yenn Member


  • chocolate cake !!!
  • Depends on who you are !! You will burn MORE calories the less fit you are, and the heavier you are(especially with muscle mass because muscle burns more calories than fat.) You also have to factor in your age and stuff like that. The only way to know with reasonable accuracy how YOU burn calories is to get a heart rate…
  • Weight is weight ... baby weight is as hard to lose as any other kind of weight, after the initial water loss and birthy stuff and the baby itself !! I just read Dr Huizenga's book (dr from the Biggest Loser) and the take away from it is ... a lot of exercise is the way to go if you want drastic results, specifically, "two…
  • TRY VEGGIE SAUCE (soup) I have this in my fridge all the time. It's like soup or gravy or sauce to put on fish or chicken. Get 4 cups of chicken broth and a couple pounds of your favorite veggie ... I use asparagus. Just make sure the veggies heap up a little taller than the broth or it may be too thin when it's ground up.…
  • Hey guys look stupider working out and they don't feel dumb. And do you listen to them grunt and groan and make a big deal out of it when they're lifting weights? So they probably don't think you look dumb either. Anyway if they laugh at us and we keep it up, they won't be laughing for long !!
  • Looking good is the best revenge after all !! I am blown away at Frazzlemama's character. Way to get things done !! And you're right, the men who make us feel bad about ourselves end up with someone who feels bad about herself and .. duh .. ends up not looking good to match. It's amazing how they don't make the connection.…
  • I just came back from a vacation three pounds heavier but guess what, I had a great time, and didn't look at it as slipping up. I still feel great and guess what, as of today (I came back on Monday) I'm back to where I was when I started and feel like I got my ya ya's out, didn't deprive myself, and thus I can be content…
  • Here are a few tips ... from the experts at TEXASBOARS ... because wild pig meat can be tougher and is definitely less fatty than the commercially raised version: WILD MEAT SOAK and TENDERIZER I use this technique for all the wild game animals I take and I highly and frequently recommend this for all wild game. # - Skin…
  • oh you bet it's worth it !! plump out your skin with muscle tone instead of fat so you look smooth, not saggy or dimpled when you drop the fat!! And the more muscle you have the more bang for the buck you get for every bit of cardio you do !!
  • mall walkers always impress me !! as long as you can go before it opens so you're not tempted to break the bank :) ooops sorry just noticed you can't :sad:
  • Did you know you can still buy girl scout cookies and not eat them ... last year I bought four boxes to be sent TO THE TROOPS !!! It is almost (well, maybe not) as satisfying as eating a box on your own !!! It's called OPERATION THIN MINT !!! check it out:
  • I don't know about the online ones .. not so user friendly .. I paid like 9.99 for MasterCook software that downloads immediately and allows me to save recipes (and print 'em and stuff, either on cards or full-color photo splendor for a cookbook) on my computer and I love it. It breaks down EVERYTHING in the nutritional…
  • That's exactly why this site is so valuable !! YES I had the same experience .. and do often still !! Some days you think wow I'm hungry I've been doing well, but oh no, I'm not after all !! Other days I feel fully satisfied with food needs and find out, wow, I didn't eat enough. The body plays tricks on us but this site…
  • That really sucks. DOH !!! I get the same thing. In retrospect I wish I'd never said anything ... you know how people say you should tell others what you're doing so they keep you accountable ?? I think you should only tell a select few people whom you trust and whose support you know you'll have and just quietly go about…
  • I spray anti-perspirant on my feet ... I don't get blisters if my feet stay DRY !
    in Blisters Comment by yenn February 2008
  • A new study that people have been talking about for the last few weeks suggests that those calorie-free sweeteners lower your body's defenses to REAL sugar. When your brain senses "sweet," your body prepares for a caloric surplus and gets ready to burn it. When you have the fake-out "sweet," your body stops having that…
  • OH GINNYG, lean on those labs !! Dogs love you no matter what, and dogs (especially labs !) are the most willing workout partners you will ever have. They're always available, and they never have excuses of why they can't make it outside for a walk/run/jog. They also have that joie de vivre that is hard for humans to…
  • REV UP THAT ENGINE !!! Are you doing lotsa cardio now that you've dropped some of that excess baggage ?? YOU CAN DO IT!! Your body is very comfortable at whatever plateau you've hit, so whatever you're doing, change it. If you're stair stepping, start jogging instead. If you're walking, start climbing stairs !! Confuse…