entire week without a car and walked EVERYWHERE. The beach was about a 1.5 mile walk each way, the brewery we toured was…
  • Before and a during. Old license pic ~290 v today at 250. 40 lbs made a big diff!
  • Way way before and a during. First pic is my drivers license pic where I lied about my weight in December 2013. At the time I think I was around 290. Got on MFP April 2014 at 283, bounced up to 288 in May. Now May 2015 I'm at 250, which is the original license weight I lied about forever ago. :)
  • Ah that's fantastic! I actually just hit the same milestone yesterday. It's been a lower number since I first got my license and now I can honestly say I match my license weight....hoping not for long though :).
  • Your tanktop gives me life. NBA Jam FTW!
  • Finally (finally!) at the weight it says on my license. I've been lying about it since....forever. Technically a scale victory but now I don't feel like I need to whisper or get the disappointing side glare from the DMV employee. lol Easing back into my next round of training after my last half marathon a week and a half…
  • I've been sick all week so I haven't been tracking my best because sick = eat ALL THE FOODS. I still managed a *tiny* loss but most importantly, I'm not ANOTHER notch in on my belt. I may actually need to invest in a new one...
  • OP- Yay for a first half! You'll either love it or hate it and if you're anything like me, will be signing up for another as soon as you finish. I just completed my third half this past Sunday...avi is me at the starting line before everyone corralled. Some tips: 1) Pee. Even if you don't think you have to, go to the…
  • Signed up and 'ran' my first half marathon in May 2014 at my highest weight ever. Ran another in September of 2014 after losing about 13 lbs. Just ran my third yesterday, 35 lbs lower than my weight in May of last year. For me, it's hard to see a difference but I know I feel different. Plus my time improved from last years…
  • Ahh exciting! Fingers crossed you have better weather!
  • Excuse the sweaty grossness in the 2nd pic with the medal...but yesterday I completed my THIRD half marathon! This was my second time running the Cleveland Half and I improved my time by 16 min 16 sec over last year. It was humid and rainy too, I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to make it, let alone PR. :#
  • Now down to belt hole #13. I know I need to invest in a new one but I'm ALMOST to where a L/XL standard belt fits me instead of needing to buy a plus size one. Eep!
  • Same! Even crazier is it's only a pint and it still isn't done. Those used to be 'single servings' way back when.
  • That sounds delish. I like mayo with Belgian fries and they do that at a few restaurants here. TBH I'm not a big ketchup person. They say like 98% of American homes have ketchup, but I'm not one of them. Ranch, Just Mayo, BBQ Sauce and Sriracha. That's all I need.
  • Yessss. Ranch is the BEST. I have to be picky about where I get it from though because a lot of places throw MSG in it (Hidden Valley, Wishbone, etc...). There's a place in Northeast Ohio called Yours Truly that makes their own and it's so so good. The best/worst combo is ranch with Notso fries smoootherrreddd in cheese,…
  • ^ This!! I want to just give all of you a hug. One of the only times I stayed overnight at the hospital was when I had mono when I was 15/16. Celebrated my 16th birthday out of it sick on the couch. Couldn't eat or drink anything like 3 days before Christmas and finally snapped, was bawling my face off and couldn't…
  • Good heavens. I'm so happy I was able to put AdBlock on my work computer. All of my ads before then were in the most interesting one I've ever seen though.
  • I DVR Jeopardy so I'm sure I don't miss it. I would LOVE to be a contestant but feel like I would say something stupid for forget I'm microphoned and swear profusely. I like the getting to know you part of Jeopardy..especially if the contestant is attractive lol... I was on Academic Challenge here in Northeast Ohio when I…
  • It's Avengers dayyyy! I'm going to go see Age of Ultron tonight with family which should be fun. It's casual Friday at work so we can dress down but still look professional. I stopped caring a while ago so today I'm in my Iron Man tshirt. Also my Captain America underoos but those I decided not to wear on the outside of my…
  • System of a Down is my all time favorite band. I listen to everything...when I would do yardwork it'd go from Korn to Backstreet Boys to Eminem during that 19-2000 era... I still do that now though lol.
  • You know reading this message reminds me that thinking of you (I drive myself crazy). You better make that amazing playlist or you'll feel gone, this I promise you. For the girl who has everything...I recommend you include Space Cowboy and Bringin' Da Noise for the ultimate Pop workout mix. (You know trying to make N*Sync…
  • Confession: I've been listening to NSync all day. It started with "It's gonna be me" because of the It's Gonna Be May meme but now I've gotten so deep I'm listening to the Christmas album. I hope my boss can't hear.
  • YurBuds! They're the best. I love Apple everything but their headphones are horrendous for working out...they always pop out of my ears. Yurbuds lock into place and have a great sound. They have ones that wrap around the top of your ear or a traditional earbud style. I can't wear the wrap around ears must be…
  • :D I actually had that happen while I was running my second half. This woman quickly sped up next to me and started talking to me about how our pace was pretty equal and that I was motivating her. She had been training with her sister but her sister dropped out the month before the half. I consider running a very solitary…
  • That's why I mainly run in parks and a greenway corridor instead of on the street. I get into my own head that someone will say something to me even though nobody ever has. In the park though, other runners and cyclists will do 'the nod' no matter how fast or slow a person is going...makes me happy. Not looking to have a…
  • They explained it. Rather Rick was told at the CDC and later told Lori that everyone is infected. And once you die you turn. That's where my curiosity gets the best of there a genetic mutation everyone has as to why certain people still survived while others died? Was there an oopsy somewhere where some people got…
  • Fair point. It's already been shot down that there is CDC involvement considering the season 1 development. It'd be interesting to see if they take the bioterrorism route or if it's more like Planet of the Apes -- the James Franco one -- where it's just one unlucky person who happens to spread it to 5 friends, then they…
  • It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is…
  • One of my top 25 films. Just don't watch the second's horrible.