stormtruck2 Member


  • Correctional Officer for the State of Iowa, working the special needs units AKA The Nut Hut. Past life careers, US Navy 78-84, Truck Driver 84-86, Stock Broker/ Insurance RIA 86-94 College 94-99 Owned Trucking Company 99-03. Worked US Treasuary 03-06 Truck Driver Solo 06-09 Correctional Officer 09 to Current. Only have 14…
  • As far as stretch marks, i say don't worry about them. Scars are the mark of a life lived. Any man that is put off by scars on a woman is not a man worth having in your life. Which would he rather have? A morbidly obese woman or one of healthy weight with stretch marks?? I will take the marks anytime.
  • My wife one time complained that the girls were starting to sag. I told her to not worry about that. The best things in the world are hand raised, and that i would support her as long as I am alive. Her girls are worth living for, let me tell ya. LOL
  • Also there is no law that says that you can't simply go, enjoy what you eat, paying klittle attention to the calories. One day of splurge is not a felony or death sentence. Order what you wish, and just eat in moderation. They have a grilled veggie entree I beleive, but order what you wish. My wife and I order what we like…
  • Everyone within 50 yards/meters of me. It's a gift I tell ya. a gift. :laugh:
  • I didn't think so. I thought we were having a good respectfull discussion, and also a few laughs. :smile:
  • And speaking of sleeping in bed together, why do woman have such cold butts and feet?? It's like trying to cuddle with a frozen butterball turkey!!!:laugh:
  • And it's not the ones in here that concern me, its the ones like them out on the street and not yet in here. They are in every country around the world. Evil knows no borders.
  • Right now, from where I sit, I can see one person who at age 17 robbed two conveinance stores, shooting the woman clerk in the face at each store. They both were murdered after they gave him the money. Another one raped and killed his 2 year old cousin, when he was 17 I beleive, maybe he was younger. Yup, those are the…
  • Yes. Like I said, I beleive everyone one not disqualified should own a weapon. But I would never stand for someone being required to own one. I respect your position. I suspectI I beleive that you are as wrong as you believe me to be. :smile: And talking can only hepl people understand other peoples positions. No animosity…
  • Amen on the fair fight. Fighting fair is for suckers.
  • Why would you seek out education about firearms? I quess I was projecting some there. When ever I find someting that I don't understand, I seek out education to get a basic understanding. I am an invertent learner. Yes, I do read text books for fun. Currently I and reading Technical Analysis about reading stock charts. You…
  • Dani, your a fairly correct. But there are lock boxes that read you palm print and pop right open. They will only open after verifing authorized palm prints. So they do allow fairly quick access. But as far as leaving your weapon unloaded with a trigger lock inside a mini safe... yeah what good is that? Ours lay on the…
  • I'm not laughing at your fear. Just dialoging with you about it. I would hope that you would not laugh at my home having been violently broken into though. I'm sure that you wouldn't. I am saying that I believe tht if you sought out some education and developed an understanding of firearms you would fear them less, perhaps…
  • Yes they did, but they also gave us The Guess Who, Bachman Turner Overdrive and Rush!! I will giv ehtem credit for that. :laugh:
  • I have had my home broke into in the mddle of the night, they don't just take the stuff and go. If they just want your stuff they want until you are gone.
  • I tend to agree that men are more likely to act physically towards a threat than the average women, that is unless there is a threat towards their child, then hell hath no fury...
  • Not trying to be intrangent here, but I disagree when you say "it" could kill you. How? You lay a weapon down and come back two years later, it still hasn't moved. It is an inaminate object. It can can be used to kills someone yes. Such as someone trying to kill you. As for the 5 year old. Yes you are right to keep him…
  • Illegal over where?? I'm sorry but I don't know where you live. Why scared of sleeping "with" a weapon?? It is an inanimate object. It's like sleeping with a ball bat in the room, except more people are murdered in the US with blunt objects than firearms. This is not to say that I think you should have to sleep with a…
  • My wife sleeps closest to the door for several reasons: 1) It is closest to the closet for her, 2) it is furthest from the two outer walls, hence warmer 3) It is closest to the door so our 2 year old granson gcan get to grammy easier 4) Closet to the bathroom for she gets up several times a night to use it. She msut have a…
  • After I regained consciecness after being shot up, the corpsman told me" Your'e alive."
  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with sliced hot dogs under a blanket of Velvetta Lunch: Grill bologna and Velvetta chesse sandwich Supper: Hot Italian Sausages, califlower with Velvetta melted over Desert: 32 oz Dairy Queen Butterfinger Blizzaed Snack: Bag of Orange Slices by Brachs Snack: Jar of Pickled Herring in Wine Sauce by…
  • Most nutrition stores will have them. If not try online. You can look at my diary and see the exact product that I use. It really helps me, I think it will you too.
  • Drive On They say rise above like it is so easy to do But what keeps you from rising above? The vaporous they? Or the constantly here self? You can't control the they? Can you control the self? You have power and control over only you. When faced with a challenge, you decide whether to rise above or fall under When angered…
  • There are some really good meal replacement protein powders out there that have very low fat and sugar. The one I use right now Pro7ein Powder has 34 gr of protein, 1 gr of fat, and 1 gr of carb, and 153 calories. Mixed with water it actually taste good. Another I use is Intek Evolution Protein Powder in Orangesicle…
  • You could have worked off the extra calories by vigorously flogging the first delievery driver!! Then you could have ate back your exercise calories with the second delivery!! LOL Your story is a strong argument for cooking your own food. You know what is in it, and it will be ready when you are, usually. MSG= Mean…
  • Any receipe that you use that calls for mayonaise, use plain greek yougurt. We use it in tuna salad with baby spinach and onion. Fantastic. Also for chicken/turkey or egg salad.
  • I put a packet of suger free jello in each of my vanilla protein shakes. Helps flavor and adds only 40 calories. Also supposed to help with hair and nails.