LilRedRooster Member


  • Weights helps with bone mass, overall muscle tone, and help to balance fitness and strength. Cardio helps to increase cardiovascular health by working the heart and circulatory system, and improves oxygen perfusion and overall organ health. You really can't be complete without both, and both are necessary for good balance.…
  • RN student set to graduate in May! I like friends. :)
  • Usually I have corn, spaghetti sauce, ranch dressing, pasta, oatmeal, fruit, protein bars.. Easy things that can be combined and mixed up together easily. Also things that are cheap. I like cheap things that are available in bulk.
  • Agreed. Good luck.
  • Nutella. My one and only love.
  • I have a Polar FT4 s well, and I really like it. I run, weightlift, hike, horseback ride, etc., and it works great. The batteries are also easy to change, which I've only had to do once since I bought it about two years ago. And I use it A LOT. I would totally recommend it.
  • How high your heart rate gets during exercise is VERY individual. Best bet to figure out YOUR individual zones and efforts would be to just track your heart rate regularly and compare it to your effort perception, because how hard you FEEL you're working is actually a better indicator than your actual number. Like when I'm…
  • I don't particularly think it matters. I usually do full body days, but that's mostly because I can't get to the gym more than about twice a week, if that. So I just do both arms and legs when I'm there and about a half hour of cardio. Generally speaking, there is no "right" way to do things, unless you have specific…
  • Consensual sex is whatever people want it to be. Whether it's for one night only, part of a committed relationship, outside of a relationship or in a marriage, the definition of it is whatever the two people who are engaging in it say that it is. The end.
  • Wow, how AWESOME are you two??!! You both are doing wonderfully! Great job!
  • I eat foods. They're tasty. I just had some home-style mac 'n cheese that was quite awesomely tasty. Didn't feel guilty about it at all, can't lie.
  • This. Just because you're eating more protein doesn't mean you're actually USING more protein. More than likely, you'll just end up hurting your kidneys if they get overloaded past the protein that your body can actually use. But whatevs. Enjoy your thread.
  • The only way you're going to be able to change your lifestyle and be healthy and happier is if you let go of the idea that doing all this will make you "bigger". You will end up HEALTHIER, and your body will function properly. You will have MORE energy, more stamina, and be able to DO more in your life. The "being bigger"…
  • A cardiac/low-sodium (i.e. high blood pressure, heart failure, etc.) diet is set at 2g (or 2000mg) or less of sodium per day. 1500 is well within that, so you're actually geting "low" sodium. For comparison, a normal individual without any issues can have between 3g-4g (3000-4000mg) per day, and that's considered…
  • Coffee and low sodium. Water follows sodium, so if you want to reduce (or at least try) to reduce some of the water retention, cut out sodium and drink some coffee to diuresis the water off. If it helps, perhaps just remember that it's water (because really, weight fluctuations on a day to day basis are nothing BUT water),…
  • The problem really isn't society and whether or not marriage "matters'. Most Americans WANT to marry, and the majority of them believe that marriage is a beautiful, wonderful thing that they will only do once. Statistics speak otherwise, but people go into marriage wholeheartedly believing that that's what they want.…
  • This entire thread totally illustrates what's wrong with the way that society tells genders they should interact. Women? Assume that any man wanting to talk to you is only doing so because he finds you attractive and wants to go out with you. Or have sex with you. Probably both, so if he's talking to you or nearby, kick…
  • Using MFP, my calories for weight training were always WAY off. I ALWAYS go by my HRM, and it's more accurate overall to my individual body type and energy use. It never burns as many calories as running or some other cardio exercise, but there are weight exercises that I do that can definitely get my heart rate up, and I…
  • I have some at home that I use for the weekends, since I can't get to a gym on the weekends. Generally speaking, they work as well as the lighter weights at the gym (anything over about 25lbs and they don't really compare, if you're using free-weights or doing squats with a bar), but they're very flexible in terms of how I…
  • I have a mere three weeks until I'm done with my third semester of nursing school. The joy abounds.
  • Nutella. I could eat that all. Freaking. Day.
  • Even if runners are doing it for a "look at me", their reasons are really no one else's business or problem except their own. Ultimately, who gives a rat's *kitten* WHY people are doing it? It's not some exclusive club where people have to be a certain way or do it for a certain reason to be "real". If you run, you're a…
  • I'm on the Mirena, and since I've had it, I've noticed that I've had a much harder time losing weight. Not that I've really gained or it fluctuates overly much (also hard to say what the cause of that is because I'm under a lot of stress being a single mom in nursing school, too), but it's a lot harder to lose it then it…
  • I may be the minority with how I tend to view bodies, but a body is just a body. There's nothing particularly sexual, gross, weird, or disturbing about them if they're just going about normal things like swimming. There could be naked people at a pool and it wouldn't make a difference to me, because really, we all know…
  • To me, an addiction implies a lack of choice. It's an uncontrollable compulsion that has a negative impact on daily function. It's NEVER a good thing, because generally speaking, 'good' things imply the ability to choose. My mother and father were both alcoholics. My grandfather, uncle, and other people in my family all…
  • "When Harry Met Sally". Close second would be "White Christmas". Brilliant dialogue in the both of 'em.
  • Just eating more carbs isn't a risk factor for gestational diabetes. Total misconception about diabetes in general is that you're more at risk for it if you just eat more carbs. The big kicker with diabetes and risk is insulin resistance combined with pancreatic damage or fatigue, which you are more at risk for if you have…
  • Diabetes itself is technically (by the books) defined by your fasting blood sugar levels and glucose tolerance (i.e. after eating) levels. Usually "normal" levels are fasting = 99 or below, and glucose tolerance = 139 or below, but most officials press harder to have even non-fasting levels 120 or below. Higher levels of…
  • I'm really confused as to why there is a distinction with that. It's not like a marathon is defined as being in a certain place, time, and having to be run by a certain amount of people or anything else. It's simply 26.2 miles, and you can put that distance in any time or place you want. To have run one, you simply have to…