BuffMom84 Member


  • @Balbie123 Welcome to this thread, everyone here is very nice and supportive. I decided to stop drinking for (at least) 30 days myself and I'm on day 20! I recommend checking out the alcohol experiment (alcoholexperiment.com). I've learned so much and it probably made not drinking a lot easier for me.
  • Day 19 AF. I've lost a total of 3.5 lbs so far just by not drinking. I haven't even been eating as healthy as I had been before I stopped drinking. I've eaten cookies and ice cream on the weekends and I rarely want sweets. I'm assuming I do now to replace the alcohol. I have to get that under check. I had to buy a few…
  • Another AF weekend for me. I'd say it's getting easier but I don't know. I avoided going out to eat with my sister on Friday again because I didn't want to go to that place with all the beers on tap. I told her that I could just get a burger and she said, "Oh you can have just one beer". And I said no. One beer…
  • I'm still here! This is my 14th day AF, of course the weekends are always difficult. I'm still following the alcohol experiment and I'm on Day 11 of that. I've been so stressed out lately I can't believe I haven't caved and had a drink yet. Going to have to be especially strong tonight because I'm going out to eat with my…
  • @Womona Good for you for stopping at only one! I'm on day 9 of AE too. :) I'm surprised that my husband hasn't had anything to drink since last Tuesday, which is amazing for him. Then I realized that when I go to the grocery store on Thursday or Friday to get a 6 pack, I'd usually get him a 12 pack. Since I didn't do that…
  • I'm on day 10 without a drop of alcohol (day 7 of AE). It was finally slightly easier to get out of bed this morning, although I don't think that will ever be easy for me. Since I didn't drink Friday, it was easier to not drink on Saturday, and I never drink on Sundays anymore so I didn't even think about it last night. I…
  • It was weird going to the grocery store last night and not stopping in the liquor store. I didn't go to my sister's house last night. I didn't feel like going out to eat so I told her I'd just go to her house later. But then she texted me later saying she was stopping at a liquor store so I knew she and her husband were…
  • Today is Friday and day 7 of not drinking (day 4 of AE). If I make it today without drinking that will be the longest stretch I haven't had any alcohol since....well I can't remember! I think my subconscious or body or whatever KNOWS that I don't want to drink tonight so it's making me feel like crap today. I have a…
  • Day 3 of the alcohol experiment for me (day 6 of not drinking). I read This Naked Mind last February but I'm still learning or re-learning a lot. I haven't thought about alcohol much all week and there's still none in the house to tempt me. Tomorrow is the real test of course, but I may not go out to eat with my sister…
  • So I started the 30 day alcohol experiment (thanks @pramason38 for the suggestion). At this point I don't want to drink until after the road trip, May 6th. This is going to be tough especially with everything that's going on and now I have to move right before the road trip! I'm trying to imagine what Friday nights will be…
  • Well today has been just horrible. My husband and I went to talk to a counselor to get started on buying a house. But later today we found out that the people who bought this duplex bought it for their kid to live in so we have to move out by May 1st. The real estate lady insisted even when I talked to her on Sunday that…
  • @beebva4 I know exactly how you feel. It's tough waking up the next morning and thinking, why did I do that last night? Then you lay there and think about how many other times you asked yourself that same question. And you wonder why you ever started drinking in the first place! The only thing we can do is dust ourselves…
  • I'm not going to lie, I drank more than I said I was going to drink on Thursday (I only wanted to drink 3 beers and ended up drinking 6) and last night (I usually only drink 4 or 5 on Friday nights and last night I drank 7! Would have been 8 but when I got up I knocked my last beer off the desk and said that's it, I'm…
  • I drank on Friday night and we ended up not going out to the bar, which I'm happy about. I would have just drank too much and spent too much money! So I drank my usual amount of beer. Then I was sassy and drank a few beers last night out of sheer boredom. I have to stop doing that but at times I just don't want to! At…
  • Both kids have the day off of school today. Usually that means I'll have several beers on Thursday night because I don't have to get up so early Friday morning, but I didn't drink last night and didn't even think about it. I was bummed that I was out of kombucha more than anything! My sister wants to see some band at a bar…
  • I was cooking dinner last night and I was digging in a junk drawer for my meat thermometer and I came across my wine bottle opener. I had to laugh because eight months ago that bottle opener was front and center in that drawer and now it's shoved all the way in the back. Don't miss those next day wine headaches, that's for…
  • I'm having kind of a rough week so far but haven't had anything to drink and haven't even had any cravings since I've been so busy. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it showed I lost 2.5 lbs! What a great motivation to continue to not drink during the weeknights!
  • Ok so I ended up drinking on Saturday night but I had my usual amount of beers and I have enough leftover for next weekend, which is great because I hate going to the liquor store every week. I don't feel too badly about it because I didn't drink at all last week and I wasn't hungover yesterday. My husband told me to buy…
  • I'm still pretty sick, but at least not quite as bad as yesterday. Usually when I'm sick like this I say, eh I'll just have several beers, I'm already sick, can't possibly feel any worse! But now I haven't thought about drinking all week. Not going to my sister's house tonight so I'll watch some TV and call it an early…
  • Can't wait to start March! I had 19 AF days in February (I know I won't drink today or tomorrow because I've been pretty sick the past several days), which if you put it that way sounds better than I drank 9 days. But on the days I drank for most of the time I limited myself to only 3 or 4 drinks so I'm still doing much…
  • I haven't checked in for a few days because I've been busy working and car shopping! I haven't had anything to drink so far this week and i'm glad it hasn't been too difficult to not drink. Probably because I felt so crummy and beat up from drinking last Thursday and Friday (and I drank once earlier last week too). It's…
  • Right as I told myself to not drink two days in a row, I drank on Valentine's Day and yesterday. Sigh. My husband annoyed me so much on Valentine's Day that I caved and drank kind of a lot. Yesterday I only had a few beers. Well, all I can do is move on and make next week better. There was an offer on our house and the…
  • Yesterday was so crazy and stressful I can't believe I didn't cave and have a beer or ten last night! I got a text from the realtor lady saying that there was three more showings for our house, one yesterday and two today. Wow, thanks for the notice. Then I noticed my cat was going outside of his litter box on the living…
  • I drank last night but I didn't overdo it and I still had a headache when I woke up this morning! Glad I didn't drink any more than that, I'd probably use it as an excuse to not exercise today. Definitely not going to beat myself up over it because I knew I wanted a few drinks earlier yesterday. I read an article a few…
  • After having so many people walking through my house the past few days and desperately trying to keep it clean, I feel like having a few beers tonight. And if I do, it'll be okay because I've been doing so well lately. We're getting our 4th (or 5th?) winter storm in 3 weeks tomorrow so I'm sure there will be yet another…
  • I'm glad that I didn't have any beer in the house last night or else I probably would have drank. At least now on those nights when I feel like drinking but don't have any beer, I don't go out and get any. Any other time I would have gone to the gas station up the road for a six pack (and drink the whole thing in one…
  • Day nine: Me: 6 LNS: 3* But I had carrots and celery sticks with dip. I guess what I'm taking from this month is at least I'm not eating unhealthy snacks at night anymore if I do snack late. I'm not all bloated this morning like I would be had I ate chips and cookies like I used to.
  • Day eight: Me: 6* LNS: 2 Which is amazing because my sister ordered a pizza late last night. I did not eat any of it!
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. I like coming on here and rambling my thoughts on a daily basis, it really helps! Last night I had one less beer than I usually do on Friday nights, when I ordered dinner I didn't finish it all and didn't order dessert. Later on when my sister ordered a pizza I didn't eat…