ronercat Member


  • My personal goal for this month is no fast food lunches. A bit of weight loss wouldn't go amiss, but the healthier eating is the focus of the month haha.
  • Hello all, I am looking forward to the fact that is officially summer! I am going to celebrate this fact by playing tennis this Saturday and going to the newly opened for summer pool right after. Cari, fingers crossed that your surgeon will be able to give you some enlightenment on the issues you are having.
  • I am looking forward to touching my toes again. I am only about an inch or two away so it should be happening fairly soon (fingers crossed anyways). I have plenty of others, but that is one that can be accomplished in the near future. My sister from Virginia will be flying out to spend a week or so with us and I am looking…
  • I don't want to be told "you are in good shape for a big guy" or "you are more agile than I expected." I want be able to play a sport, play it well and have it not be something that surprises people. It would also be great to be able to go on 30 miles backpacking trips. At the moment I could do 10 or so, but I want that to…
  • Those are all fantastic things to be celebrating. I guess I will list out a few things I am celebrating as well.* I am also very excited that today is Friday. * My singing group has added a good number of songs to our repertoire and we have scheduled some time in the coming months to do a bit of recording. * We are finally…
  • Life has been pretty busy lately, but I have managed to get in some outdoor activities. I was able to go on a short hike this last weekend (Utah has a ton of amazing hikes you can take), but because of work I was unable to play tennis this past Saturday (grumble, grumble). It was my youngest niece's birthday party on…
  • Here is my fitbit whatsit. Seeing yours will give me some added motivation for sure haha. Maybe one of these days I will reach 20k steps.
    in April 29 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • Congratulations! It looked like it was quite the beautiful wedding. Thank you for sharing some of the pictures with us. It has got to feel great to have so much accomplished in such a short time.
  • All those trips sound like a ton of fun! This last week has also been a bit crazy for me. I had a lot of school, work and church related things that came up that needed some attention, but it wasn't overwhelming so that was nice. I am a little sad that I will be missing tennis this Saturday, but I am taking my nieces to…
    in April 23 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • I did get my new racquet and I love it! It is quite complimentary to my game. As far as basketball shoes go, you are right. I really need to go pick up some new ones, but I have been a bit lazy in getting myself to the Nike outlet. I will make that my goal for the weekend. I was also happy with the fact that last night,…
  • Last night I was able to play 3 hours of basketball and maintain my level of play. I am sore today, but it was worth it haha.
  • I managed to do fairly well with my sleep and I did better with my eating out. Better, but not perfect.
  • Karen, thank you so much for the thought! We actually got quite lucky and we managed to get our hands on some branches from one of those bushes. Hopefully we will get to work on them soon. I hope you had a blast doing crafts with those little girls.
    in April 12 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • Karen, I truly hope that you are allowed to swim in the event and I also hope that you are able to work things out with your husband (through the help of a professional). Nancy, sometimes the feeling you get after making a decision is one of the best indicators that we are doing the right thing for ourselves. As far as…
    in April 10 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • Now that the show will be over after Saturday, my goal for the coming week is to make it back to the gym three times.
  • Thank you for sharing the pictures! You all look so happy and content. Again I want to say congratulations.
  • It'll be quite the party! Just go easy on the glitter. That stuff gets everywhere. Durn craft herpes.
    in April 6 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • Dee, Welcome back! I am glad that the study helped you with some of what you need and I know you will get those pounds back off quickly.
  • No arguments here haha. It is true that quite a large number of men deserve a good chucking. My plan to be a male spinster (I already have a cat and do some crafts so bachelor is not the right term) seems like the safest bet to not getting chucked out on my backside haha.
    in April 6 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • All that sand removal just sounds icky haha. Good luck it keeping up with it and hopefully it rains in the near future. I am glad that all of you had enjoyable Easters. I was able to spend mine with my family. I ate too much, but I think the 2 hours or so that I spent as a horse/car/dog/bad guy/monster for my nieces made…
    in April 6 Comment by ronercat April 2015
  • Week 1 goals 1. Bring my lunch to work everyday this week. No eating out. 2. Get adequate sleep.
  • This weekend was a pretty good one for exercise and such. I ate well and we had our only three show weekend and my body is feeling it haha. Those boots are not made for dancing. I have a workout plan scheduled for when the show ends. I am excited to see how it goes. Karen, that does not sound like a fun weekend at all!…
  • Diana, we are officially halfway through our run. We have six more shows with the last one being on April 11th. I am still having a ton of fun, but I am looking forward to being able to relax a bit once it is over haha. Nancy, I love Galaxy Quest! The part of that movie with the cute alien creatures was filmed in my state…
  • Here are a couple of photos from the show.
    in March 23 Comment by ronercat March 2015
  • This sure is the big weekend. Opening night is just a few days away. We have a couple dress rehearsals and a producers preview, but that it all that is left before we open. We are running around trying to make sure that all the sets are done and that are costumes and props are good to go. Karen, that is awesome about…
  • Hello everyone, We are one week away from opening night and I am getting nervous haha. Things are going quite well, but you can't help but feel a little anxious about it. The musical has been a ton of fun, but it is also kicking my trash. With work and school and everything I leave my house a little before 7 am and get…
  • Karen, i'll be the first nearly 400 pound professional ballet dancer in history haha. That is not something that will ever happen. I am just happy that I am on the same level as the other guys with whom I am performing. It is demanding, but a lot of fun. Cari, good luck with all the goals you have this year, but I would…
  • Hello all, We are starting to come down to the wire for the Musical. We have less than two weeks until opening night... eeep! I am going to have to be careful this week. I mildly sprained my hamstring a few days ago. I wish I had a cool story of how it happened. I can't say it was a folly of youth, I can't blame it on our…
    in March 8 Comment by ronercat March 2015
  • Nancy, the show runs from March 20th through April 11th. I will see what I can do about getting someone to record a few numbers from the show. From the practices we have had this week it looks like it is going to be quite entertaining. I want to wish both you and Karen good luck with your tasks or decluttering and…
  • I am Samuel, the Pirate King's lieutenant. I thought it would be a good role to break back into theater haha. It has a few solos and lines, but I don't have to carry the show. If you listen to the song "With Cat-like Tread", I am the guy who sings about handing out all of the gear. It also happens to be one of my favorite…