

  • Thank you! It is so misleading and also incredibly frustrating because I am an intelligent enough person that I should have done more research and figured out how to lose weight and build muscle properly BUT with work, social life, friends, family, exercise, and personal relaxation time... who finds the time?! No wonder we…
  • Thank you for your help, I greatly appreciate this. I am so much hungrier all the time already, so I have no idea how I was working out so much on so little and still felt as though my strength were increasing and I was seeing better results. I will keep checking in on these boards as it seems there are numerous very…
  • Thanks! I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so it's tough to know when I'm just freaking myself out or when I seriously have a reason to be concerned. I know that period loss is a bad sign and I can get obsessive over numbers (hence no scale or calorie counts) so I just wanted to make sure I was checking myself and not heading…
  • I don't know my Body Fat percentage unfortunately -- but based on images I see online it can't be less than 20%. Realistically I would say 20% - 25%. BMI is also tough to know 100% but if I am 135 it would be 21.1. I know it's serious though so that's why I have been increasing calories this week and ceasing exercise.…