mrsbeck Member


  • "You've failed at this every time you've tried it. So why bother going through it again? You're just gonna torture yourself for weeks, lose a few pounds, then get frustrated and gain it all back til next time. Just skip all that and let's go to Dairy Queen." Willy's kind of a d*ck.
  • Wow, the people attacking the OP really need to step off. ONE: Just living longer so far than I have does not automatically make you a person of respect. TWO: You have no idea what the OP's relationship is with this woman...maybe being disrespectful or manipulative or abusive is a pattern for her. The OP may be fed up with…
  • That's something that really annoys me about this season...everyone else's playing style has been exposed except Russell's, because his season hadn't aired yet. With a game as strategic as Survivor, that gives Russell a huge advantage. If the villains had seen Russell in action before this season, there is NO way they…
  • Carbs are something that will land you in a big debate around here. Personally, I try to keep carbs very low, and try to make sure any carbs I do eat are as healthy as possible. The biggest problem I see with your diary is all the sugar. Prepared breakfast cereals, even healthy ones like Kashi, are pretty high in sugar.…
  • Between your profile pics and your height/weight, I'm inclined to say you're not losing because you've got nothing more to lose. You look extremely healthy. I would add in some nuts, some avocado...if you eat yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, I would have either the full-fat varieties or the 2% rather than the fat-free.…
  • First, considering that you're basically sedentary, you may want to consider checking in with your doctor before starting anything. You say you don't think that you can do anything for thirty minutes. Can you walk for fifteen minutes? Ten? Do that. If you have to take a break, you have to take a break...just try to push…
  • I'm curious as to what makes you think she's anorexic. I have a friend who runs marathons, and consequently has almost no body fat on an already slim frame. In the winter time, she often trains on the treadmill at the gym. A twenty mile training run can take her 4 or more hours depending on what pace she's trying for. The…
  • I love my heart rate monitor. That said, if tracking your results old-school is working for you, I wouldn't worry about changing anything. An HRM is not a necessary tool for weight loss. I like mine because I need data...I need to know that burned X amount of calories, because I'm lazy. If I can't look at my monitor and…
  • And of course, immediately after posting, I found it. And it was broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus...but I suppose brussels sprouts will work as well! Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper, 20-30 minutes at 400 if anyone else was wondering.
  • I'm such an idiot. I have an ice cream maker. I have rock salt. I have ice. I have milk, and I have berries. DUH.
  • Partially, yes. My cholesterol is on the high side. But it's more about the fact that I loooooooove egg yolks! It's hard for me to stop at a reasonable portion. Before I started minding my platefuls, it wasn't difficult for me to cook 4 or 5 eggs over easy (non-stick pan, so not really "fried") make 3 or 4 pieces of toast…
  • You really should get a heart rate's the most accurate way (short of exercising at a lab!) to calculate calories burned. But, if that's not in the budget, here's what I did before I had my HRM: Go to two or three exercise calculater sites and take the lowest number. Then take off ten percent. After I got my…
  • It was 317 calories, for those who'd like to know.
  • Never trust a skinny baker.
  • Karma, just a question here...But by any chance is TOM visiting you this week?:tongue:
  • I loved level one of the 30 day shred. I HATED, HATED, hated level two. I don't know why...just didn't like the moves in it, I guess. I would get so irritated every time I got to the "skaters" move and the pendulum lunges...I was like "You know, Jillian, some of us are doing this in tiny freakin living rooms, not large…
  • Agree with what others are saying, also, you only have 16 pounds to lose. You're into your body's "famine insurance" weight at this point...your body is gonna fight you on this. With such a relatively small amount to lose, 2 weeks is not enough time to see real change. Additionally, an agressive weight loss approach will…
  • Smarter people please chime in if I've got this wrong, but this is what I do when I don't have an HRM available. I would look up the exercise on 3 different calculators, average the number, then reduce it by ten percent. Once I got my HRM working again, I found I was actually within a 40 calorie plus/minus on most of my…
  • You're right at 1200ish before, you could probably do that occasionally, but you shouldn't make a habit of it. I'm a big advocate of not forcing yourself to eat when not hungry, but your body needs fuel to work. If you don't exercise today, no big deal-you're not under by that much...but if you do exercise,…
  • I've worked in the warranty business. DO NOT BUY THE STORE WARRANTY. They will find a way to not cover whatever fix you need. It also generally takes longer to get a repair person to see your product, and longer to get parts when the repair is under the extended warranty. Extended warranty companies pay repair companies at…
  • I tried the Special K chocolate cereal, and found it surprisingly good. It curbed my chocolate craving.
  • hahahaha...well done!
  • SuperWOMAN Cape, thank you. :laugh: It's chocolate milk time!!! :drinker:
  • Try googling the grapes, see what you find. I love did I function without it?
  • I like to cook it in a pan til it will flake apart, then add chili powder, cumin, red pepper flakes, diced green chiles...get it nice and spicy, then I pair it with some mexican rice, some homemade coleslaw, wrap it in a tortilla and top with tomatillo sauce...MMMMM! Could eat that for days! I save it for a day when I have…
    in tilapia Comment by mrsbeck February 2010
  • It's mother is a secretive person!:laugh: On my blog, my tagline is "Slightly depressed and kinda irritated since 1975." :tongue:
  • Boy, I had it wrong!! That'll teach me! :laugh: Listen the The Boss. He knows of what he speaks.
  • Does your doctor really refuse to prescribe a suppressant because he won't listen to you and doesn't believe in them, or because he knows that there isn't a pill for healthy weight loss, and you just don't want to hear that? If your doctor really isn't listening to you and is compromising your health to fulfill his…
  • Are you exercising? If you are, I would suggest eating at least half those calories back. 1200 calories is not a one size fits all number. If you are feeling good, if you have energy, you are probably ok with a couple days a week being under. That's just my opinion--I have no training in this beyond what I've gotten from…