

  • nope I never looked at a calorie in my life till now..... I probably consumed like 2500 calories a day
  • I'm close to 5'8" and 21 years old. My first goal weight was 140 but I'm at 144 right now and want to go lower. So my goal weight is 130 :)
  • This is the reason I'm a Republican. Our country is extremely too generous about handing out money that we work hard for.... I work at the Postal Credit Union and it is insane what some of these people get disability for.... Like one guy got a cut on his head in that navy from the barber and now gets almost three grand a…
  • The most mine has ever fluctuated was 3 pounds... after a day loaded with salt.. lol 8 pounds seems like a lot to me
  • Ok, so my husband wanted to start running in the afternoons when its ranges from 105 to almost 111 here... My thoughts is that hot it almost becomes dangerous... but what do ya'll think?
  • wow, I can't believe you would even offer something 4 calories over.. what are we trying to sabotage her? haha :)-
  • haha sounds like a traumatic experience :)-
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • hahahahahaha ok now thats funny
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • ya I heard they have even been opening some ski resorts back up because of all the snow fall! you should send some of that moisture down to Texas... haha its sooooo dry down here its crazy. We usually go to Red River NM and go camping in july... its a blast and sooo nice not to be a 110 degrees haha
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • Thanks! He is still such a big baby, lol. I wish I was trout fishing where you are! Its so beautiful up there!
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • I agree... I love and respect animals and I love my dog to death... but if it came down to it..... its still just an animal.
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • haha I had my first fried mountain oysters last week, and I must agree they were quite good :)-
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • I kill most of my own meat that ends up on my plate.... so I guess I get to join the educated crowd? haha
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • They do not grow chickens to where their legs break..... I raised 14 pound chickens for FFA when I was a little kid and their legs never broke.... I'm sure they don't grow them that big because they are too tough to eat at that point... Most chickens have a problem in how their feet grow, some kind of gentic condition…
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • Animals were put on this earth for us to eat.... simple as that. Yall can cry all day long about animal cruelty, but at the end of the day we were made to eat meat... canines and everything. why defy nature?
    in Meat Comment by chantel14 June 2011
  • awesome!!! good luck! :)
  • my husband started to pick fun at my belly... lol
  • It's definitely better than sitting on the couch!!! I like to ride mine for an hour of so while I watch tv but I don't ever notice my heart rate getting too high on it either.
  • muscle does not weigh more than fat!!! a pound is a pound. Its more likely water weight, when you start a new workout routine its often, your body holds on to extra water to help repair your muscles. It should start going down in no time. :)
    in GAINED???? Comment by chantel14 May 2011
  • fat free italian dressing tastes JUST like the original. like seriously you could blind fold yourself and do a taste test and never be able to tell the difference.
  • yummy I love taco bell! I use to get a Cheese Quesadilla and a beefy five layer burrito which came out to a whopping 1020 calores before MFP. Holy smokes!!! haha so now I get two fresco steak tacos for only 300 calories. I'm a firm believer we can still eat the things we enjoy, but there are healthier options out there :)-
  • hopefully the lion wins :)-
  • coffee is good.... the caffeine is suppose to help speed up your metabolism
  • haha, this conversation always gets so heated!!! :)-
  • I LOVE camping but thats just me :)- me and my hubby go at least once a month but I don't worry too much about what I eat because I'm 10x more active during the day hiking and fishing so I feel like I'm burning most of it off.
  • haha the biggest bald eagle Id ever seen !!
  • I still eat mac and cheese :( I just don't put butter in it and use skim milk and only eat one serving.
  • Try just eating half of your exercise calories back for a week and see if that helps... are you logging your calories via the website or a HRM? because this site estimates your calories burned a little high...
  • I'm 5'7" so skinny to me would be 130 pounds.... I have 15-20 lbs to go... :)
  • HEB makes a light sausage, so I usually make a egg, sausage and spinach breakfast burrito with whole wheat tortilla. Its really good :)