swordsmith Member


  • Sorry to hear that but there is not much you can do but keep trying. My family tried to get me to get healthy for 20+ years- my AHA moment was literally turning on a bathroom light, seeing myself in the mirror (I looked dead), and going- "oh hell no- I am changing my life now". And I never looked back. Almost 2 years ago I…
  • My wife is a retired teacher from Newtown, CT who is now a sub. SHe got called in to sub at Sandy Hook Elementary last Friday but declined as she does better with middle and high schoolers. She was stunned and said she would have been locked in classroom cowering and cursing an administration that would make her leave her…
  • Then that's a tough one. :/ Yeah- I have had the barrel pointed at me before but luckily no bang. I was an 11B. I wish you luck then and hope she never has to use it. I had a friend who was similar- then her house got burglarized, she heard the noise, got up to go looking and ended up raped and in the hospital from the…
  • You posted this up as I was typing. My wife is also a peaceful loving mom- but God forbid you threaten her or her family. She runs a vicious gun. There are no non-lethal rounds. You are not cops and dont have to take a suicidal teen in for help so there is zero reason to to use less lethal rounds. COps use less lethal…
  • Before I start I preface my answers to threads like this by saying take anything I or anyone else says and put it through your bull**** detector. If it doesnt seem right to you then throw it away- I have taken hundreds of hours of training in lethal force encounters and use my BS detector a lot. Ok- let's put this in…
  • UTS-15 http://www.utasturk.com/
  • #6: Sights- they are there for a reason. Use them.
  • 4: Dont pull the trigger on a Glock to disassemble it until you have checked- and rechecked- and checked one or two more times- that the chamber is indeed unloaded.
  • You are not a vegetarian then. You are a flexatarian. Also if you are giving up dairy you would become a de facto vegan. I am unsure what you could be classified as - I would say a flexi-vegan? And your post is confusing - you say you do not want to be vegan then state you do. As for being in the army- I am former 11B…
  • My friends saved me when I was very depressed... literally. If you get my drift. They then held my hand and buoyed me up in the ensueing weeks until I became stable. And there were indeed 5 of them.
  • +1 I approve this message. Will accept cleavage shot in tiny bikini top as safe alternate. BTW - I do think your abs look fab! The hard work has certainly paid off
  • I think when I woke up and she had the knife to my throat pretty much put paid for me.
  • Bah- I never tip my tattoo artist. In fact I usually trash talk him, tell him what a poor artist he is and otherwise make his life hell to include throwing sometinga t his head when I walk in the door. Then again my tat artist is my brother and I am sure that SOB uses the biggest needle he can find....
  • Eat better and exercise more. Output (cal burn) > input (cal intake) Note: Not eat less - if one eats better one can actually eat MORE for the same or less calories.
  • Pig farm ala Snatch. Brick Top: You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. Sol: Would someone mind telling me, who are you? Brick Top: And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no…
  • Can you give just a little more background as to what you do for a job now and what you are looking to do? That would probably help a bit. :smile:
  • In Connecticut you must provide your fingerprints, photo and a certificate that you have passed the basic NRA safety course which takes about 8 hours and requires live fire. In theory you should get your temporary state permit within 8 weeks but depending on the town they can drag it out for 6-9 months for CCW unfriendly…
  • There are numerous womens purses that incorpate a hidden pocket with holster that can be accessed from out side the purse. Gun is all safely tucked into its own little place with no worries of junk in the way. However, I am a massive advocate of keeping the weapon ON you. A purse can be snatched and it takes a long time…
  • I have never been SOF - I was just a regular ground pounder who rappelled out of helicopters. My understanding from talking to friends who are or were SOF is you either have it and want it mentally or you dont. My buddy out there in the ukraine said a lot of people quit who physically could have kept going but mentally…
  • My understanding is the land nav tends to be the killer. He may have hunted and tracked but did he do it carrying a pack, after weeks of grueling physical activity, and over a 24 hour period? The killer of the land nav is you dont know when the cut off time is and you have to hit your target points. A LOT of potential…
  • http://www.military.com/military-fitness/army-special-operations/army-green-beret-training You can also google "special forces PFT training" or "green beret pft training" There is also I believe a you tube video of a former History Channel program that followed people through SF selection, Q course and so on. I would…
  • He is wrong. I lifted while losing weight and getting great cardio. Now I am not one of those massive muscle heads who can grunt a half ton pull but cant light jog 1/4 mile before passing out. I am also not a lean, fast marathon or even 5k/10k runner. What I am is fairly happy with what I have become - a fairly toned…
  • I have built a bunch. It is fun to custom design your own rifle, build it and go from there. Get an armorers wrench and lower/upper receiver blocks. As a note- when you put the spring and detent in for your take down pins- BE VERY CAREFUL AND MAKE SURE YOU DONT DO IT IN THE BASEMENT FULL OF ODDS AND ENDS. That is called…
  • My father. He owned a gun store
  • I carry a handgun when running. on another note- had a very agressive alpha male coyote this past summer. He would constantly pace me near my house as well as others. It got to the point that in broad daylight he would advance on me across my lawn, stop 10-15' away and just stand there. Very unnerving. We have alot of…
  • For my 20th anniversary my wife bought me a $1800 Colt Combat Commander with 3 Wilson Combat magazines and a custom holster and mag carrier.
  • Not to be harsh but welcome to the real world. It is not an employees market right now with unemployment at 8.1% or higher (the U-16 has it at well over 15%, irrc). So you hate your job- welcome to most everyone else. Employers have gotten rid of the underperformers and only kept the bright ones in recent years. I have…
  • I did the 1 PM wave on Sunday with the wife. Did it in like 90 minutes... I promised the wife I would not abandon her. She has a bad knee so she cannot run plus she is 69 years old. However she scampered over all the obstacles except for two walls so I am quite thrilled with that, Next year however I go for time with my…
  • Ahh... the hot brass boobie dance... always entertaining so long as they are not also dancing around with weapon in hand!