artschoolgirl Member


  • Hello Everyone! Today I'm feeling a bit down, exhausted, and just yucky overall...I had my doctors appointment yesterday and he said I'll have to go back to the hospital on Sunday to have some draining done because he thinks there may be lots of blood forming under my swelling. I think I'll just feel better once that is…
  • Thanks Arienna!! Putting the pictures up made me feel a bit better because I was seeing myself as a lot larger. I'm very excited to see the swelling go down & hopefully a lot of that will happen on Sunday when the doctor drains this trapped blood...gross haha Thanks for your support!!!
  • New pictures are posted, but beware, they are a bit scary!! I just got back from the doctors office & he thinks there may be some blood trapped in all my swelling & i'll have to have a minor surgery to repair this on Anyways, I'll post more as the days go by! Thank you all for your support! It's a bit…
  • Hey again everyone! Surprisingly, I'm feeling really great! The muscle repair is what makes me a bit uncomfortable, but overall, it's super enjoying just laying on the couch hehe. I just got a small peak at my results while i was laying horizontal at the hospital & it looked strange, like my stomach had caved it. I was…
  • i'm back home after some minor complications left me in the hospital overnight. i feel good but havent got a full view of the results yet. i'll post more later. thanls again everyone!
  • Wow!! You totally deserve a "mommy makeover"! That's amazing! Well, I live in Calgary & did my research by looking for local plastic surgeons in the area & then narrowing down by doing more research in to what other people had said about their results and experience. I think the website is or somethign like…
  • I've read that you should try and tie it in with any other surgeries, if possible. This will save you money on the anesthesia, which is about $1,500 and the hospital fees, which are about $1,000 for me. I wanted to get the nice boobs and an inner thigh lift, but paying back student loans only allowed for me to do one at a…
  • Wow!! I'm so amazed how sweet + supportive everyone is! Thank you for sharing your experiences and kind words :) I'm on the 24 hour countdown!!!!! I think it really hit last night when I took my before pictures & posted them to my blog. My boyfriend took the pictures & I don't think he had ever really saw me that raw. He…
  • Once again, thank you all so much for your support! I´m getting soooooooooo excited at the thought of being able to see my belly button for the first time and not having these roles that go on for days haha. I´m also thrilled about the two weeks off work! Right now i´m focusing more on the excitement from the time off!!!…
  • Thank you so much everyone! It's so nice to have the support of people who have an understanding of the weight loss journey & the highs and lows that it brings. I will be posting as much as I can to share my results. I'm very excited but I'm so busy right now in the time leading up, I barely have time to think about it! In…
  • You should be able to lose weight at a good pace in 5 months. I just want to let you know that you shouldn't lose weight for just an occasion, you should do it for you and the long run!! Take your time!! Work your way in to a comfortable routine so that you'll have long term weight loss. Don't do anything crazy to drop…
  • My boyfriend and I were were literally JUST talking about this minutes ago. I'm undergoing a tummy tuck next month & my breasts also deflated quite a bit. I'm sitting in the C cup region, which would be fine but they are a little saggy & not as full. I would say that a great present for yourself for your success would be…
  • So fantastic he could do this at a young age & realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle now rather than later & especially before he heads of for college! what a great role model he has for a mom!! Keep up the great work!
  • It depends on how long the skin had been stretched & just overall genetics I think too. I took 4 years to lose my weight, a good pace with good diet & exercise the whole way through. I am going to have a tummy tuck in January because I have LARGE amounts of skin sagging from my stomach. I'm only 23 but was overweight my…
  • That darn Starbucks!! They just built one right next to my apartment building! Darn those yummy, yummy oat fudge bars & my sweet tooth! Don't deprive yourself, just make it a small treat from time to time. Just keep it on the small size and you'll be okay!
  • That is fantastic!! Great work & you're doing it at a great pace!!! Keep us updated with more pics & progress!
  • Yes! An anonymous donor would be great about now! Paying $1,000 a month in student loan bills & all the other life things that require money make it hard for me to get ahead. I'm making a big sacrifice because the tummy tuck is something that i've been planning for 3 years. I can't live one more day with the amount of skin…
  • Hmmm...that always works for me but there's no notification or message in my inbox. Hmmmmmm
  • I didn't receive your message :frown: I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as i receive it :)
  • Thanks! As you get closer to your goal weight you'll begin to see the loose skin. For me, my stomach looks like i need to lose another 50 lbs :noway: The most important thing is getting the weight off and that you're healthy & active :smile: Oregonlady you made me laugh! I've been trying to get creative, like how I can…
  • Thanks so much! Calabrdm, I would love to keep in touch through our journey! I'll be a month behind you, but it would be good to see one another progress. I've been thinking about keeping a blog of the whole process with pictures & day by day kind of diary of the surgery & recovery. Yah! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  • I made this last week for Canadian!!! I didn't add water, but i did use 2 eggs. I'm making it again this week so i can bring them to the office. I've been raving about them so everyone has been urging me to bring some in! I think i'll do cupcakes this time!
  • Wow!! I love checking in on this thread from time to time! Everyone is doing such a great job!! It's incredibly encouraging & supportive. I would highly encourage anyone who has not yet posted their pictures, no matter how far along you are in your weight loss journey, to do so!! Keep up the amazing work everyone!!
  • Hi there! For me, I've lost around 115 lbs now & my weight is kinda where it wants to stay. I'm 23, 5'10" & 155 lbs. I have sagging and have large amounts of excess skin. I am a gym rat & smart about what I eat. I think it depends on how long you have been overweight & genetics. I've been negated by members on MFP saying…
  • This recipe was beyond amazing!! We baked it as a cake & enjoyed it. It worked out well for Thanksgiving desert tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!
  • No need to penny pinch for calories. You can be sick and not feel guilty about heading to the gym or squeezing in a workout. If you really want to get a bit of a workout while staying at home, pick up a couple soup cans and do some light weight exercises. Feel better soon!
  • Weight loss takes a while, especially when you don't have much to lose. Try mixing up your exercise routine, alternate jogging for 5 minutes and getting your heart rate up, walk for 5 and alternate back and forth. If you can't afford a gym membership, splurge on an exercise dvd or something along those lines to help boost…
  • Take your time!! I took 4 years to lose my weight & it made it an easy transition to healthy living. Set small goals. Start off by slowly cutting back on the things that are your downfall. Introduce more walking where you can. Buy a couple of dumbbells. Then start introducing more fruits and veggies. Once you're…
  • Mine is mostly around my stomach, LOTS around my stomach. My back, arms, breasts, and inner thighs could use a lift, but i'll just stick with the tummy tuck for now. Way to go Marsbeauty on the loss :smile: I think everyone who has put in the work deserves anything that will help polish them to feel fully beautiful. I know…
  • Hi there :smile: Well, it's not going to be cheap, about $10,000-$11,000 Canadian. I've been saving & ready to go! My story is similar to yours, obese as a child & l lost the weight at the end of my teens/early twenties. I've worked with a trainer & now working extensively with tonight & weight training. It does make a big…