Sweetvirgo63 Member


  • I do mine in the microwave too. I use one-half of it as a lid to the other. Mind you, the last one I got will have to be done the oven as it's too big. I love it with spaghetti sauce and shredded cheese.
  • I've had one for years. I use it to cook all my meats from burgers to lamb chops and it's great to cook bacon too, all the grease just drips right out.
  • I switched to almond milk some time ago. I drink it straight and use it to cook my cream of wheat. It comes down to personal taste. The "original" almond milk also contains less sugar than cow milk but I find the unsweetened almond milk not all that tasty.
  • Oct. 20, 2014 - 2.62 miles Total this month so far = 30.06 miles
  • Are you sure that such a program is beneficial to you and your body? How about just walking, bicycling, or swimming for cardio and doing free weights and/or lat downs for strength? Can you even run without suffering any pain? By what I read, it sounds like any hardcore program could be more of a risk to you physically than…
  • I'm so sorry to read of your loss. Hang in there and you will reach your goal! Take it one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself on bad days. We all have them. Keep chatting with us and we'll help you along.
  • "Organically Yours" Raw pumpkin [pepitas] seeds are also a great source of protein [18 grams per 1/4 cup] as well as "Reddi Snack" unsalted hulled sunflower seeds [10 grams of protein for 1/3 cup serving]. I love having them on days I don't eat meat. I know some people get put off with the high calorie and high fats…
  • Walked 3/4 mile on Tuesday Biked on Wednesday Walked 2.5 miles yesterday Rowed and did walk & run at gym this morning Lots and lots of rainy days this week!! 27.5 miles walked so far this month.
  • Yep, right there with you. Gained 4 lbs. last weekend during my cycle. I think I'll skip the scale for the next week or so - :p
  • Food isn't something that tempts me. If I want to eat a specific something, I eat it. One thing I learned a long time ago is to not put myself in a prison of food by saying I can't eat this or that. Once I started to permit all foods in my life, I easily found myself not wanting them to eat them. If I'm tired, I try to…
  • If you have damaged knees, you may want to prevent future injuries or faster deterioration by walking, not running. If you have uphill roads or streets where you are, walk uphill to increase your heart rate. I stopped running because of tendon issues in my feet that I don't want to end up becoming chronic. I use MapMyWalk…
  • I walked 2.6 miles this morning to work :D Total so far this month adds up to 17.9 miles of actual recorded mileage. Pretty good.
  • No matter which ones you use, those from websites or machines, they are all estimates based on body weight and height that you entered and they will all vary from one another. If you're using MFP daily, they recommend using the number displayed on the machine rather than the ones they provide.
  • If you go on other websites to use calorie-burn calculators, you'll find out that they will all give you a different answer for the same activity and duration. The Elliptical Trainer showed my calorie burn at 314 this morning for 40 minutes, MFP showed 547, and another website gave 214. The only activity tracker I use is…
  • [quote="Sabine_Stroehm;30015967" Why would the OP gain weight when reintroducing carbs? Doesn't weight gain come from a calorie surplus?? As for weight re-gain, MOST people regain regardless of the approach used to diet (yes, even on MFP). "Everyone you know" failed to have a plan for after weight loss.[/quote] There is no…
  • Yes, you can lose weight quickly cutting out carbs but you'll gain the weight back just as fast once you reintroduce them to your meal plans like everyone I know who went this route experienced. You're better off customizing a daily meal plan that takes all food groups into consideration and monitoring your portion sizes.…
  • I only use the scale in my bedroom, first thing in the morning wearing only panties. If it shows a 15-lb overnight gain, I know it's time to change the battery :p Sometimes, I'll weigh at night just before bedtime to have an idea of the fluctuation during the day but I don't let the number disturb me.
  • I'm with tomcornhole - your resting heart rate is unusually high. My heart rate goes to the 170 - 180 range when I'm running on a treadmill at 9.0 km/hr [5.5 mph] but my resting heart rate is 69-70. My husband who is a smoker and sedentary and doesn't exercise at all has a resting heart rate of 84 and he's 58. I would…
  • 2.81 miles - October 8, 2014 2.62 miles - October 9, 2014 [Elliptical Trainer - 40 min.]
  • The best gift you can give yourself is to continue being kind towards her. Don't let her behaviour tarnish the way you feel about yourself. She most likely has issues about herself but doesn't have the tools or the knowledge on how to work on them. This is your time to become a leader and help her walk into her own journey…
  • Those last 10 lbs. or so are the most difficult to lose because they've been on your body the longest. Are you sure you need to lose them because you are actually still overweight with body fat as opposed to just thinking you're overweight? Some people are where they are supposed to be but still believe they need to lose…
  • First, congratulate yourself on what you have accomplished in the last year. Losing 60 lbs. isn't something to ignore. Looking at the commitments you signed up for, I'd say you took on quite a lot of them. Maybe just concentrate on the running commitment and leave out the rest until you've accomplished that one? Also,…
  • I walked 2.80 miles yesterday during my lunch hour. If it stops raining, I'll do that walk again today or walk it home after work. Also did a workout at the gym yesterday morning.
  • @caimay149 - I'm sorry your mom riles you about your weight but I think you nailed it on the head with your comments about her own eating habits. If you lose weight and better yourself, she's faced with the realization that it doesn't change her and she doesn't know how to deal with it. Hopefully, you can get to a point…
  • I debated this morning about walking to work [2.5 miles one-way] but it was raining when I woke up so I opted to take the bus and walk it home instead. While on the bus, I regretted my decision as I spent 25 minutes listening to noisy teenagers do nothing but curse and swear at every second word. :# I should have listened…
  • It used to bother me years ago but not anymore. I now put it in the same category as taking health advice from a smoker :p
  • I don't have any self-hate tips; I stopped mistreating myself emotionally years ago. Accepting and loving the good and bad about yourself regardless of where you are in life is an internal choice. One lesson I learned a long time ago is to stop trying to become something I wasn't meant to be [i.e. slim and 125 lbs] I just…
  • Don't kick yourself down and hang in there. I'm sorry that you're having to go through all of that. If you make the conscious effort to select healthy foods and monitor your portions, you won't have to worry so much about counting calories. If you go out to eat, choose a location you know will offer healthier options to…
  • Oct. 1/14 - 2.6 miles Oct. 2/14 - 2.6 miles Oct. 3/14 - 1.85 miles Oct. 4/14 - 20 minute stationary bike ride Oct. 5/14 - 2.63 miles Oct. 6/14 - 2.6 miles 12.28 miles walked since October 1, 2014 over and above the exercises I've done at the gym. It will be interesting to see what it adds up all to at the end of the month.
  • Congratulations on your accomplishment. You're proving that you don't need to pay big bucks to lose weight or get healthier. My weightloss became stagnant about a month ago and I lost 6 lbs. in the last week simply by incorporating daily walking over and above going to the gym. Most of my walking consists of 2-4 mile…