

  • I'm not strictly low carb but reduced carbs - still around 30-40% carbs. But either way, I find it much easier here than when I've been in the US. Particularly if you're only going to the large cities like London, there is so much food variety that you won't have a problem finding lower carb options on almost all menus.…
  • If you're finding it hard to stick to, try lowering your loss per week rate. It might be too high for your goals. Your sedentary TDEE is pretty low due to being fairly small already, but you should be able to increase your calories by even 100 every day and still lose - more if you exercise.
  • You don't need to match what your roommates are eating plate for plate. And just stop grazing if you're finding that difficult to monitor. Prepare your own meals at times and most importantly in quantities that suit you. As an example, my husband eats at maintenance. We eat the same food, only difference is I have smaller…
  • I had this problem specifically at breakfast. I would have oatmeal and berries which was fine, but very low cal at the portion size I was having - around 120 or so. So I started adding a scoop of protein powder, which added 100 calories without drastically increasing the volume of the food. Once I was used to that, I then…
  • The funniest one for me a few years ago was when someone asked me if she could lose as much weight as I did (60lbs at that point) but NOT change her eating habits or do any exercise. I don't know how I managed not to laugh in her face. No one wants to hear CICO. They want the magic pill.
  • 1200 was the original goal MFP set for me as well. And I had the same issue, was eating some weird food amounts to try and exactly hit it. I raised mine to 1400 which is much more comfortable and still seeing a rate of loss I'm happy with. What loss per week do you have it set to? Even bumping up to a custom goal of say…
  • If you eat high sugar fruits like bananas, you will probably always go over the sugar count. Unless you have a medical reason to restrict sugar, it's not really a concern as long as you're keeping within your carbs. I just turned off that column (in Food > Settings) and don't worry about it. PS - Try to reach that 1200…
  • This. For me it was a combination, but mostly the latter. I keep on top of it now in two ways. First was allowing myself a small treat every day, so I don't feel the need to "reward" myself at the end of the week. Second was recognising when I was eating for emotions and finding some other way to deal with them. Whatever…
  • I am in phase 3. My current profile pic shows the difference for me in the first two phases. Definitely a bigger size difference in phase 2, although I lost less weight. 8lbs in 1, 6 in 2. I was already at least a month into MFP by the time I started so didn't have the big first week drop.
  • I only have milk in smoothies and lattes. They get logged although I usually only have one per week of each. If I happen to have any other tea or coffee through the week, it's always black. Always make oatmeal with water, don't eat any other cereal and have never drunk milk by the glass. Just not really a fan of it!
  • Definitely go by performance, not looks. But I'll agree with the others to go and get fitted. Ideally at a specialist running store that offers gait analysis rather than just a sporting goods store. I could recommend my shoes (which I love) but it'll be a useless recommendation if we don't have the same running style and…
  • I have the Ultra and it clips really well into bras. If I was to replace it, I'd probably get the One since I can't stand the watch/band style ones but the clip doesn't look quite as good.
  • I go out to buy my lunch if I'm at work. But instead of going for fast food, I go next door into the grocery store and grab some lean deli meat and a bag of salad. I could prepare this in advance but I'd do the same thing, so it saves me a bit of home time for something else.
  • My smoothies are just over half a litre and less than 300 calories. That's including protein and fats, not just the (much lower in calories) fruit. Even a higher calorie widely available one is only about 300 calories per 500ml. You could have 2 litres of the stuff and only just meet the minimum calories for the day. Odds…
  • This is what I was going to post. Many of the stevia based products have a tiny percentage of stevia (around 1% - enough to market themselves as such, basically) but are bulked out with sugar alcohols and the like. This may or may not be a concern (depends whether you have issues with these - I don't) but I think they…
  • I'm sure didn't gain 4lbs of genuine weight from a couple of restaurant meals. I'd agree it's probably mostly water, especially if you are feeling bloated. Although are you sure of their calorie counts? I rarely eat out now as even some of my "healthier" favourites in a restaurant are close to or even over 1000 calories a…
  • That came from IIFYM, using the BF method since that was a known figure. I normally wouldn't recommend -20% for a small goal, however PCOS definitely skews the figures. So I personally would start with the higher deficit and increase up if required.
  • I am roughly your height with PCOS. I find I don't need to limit to 50g carbs. I have my goal set to 40% (roughly 100g) and it is low enough for me to see results. I do try to limit the higher GI carbs though. Both of these limits were recommended by my doctor. Your calories are going to be tricky. Because you're short and…
  • My husband is your height, build and weight. He's not really trying to lose weight (his body fat is 18%) but is tracking food for medical reasons. He has a sedentary job and does no specific exercise apart from the walking involved in his daily commute. He averages about 2000 calories per day and is still losing around…
  • What loss rate did you set it to? Your TDEE even on sedentary is around 1800, and more like 2200 if I set exercise to 5 times a week. So 1200 sounds like you've set it to a 2lb per week loss which is probably too quick given you don't have much to lose. I'd say 1600 is probably much better for you and if you already know…
  • If you have trouble keeping under either your sodium or sugar levels and it concerns you, pick the one with the lowest level of the one you have the most problem with. Otherwise, they're pretty much identical macro wise and you like them both, so I'd just buy whichever was cheaper that week.
  • It really depends why you're overweight now. It doesn't teach portions (or any form of control) as you can eat however much "free" food you want. So I found it too easy to cheat on, and didn't really lose any weight as I could still binge and technically be within the plan's rules. A fixed number of calories is working…
  • What do you define as a "super slow" loss and how long have you been going? But I think 1200 is probably too low if your TDEE is over 3000. Mine is around 2400 and I have 1400 calories at the moment to aim for a 2lb/week loss. Will be upping to 1900 soon when I'm ready to slow down to 1lb/week. Anyway... I can't see your…
  • This is my third time losing weight. I didn't gain it all back each time, but enough of a chunk to notice. You can do it! Just make as many changes as your current lifestyle allows. The bulk of it is diet rather than exercise though, so it doesn't involve much more of a time commitment. I was (probably always will be) an…
  • I'm in the middle of JMBR (week 8) as well. So far I've taken two weeks out, so it's actually 10 weeks since I started. One week I was sick, the other I was on holiday. If you need a break, take one! It doesn't matter if you don't finish exactly in the 12 weeks as designed. ETA: I am doing this for fitness though, the…
  • I don't know your current weight, but that doesn't sound like a TDEE rate to me. I can have more calories than that (1400) for a 2lb/week loss and I'm shorter than you. Even if you're completely sedentary, your TDEE should be at least 1700 assuming a weight around 150lbs since your ticker says you want to lose 20lbs. So…
  • This. You can't be over all your macros and under calories without errors in the data. The macro goals are worked out as simple percentages of the total calories so should always be within a few calories (to allow for rounding) of the target. Mine are 2 calories different, as an example. Can't see your diary to confirm,…
  • Try thinking about this the other way. Instead of taking carbs out of your snacks, remove some of them from meals. I find it MUCH easier to eat a low carb meal than a low carb snack. It's just what I naturally prefer. Also I find by trying to hit my protein goal FIRST, the carbs naturally keep themselves under control. I…
  • My net drops below 1200 a lot because I don't eat back all my calories, never get the warning. At a guess, I'd say it's because you're male. AFAIK, the 1200 calorie minimum is recommended for women. 1350 sounds incredibly low for a man. I'm both short and female and my MFP set goal is still higher than that when on the…
  • Only very small (e.g. a pinch, so 1g or less) quantities of spices. I rarely have them but do log any drinks with cals no matter how small as if you have a few a day, it could end up being close to 100 cals which is the same as a small snack. All adds up!