jadefitnow Member


  • reminder: this isn't just about one meal, one day. It's about changing the way I look at food. There will always be the occasional party/meal/vacation to contend with and I can't stop "eating to live". If your overall pattern is healthy, the overindulgences of a day won't add up.... (and that's a reminder to myself)
  • You're in the right place- we've all felt down, frustrated and self-defeated, and that's what got us here. Give yourself credit for taking a giant first step and reaching out- that's a great start! Now, just keep doing that- one healthy step at a time... they'll add up:-)
  • It's funny how our bodies fight that last stubborn few pounds! Two years and 70 lbs off is an incredible life changing accomplishment, the rest is the dietary "icing on the cake!"
  • I totally understand your challenge- I've found that as I get older, even small deviations in calories will pack on pounds- it's really hard to maintain even in everyday life, never mind vacations! The danger with a cruise is food is "everywhere", so it's really a challenge to be diligent. Maybe your best bet is to commit…
  • So the workouts are going great; the weight loss is slow but steady: 8/21: 146.2 9/17: 141.5
  • You're an inspiration to us all; thank you for sharing your story, your beautiful pictures and the stamina to keep going!!! Best of all is your health recovered! To a long and healthy life!!!
  • GOOD FOR YOU, jdb3388, for having the awareness and curiosity to see where you are and where you need to be! That in itself is an enormous step. Sadly, calories in will always be a concern for all of us except a lucky few. I hate that I can't eat whatever I want, but learned to "adapt" and to enjoy on occasion, while being…
  • Having gained and lost the equivalent of a small child more than once in my life, I know how persnickety the scale can be. If your clothes are fitting correctly, your fitness level is where it should be and you feel great, the 5 lbs will come and go with fluctuations in metabolism, hormones, water, outside temperature and…
  • weigh-in: 8/29: 143 9/5: 142 9/12: 9/19: 9/26:
  • Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY; live in NJ
  • So, here it is- and thanks for this forum! Ht: 5'3" SW: 143 GW:138 UGW:125 before my 60th birthday (March) 8/29: 143 9/5: 9/12: 9/19: 9/26:
  • Thank you to everyone who welcomed me! What a terrific, talented and positive group of women- I'm very glad I found you, this is a perfect place for inspiration! I've always been a workout nut, and remain so; I'm also a certified yoga teacher. I was single for many, many years and now have a significant other + 20 extra…
  • Not sure if we need to do anything, or just post in this group- how do we get notifications? I'm new to the discussion boards. I'm a little like Tonka above- I actually like working out, but have a tendency to use that as an excuse to eat what I want, particularly in the evening. I'll be fine until dinner, then all h-ll…
  • Hi all, I'm a newbie and discovered your discussion group from a notice in my home page; I've been an MFP member for a while, but never stuck to the plan. I love the conversations you've had, and the coolness of you ladies! I am (decidedly) over 50 (nearing 60! I could definitely use the support and would love to join in…
  • I've been on MFP before, but never joined a group, and I've gained 20 lbs over the last 2 years- want it gone! I like your motivation- all healthy and doable! I'm in!
  • I smoked for close to 40 years off and on (from the time I was 15); I would quit and start, sneak and start, hate myself, gain and lose weight and totally beat myself up. Nicotine was the center of my personal support system. Every time I'd quit, I'd miss it completely and eventually go back. Any excuse, I'd fall back into…