alereck Member


  • I think that most people who gain back is because they count calories in a way that is not sustainable in the long run. If you are miserable while counting calories then you are just doing it wrong. You shouldn't be depriving yourself of anything, sweets or fast food. I don't; but you cannot binge either. I think if you…
  • You never know how many calories you are burning, it's a big estimation. Some people choose to do it and it's fine but I don't do it. It's much simpler to eat the same amount of calories every day so that you can make the appropriate adjustments when needed. Your daily calorie goal is also an estimation, it's a starting…
  • There is no difference. I count what I eat no matter what time of the day it is. When I'm working 13 night hours straight I tend to eat more meals to stay awake but then I go home to sleep for at least 4 hours and many times I wake up and I am not hungry until later, so I skip a meal on a time I would usually eat. It…
  • I use another website and based on your stats it gives out about 2,000 - 2,200 but this is always just a starting point. I would recommend eating the same amount of calories daily and leaving exercise out of the equation (I mean, do exercise just don't worry about calories burned). That way if you do not see results you…
  • I always tell people who asks about my weight loss that it's all about where you are in your life. Sometimes you need to focus your time and energy on something else and that is ok. I know it's hard but try to focus on just enjoying the time with your baby, it goes by so fast. He is very young, once he grows up a little…
  • Thanks, I'm gonna try the blender tomorrow. My husband bought a Ninja blender that is suppose to be very good so we'll see how it turns out.
  • I have sweets daily, I make them fit my goals. I bought chocolate cake two days ago and my period will start tomorrow, one slice 240 cals, no problem. Now if you are only having a major issue one day of the month you shouldn't worry. That is not going to stall any progress, periods are tough, just do what you gotta do to…
  • That spells yeast infection to me, and my gym also does not allow them. But hey, if you love them, wear them, who cares?
  • I do too. I have warm milk with chocolate protein shake - hot chocolate for less than 200 cals. Or sometimes I just have chocolate :wink:
  • I don't know anything about eating disorders but the way I can tell if I'm hungry or just craving something is by eating an alternate food. So if I am craving pizza, instead of eating that I reach for something else like a sandwich or a protein. If I am truly hungry I will eat, if it was just a craving I end up not eating…
  • Are you a male or female? This is the website I use: I've input your info as if you were male and to maintain your weight you should be eating at about 2,000 cals. If you want to lose weight then you decrease that by at least 200 depending on how fast you would like to lose…
  • [quote=" I'm 18, I weigh 125 lbs and I stand at 5'6. So I guess my question would be, how much should I really be eating to maintain? and will I gain a lot of weight? [/quote] I'm older than you are but I'm also 5'7 and 123 lbs. I ate at 1200-1400 to lose and once I reached 130 I tried going into maintenance but kept…
  • Most people overeat when they try to "eat back" exercise calories. You could try going by the TDEE method but be careful not to set your activity level too high. That way you would eat the same amount daily, I find that easier to keep track of progress. I've always used that method. Also, you said that it has been only a…
  • Sorry, I'm confused. You said "I've tried the 1200-1500 calorie diet and I failed miserably. Do I have to eat all the 1819 calories or can I try to eat as close to it as possible?" So you are saying that you had trouble staying under 1500 but is asking if you have to eat all of the 1819 as if that would be difficult. Which…
  • You went from -250 to +500, so that's 750 calories above what you usually eat. I'm not surprised you got more energy. I'm not sure why it would take you two years to realize that feeling dizzy and with low energy means you are not treating your body properly but increasing calories is the obvious choice. I'm not sure 750…
  • This, do supersets or 30 reps of medium weight squats in between sets and we'll see if you don't get your cardiovascular system in good working order.
  • I would never be sad if my glutes were hurting.
  • I'm 5'7" and hated my body when I was 155, I'm now 123. It's different for everyone, you are just starting so focusing on a number is not ideal. Get started and in a few months you will know more about where you want to be. My goals have changed in just one year, and I've read on the forums that it happened to other people…
  • I work out a total of 2 hours / week and while I wish I could do more it seems to be enough for muscle building. No cardio. I think you know when you had a good workout. You have to push yourself, not necessarily with higher weights but it has to be challenging. Other than that it's like they say "the only bad workout is…
  • You already got the info you need from these comments but I just wanted to add that I find it very hard to reach 2,000 without eating something high in calories which is usually something processed or considered unhealthy. Once I reach 1,400 – 1,600 I’m pretty much full and done for the day, if I could eat more protein,…
  • I'll keep my daily serving of ice cream, chocolate flavored protein shake, sugary cereal and still have a rockin healthy body. Thank you
  • If you still have 30+ lbs to lose and you are new to strengh training then you will build muscle even if at a deficit. Enjoy this as it will become much harder to gain any muscle when you reach a good body comp. Having said that, even if you are building muscle you should still lose weight if doing this properly. It should…
  • If you want to build muscle 8-12 reps would be best. I've had problems with increasing weight also since the only squat rack at the gym is always occupied, so I'm stuck doing squats with a 70 lb barbell since it's the heaviest I can get over my head. To keep progressing I rotate what kind of exercises I do. For example…
  • I think this is personal. I’ve tried splitting upper body and lower body but my DOMS was crazy after leg day and it was interfering with my daily activities including my time with my kids… anyway. This is what I do: Day 1: Biceps/triceps/shoulders Day 2: Chest / back Day 3: same as day 1 I do lower body in between my…
  • Lindt 70% yum yum
  • I wish I could easily go over my protein daily :\ and I eat meat
  • We have the same stats. I'm 5'7" 123 lbs and I've been consuming 2,000 for a slow bulk. I was able to slowly reach 127 without much fat gain (my current profile pic) but if I stay anywhere lower than 2,000 for a week or two I'll lose again. Thus I'm back to 123 after only two weeks of eating around 1,800. My advice to you…
  • I added about 200 calories every 3-4 weeks and kept an eye on the mirror and the scale. It worked for me.