melissalynnlarue Member


  • CONGRATULATIONS!! It's always nice to look back and see where you've come from, hey? Keep it up!!
  • Welcome here!! :) You will enjoy the site. I've only been on for about a week (maybe 10 days?), and I love the site. Congrats on your efforts - you'll be rewarded!! Melissa
  • I'm totally with viviakay - if it's whole body or below the neck, I don't exercise. If it's just a head thing (cold), I usually will at least try. And usually stick with it - because when i exercise through a cold I can *breathe* again! That being said, headaches are never easy to exercise through... I like the advice of…
  • I bought the Amped workout series a few months ago - and it's a MAJOR butt-kickin' workout!! For the first few workouts, I just kept up as best I could - sometimes when he amped it up, I had to do 'regular' time. Now I'm much better at it, but still have a ways to go before it's a *complete joy*, if you know what I mean! :)
  • Does increased exercise seriously cause some water retention?? That would explain something here...
  • I find that I can do cardio without strength - although I prefer to do both. But I can't do strength first and then no cardio... my muscles tense up and I feel restless allllll day long!! My workouts usually consist of a 5-10 minute warmup, followed by about half an hour of strength, followed by another half an hour of…
  • :) I was in the middle of a nice workout downstairs... Boys (sons ages 4 and 2) were napping. I'd done my cardio (rowing machine - love it!)... And decided to shoot for some weights... and my 2-year-old wakes screaming!! So much for a 'good end' with a stretch to my workout... oh well, gotta love 'em... and I'm blessed for…
  • My understanding is that while you can't 'spot-reduce' your weight in any particular area, you CAN tone different areas. I.e., someone was talking about lunges (ha ha - almost typed 'lunches' - guess what I just ate?)... so, lunges and squats can TONE what's underneath the fat... making it *appear* as though you've lost…
  • Welcome! I'm new to the site, too - I've found it really easy to use and navigate, and there is soooo much good help on here!!
  • Okies, I'll join in the fray and bump, too! Great information! I'm pretty new here, so I'm soaking as much info as I can! What a great community this is! Has anyone noticed the 'google ads' above many of the pages/forums... I'm looking at one right now that says "10 Skinny Rules - lose 9 lbs every 11 days by following…