Erica262 Member


  • I do 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. I usually run in the evenings after work, so I like to have breakfast be about 50/50 carbs/protein, more carbs for lunch and afternoon snack (to fuel my workout) and more protein for dinner (to recover from my workout). I rarely feel hungry by doing it this way and I always feel well…
  • There's a free e-book on Amazon called "Witch Hearts" by Liz Long that's super creepy and awesome. It's about a serial killer who's hunting witches. Don't read it by yourself at night. I also recently read "Born to Run," which is non-fiction and makes me want to be a better runner.
  • This is the greatest success story I've ever read... Thank you for sharing! You are amazing! Please do an update in a few months to let us all know how you're progressing!
  • This lady is full of the crazy. I went to her actual blog to read(/post) comments and this is the "science" she linked me to for disagreeing with her:
  • What is "normal humidity"? I live on the coast of Virginia, so I don't think normal humidity is a thing here. I prefer 80 over 30, then just hop in the ocean to cool off :) Plus I hate dressing in layers. I know you can warm up after a few miles of running in 30 degrees, but I still really hate that initial shock "omg f***…
  • My favorite bread is all bread. I especially like bread that's super crusty on the outside but warm and fluffy on the inside.
  • Me too!
  • Exactly. I could never be with anyone besides my husband. But in previous relationships, I didn't always feel like that.
  • Congrats on your weight loss and especially on the maintenance! That's definitely the hardest part. Thanks for sharing your story
  • Wow! You are amazing! I really appreciate that you posted your Success Story after maintaining for two years. I lost weight several years ago, but didn't focus on maintenance and gained 2/3 of it back. It's harder to lose the second time! Thanks for sharing your story. Truly inspirational.
  • It'd be super if no one else would ever post anything else on this message board because this wins. Nothing else needs to be said.
  • Use the resources you have right in front of you. Like someone else said, just start logging everything you eat and don't think about all the changes you have to make. Just start logging. Then make one healthy decision after another. Use the blog feature of MFP. Do a self-interview. How are you feeling today (physically)?…
  • Although with your speed, this one might be better:
  • I'm no where near that fast, but the training plans on Runner's World (when I actually stick to them) help me improve my time. Here's one:
  • THIS> Ingredients (for two portions): 2/3 block extra firm tofu 2 tablespoons EVOO 2 tablespoons honey 1/2 tablespoon chili powder 1/2 tablespoon black pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon sesame seeds Preparation: Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Press excess liquid…
    in Tofu Comment by Erica262 August 2013
  • We compromise. I'm a vegetarian and my husband is not. I'm good at making dinners that have "toppers," like spaghetti. I'll make the noodles and sauce like normal, and I'll prep meat balls for him and a vegetarian version for me. Or big salad with vegetarian protein for me and meat for him. Taco nights, I'll make beans for…
  • Congrats! This is super exciting! I loooooved my first half marathon. I've done six halves, one full, and a dozen other shorter distances. The half is my absolute favorite distance. Here are my tips... 1. Treat your long runs like practice runs for race day so you can find out what works. Experiment on what to eat for…
  • My diary is open and you can friend request if you'd like. I'm technically a pescatarian though. And I do take a multivitamin (most days when I remember) for iron.
  • I have a large rib cage too. I try not to look at other bodies as a goal and try try to see what my own body is capable of. If my ribs are larger than average, whatev.
  • Great job!!! :flowerforyou: You're an inspiration. Thank you for posting all the information about your "science experiment." I think it gives the rest of us a lot to think about it. And it makes me want to start an excel spreedsheet to track my weight everyday! :)
  • Listen to the advice of the people in the store. Most of them have been working with brides for a while and have seen all sorts of body types. I went in to my first appointment thinking I wanted one style and came out with a completely different idea. Empire waist dresses are flattering because they give you a feminine…
  • That is awesome! I'm very unlikely to ever qualify to run the actual Boston Marathon, but I'd love to visit Boston some day and run part of the course - I want to see Heartbreak Hill in person!
  • You all are amazing :heart: I ran 3.2 angry miles yesterday. Well, the first one was angry. The last 2.2 felt great, probably thanks to my dog and her "run happy" attitude. I plan to run as often as I can and harder than ever with the mantra, "Run for those who can't."
  • • Gender: F • Age: 28 • Starting weight: 170 • Current weight: 168 • Goal weight: 130 • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I did lose weight and get down to my goal, but forgot about maintenance. I want to lose weight because I feel better at a healthy weight, I can run faster, and…
  • Can't say I'd blame her if she did. She asked for advice about where to eat on vacation and got a geography lesson instead. Poor girl.
    in America Comment by Erica262 March 2013
  • Oh and I can also cover Atlanta or Savannah, Georgia. And the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
    in America Comment by Erica262 March 2013
  • Yeah I'm going to attempt to be somewhat helpful too, but you have to say where in America you're going. I agree - don't eat at chain restaurants if you can avoid them. Use UrbanSpoon and/or Yelp to find good local restaurants. (But Olive Garden is definitely better than Applebees by far. Although if I had to pick a chain,…
    in America Comment by Erica262 March 2013