yungibear Member


  • Interesring. I found myself eating small and smaller breakfasts because I tend to feel very hungry and snacky at night. To offset this, I ate less during the day and feasted at night. I haven't noticed any terrible side effects of doing this, but I suppose it's as how you stated that it is a personal experience.
  • As for the exercising, you don't need to be killing yourself to get an adequate calorie burn! It's totally reasonable to cut a small amount of calories (250-500) and burn a small amount (~200-300). The biggest thing is to stay consistent and STAY ON the wagon, even if things don't look like they are moving along. It…
  • Generally, yes. I still track my food to make sure I'm not going crazy, but a week of eating at maintenance isn't going to hinder my progress too much. It's just a brief pause.
  • I definitely struggle with disordered thinking. It's not quite so severe as an OCD, but I've generally been plowing through the thoughts logically. I've been at this for about 4 months, now, and the thought patterns still pop in and out. As difficult as it may sound, the thing that helped me the most is refraining from…
  • That's how the product works, though. I can't really see there being any other way to calculate the calorie burn without a chest strap. It's meant to be more of a hybrid device that isn't good for any one function, since it does track steps too. I suppose if you are looking for a dedicated HRM, it's a better idea to get…
  • If you like it, go for it. Just be aware that it might be easy to overeat because it's essentially eating rice and air and you may not feel full off of them. Finding snacks that work for you is a trial-and-error process, so try it out and see if it is right for you.
  • That's what I was thinking. Upping protein intake is great. But expecting the act of eating protein to magically make the pounds drop is too high of an expectation. From what I've been learning so far, protein plays an important role in maintaining muscle health and improving satiety. That is how it helps reduce your…
  • It might be helpful to keep in mind that just because you aren't eating fast foods doesn't mean you have a balanced diet. It's very much possible to gain weight while eating "whole" foods because it is still possible to eat past the amount of calories your body needs. Rather than cutting, cutting, and cutting more foods…
  • I have the lifetrak c200 and my dad has this heart rate/oxygen level monitor for your finger. It's not accurate to a T, but it is close by around 5 bpm in either direction. The trick to the lifetrak watches is you have to take your heart rate reading every time you change the intensity of your exercises. If I am not able…
  • ^ I agree with this post. It's extremely unlikely that you will make that big of a deficit even if you increased your exercises dramatically and dropped your caloric intake. The body just doesn't work that way.
  • In for saving this in my thread list! Thank you!
  • In to save this thread for later reading!
  • I think the focus, when it comes to weight loss, is commonly misplaced. What got us where we are, today, are eating habits we developed over the course of our lifetime. It's really difficult to change the way we think. If it were so easy to change habits and control the mind, we wouldn't have so many people coming in and…
  • I felt like I was reading this in my own voice. I haven't used disordered eating to make up for my own situations, but the thought process of being at fault or losing control has definitely appeared several times throughout my lifetime. One of the biggest lessons that was beneficial for me was to learn about healthy…
  • I would like to recommend the two threads forty6and2 mentioned! They definitely got me on my feet when I joined! I also agree that it's a lot easier to focus on calorie goals first. When you find out different foods weigh out in your day, you'll eventually get the hang of your macros in the process. No need to get…
  • I agree that it might be your low calorie intake coupled with increased physical activity. Perhaps you are losing too fast? On days that I eat 1200, I am completely sedentary. You have eaten 3500 calories in your binge, but as the poster above me has said, it is one day. You've lost 12 pounds so far and it's quite an…
  • I haven't really been changing my style, per say, but I've been rediscovering older clothing that had gotten too snug when I was heavier! I just tried on my "interview clothes" and they fit so nicely! I almost want to go to school in business casual, just because I can! :laugh: Otherwise, I tend to wear very loose and…
  • In to save this read for later!
  • I love this! It helps reframe my feelings surrounding my calves. I am quite proud of having small ankles, so I just have to work it! P:
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'm not all that creative when it comes to my hair, haha! I haven't considered putting a braid into a bun before. It sounds like it might be more successful than a regular bun, for me! Back when I was running track in high school, I would attempt to keep it in a bun, but it'd just bounce out…
  • Yes, it isn't a good idea to self-diagnose yourself and say it isn't this or that... since you haven't been trained in medicine. I sure hope everything is okay, though. Please make a visit to your doctor as soon as you can, since it is is pretty hard to have sudden, rapid weight loss and not be intentional about it.
  • Yes, as the other users have already said, drink plenty of water. Your weight loss comes from the calories you put into your body and whether or not you are on a calorie deficit. If you are not logging accurately or are eating over your calorie goals, you will slow down the rate at which you lose weight.
    in water ? Comment by yungibear May 2014
  • Eating "right" will probably not be what you're thinking. It means taking in nutritionally balanced meals that have adequate amounts of your macronutrients (carbs, fats, and protein) and adjusting your portion sizes to match your calorie goal. So yes, eat plenty of "whole" foods like fruits, veggies, grains, and lean…
  • A lot of calorie-dense foods, such as peanut butter, nuts, seeds, cheese, and fatty fishes, also have some important nutrients that you may be missing out on if you only eat "light" or "clean" foods. Try to find a balance between the calorie-dense foods and lighter foods.
  • I had gone under tremendous stress about 3 years ago and I eventually developed a benign tumor in my pituitary gland. There are many different reasons you may not be having your period. I agree with getting blood work, if you haven't already, because it'll help reveal more than just trying to guess.
  • With the mindset you have, you would think that teachers, professors, and other helping professionals would get annoyed by all the repetitive questions they get. It's an opportunity to inform so we can continue growing a community of knowledgeable users. We've all been there, and sometimes, the search function just doesn't…
  • You could try the replacing any butter or oil used for applesauce. I've tried it a couple times. It works best with simple cookies. It'll be naturally sweet from the applesauce, and you can cut some of the sugar. The texture does come out a little more differently, though. It'll be more cakey and crumbly.
  • We don't have a reason to be lying to you. All of us are here to improve our bodies in some way. Lying to each other would not yield the successes that you see among other MFP users.
  • You need to realize that the new users looking for help aren't aware that it is common for people to ask for advice and not take it. The OP in this thread seems to be getting the help she needs and is taking it in. You, and the other people in this thread saying, "Oh, here we go again..." are not helping the effort.