fizzfizz Member


  • best answer I got to the "am I too fat for ..." question came from a doctor friend, I was worried about an outfit and how it hung on me, he replied "too fat for what?" - always stuck with me .. you're never too large to do anything you want to do, I find gym folk particularly supportive too as anyone who is in the gym /…
  • hang in there! ... oh and I eat back EVERYTHING :)
  • Hey, morning! I'm gonna experiment this week anyway so you don't have to :D Don't have your health issues (that's tough) but can't do cardio and my scales are frozen. Just increased my cals a little bit and decreased my expectation of weight loss to half a pound a week using the pre-set calculations so will let you know if…
  • TKMaxx has saved me many an ARGGHHH moment ... still £££ but £11 on a work dress that looked good and made me feel great in May (but is too big now) seems money well spent as I am keen to keep up morale (and get a new job) along the way ... they do a decent line in posh lingerie too at mine - just lobbing the new top brand…
  • it's working for me! both knees are a mess at the moment so it is my 'cardio' - had doubts initially but I am getting results
  • You sound more focused than obsessed but don't forget that if you are active, your body might need a bit more. I pay close attention to the 'extra' calories that MFP allocates when I log any exercise and use them. I like to try and stay near the MFP pie chart in terms of fats/carbs/protein but recognise I like treats.…
  • Two buildings away! Poor you!! Right, am packing for public snacking as am eating breakfast on a long train journey for work tomorrow .. banana and raspberries it is!
  • hey big sympathy on the allergies - that's so rough when you're trying to get fit ... I avoid the changing / shower areas as spray deodorants / hair sprays / really perfumed chemicals make me wheeze for about 48 hours ... I have never thought twice about eating citrus fruit in public spaces, I had no idea, but I will do…
  • Hi - started calorie counting properly in May and joined forums in June as while it's going well on paper (or should that be screen?) a little support is always good! Not that active as injured but long to be so :)
  • Well done for coming back! Sorry to read of your health issues but hey, you've just made a great decision to love your body - nice work ... Am another person doing it for my knees since last month. I had a brush with really debilitating 'ME type' symptoms in the last couple of years too - am 49 and well, hello friend :)
  • Am 5'8.5" and when I weigh 11 stone (154 lbs), I look like I need a Red Cross food parcel - I have usually been ill to be that 'light'. A good weight with muscle strength for me is 11 and a half stone (161 lbs) - popping a pic of me climbing at that weight on my profile because I don't think I look that fat folks! A former…
  • Poised for second monthly cycle with MFP so really noticing some odd quirks that have never been obvious to me before .. I gain weight even though I eat well and keep it for around a week. Er yeah, not rocket science! But this time I notice that because I am trying to keep to the carbs / protein / fat balance pie chart…
  • I am also obsessed! Went out with folks recently and had checked the menu online before we got there to stay on track! Was slightly embarrassed to admit it, as everyone else ordered big hi cal sharing plates and cheesy chips .. so I was the only one eating solo. I don't log in front of people though .. but I do sneak it in…
  • Do get a clear diagnosis. I have a torn medial meniscus and because of where the tear is, I can't run, swim, cycle, X-train without aggravating it just now. Post-surgery and rehab I expect to be back Alpine mountaineering because that's what I have done before. Right now I use the hand cycle and the weight machines (very…
  • mini meringue nest + dollop of full fat Greek yoghurt on top (the really thick kind) with a drop or too of vanilla essence + raspberries or strawberries .. mm cake heaven
  • Well done for starting! You sound active :) Walking works for me and I am not doing any great speeds / distances due to injury, but it gives me extra calories to add add onto snacks every day - which is nice! I wouldn't manage the MFP goals without it. Not exactly a strenuous 'routine' (!) but it all adds up if like me you…
  • Gin and slimline tonic - 56 cals White wine small (125 ml) glass - 90 cals Am enjoying a fine Sancerre right now - cheers!
  • Walking works for me and I am not doing any great speeds / distances due to injury, but it gives me extra calories to add add onto snacks every day - which is nice! I wouldn't manage the MFP goals without it. You're doing really well on calorie counting so you could look at it as a bonus, it's easy too if like me you need…
  • OH FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T SPOT IT, THE NEW GROUP LINK IS HERE BY THE WAY ... do add yourselves Thanks to the brilliant winonauk -
  • Hello - been using MFP for a bit to track nutrition (low iron issues) and for weight loss since 6/5 and have just joined the forums cos while it's going really well, it's hard going! But hey, you know that ;) Need a knee op so won't be able to get that fit, but determined not to be unfit either - I exercise (gently) daily…
  • Thanks for starting this thread - I am keeping it handy for when I start to falter .. because everyone is human. Perfect people never have 'off days' but you know what? Perfect people don't exist. Don't beat yourself up for 'spoiling' a perfect plan, just get on with getting back on track. My resolve comes from injured…
  • Hello from a new joiner .. dropping by a BIT early at 49 and a half years old! Been calorie counting successfully (whoop) since early May but had bad news on Friday as I need another knee operation (I have had 4 and long to get back to the outdoor activities I love but can't do with a bad limp) so am simply keen to stay on…
  • Hello - the thyroid stuff sounds really rough, thanks Alys for sharing your story, you're inspiring! Am someone who has the delusion of being active as I like hillwalking / mountain climbing but I have had so many injuries it's not really true. And I eat as much when uberactive as when I am feeling rubbish about not being…