CelticHippo Member


  • Thursday Truth - I have realised something about myself that has to change but I am not sure that I want to change it, so a lot of soul searching is needed...
  • @RobinsEggs - Believe me my weekends are not always as fun as the ones this August have been, it's just that everything seem to land on weekends in August. The wedding I am attending this weekend is the last big event for a long while. Sorry but I did not make a mental (or physical) note of the person who said about…
  • Belated Monday Check In - Weighed myself and again no change, but this is good as we were away again this weekend...another boozy/food filled affair. However it was the last one of the year, so I can really get myself back on track. Tuesday Goals - Continue with five 30 minutes exercise per week and at least one protion of…
  • @vidvox (I suspect) Like many people on here I have tried all sorts of variations, some with success, some without. I have ended up calorie counting as the best option for me. I have then just slowly tweaking the food I consume to be healthier, such as ensuring I eat at least one portion of fruit/veg with each meal…
  • Wednesday Wish: This week is going to have to be to get through the Sealed Knot event this weekend without to much damage. Food should be ok, as we do our own cooking on the camping bit, it will just be the booze I have to be careful of..
  • @regojess congrats on the loss and good luck for school @jtconst I had to re-reads your post a couple of times as I read WI and thought you were refering to Womens Institute, so I got confused...I really need to get my head in order sometimes. @Helena Sorry about your friend, although if she does ask it is none of her…
  • You know I was wondering what NSV means as well. Can anyone enlighten me as well?
  • Monday Check In - So last week wasn't good and Saturday was a disaster food and drink wise...however it was interesting as I logged everythink I ate and drank on a day when I go to watch a rugby match and it was a slap in the face which made me realise how much I was consuming on these days (over 5500 calories). One good…
  • Just a quick message before I head to a family dinner...I just wanted to say Thanks to Robin for letting me know about the new thread.
  • Friday Fitness: I have made the gym for the last four days and am planning to go again tomorrow before the rugby match (I'm watching not playing)
  • Just watching tonight and pies, they did pies.....these I have to try... ohhh grrrlface have a look on the bbc website, some of the recipes should be on there as well as in the book
  • I recently came back from a lovely week camping in Dorset and my main indulgence was the meal we went for at the Wild Garlic restaurant (this is one run by Mat Follas if there are any Masterchef fans on here)
  • The list of 10 things I've learnt that Joe added to the thread is great. So Wednesday Wish - this one is non-weight related, but it is to start making sales on my etsy store, and another nutrition type one, that I can work out where my stop drinking alocohol button.
  • I have completed this at the gym, I'm so glad I did this
  • I am up for this mini challenge, especially as I am about to head out to the gym...I just realised that I am actually excited asbout the prospect of an exercise challenge.
  • Good Morning Tuesday and even its only 9am it is a good Tuesday, so this is a late addition to my earlier Monday Check In (which I think is on the last thread), but I weighed myself this morning and 7lbs down on last week....so, so happy but bemused as well (no way I should have lost this much with the over eating/drinking…
  • So jealous, although the book is bought I have not tried any of the recipes yet as I am waiting for my husband (the cook, believe me I should never been allowed to cook at all) to look through, then we can get some into next months plan
  • So I have posted earlier today, but need to keep this thread. So I thought I would take the opportunity to thank everyone who posts in this thread as it really is helping me at the beginning of this journey.
  • Monday Check In: So I am at home today and have not managed to get out to the gym today (i have someone in clearing the triffid enclosure that is the garden...while I am filling in my tax return and doing the laundry from the festival and our holiday before that....such a fun day I am having). Tomorrow I weigh myself,…
  • so I have just caught up after being at a festival for the weekend (and my phone died so I couldn't log), so Friday Fitness...not much as at the festival, but did make sure I walked round the festival field several times Sunday Share: So I am a 36 uear old who is back trying to lose weight and now that the festival is over…
  • @Bohemian...the bar does cause havoc, and we (hubby and I) have said we are trying Leons this weekend as it is the only food stall at Cropredy that we have not tried over the years. I hope you have (had) a good weekend (as you may be reading this after you get back). Thursday Truth - I drink to much alcohol to ever be good…
  • Wednesday Wish: That a new low fat food stall appears at Fairport Cropredy Covention this weekend
  • Tuesday is goal update day, well as I have just returned to mfp and started using the forum I supposed I should set my goals for August...so: Exercise: 5 x 30 minutes sessions each week Nutrition: At least one portion of fruit/veg with each meal Lets see how I get on with these
  • They did day in the program and they also have the calorie per serving in the book as well.
  • I have always loved the Hairy Bikers and their food. Currently just watching the first episode of this as I recorded this on my Sky+ box, plus I got the book from Amazon. It looks like it is going to be inspiring and the recipes in the book look lovely,
  • well, hobbies wise I have all sort of craft hobbies including Knitting, Crochet, Cross Stitch, Beading, Sewing, Drawing and currently learning lace making and pyrography. Also enjoy reading, camping and watching rugby
  • I am UK based, Northampton in fact, and have just started to become active on the mfp forums as I think support is the key. I have previously used mfp for logging but I am just about to start getting back into that.
  • Week 3 Weekly Goal: 2000 Mon: 536 calories burned (1 Hours split between Recline Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill) Tues: 537 calories burned (1 Hours split between Recline Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill) Wed: 526 calories burned (1 Hours split between Recline Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill) Thur: calories burned…
  • Week 3 Weekly Goal: 2000 Mon: 536 calories burned (1 Hours split between Recline Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill) Tues: 537 calories burned (1 Hours split between Recline Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how…
  • Week 3 Weekly Goal: 2000 Mon: 536 calories burned (1 Hours split between Recline Bike, Cross Trainer and Treadmill) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they…