Sway Member


  • What exercise are you doing to burn 400 cals in 40 mins?? Yes it really stinks that we burn so little yet work so hard...
  • Wonderful thank you!! I just reset my goals!!
  • You rolled your cassette tape back up with a pencil... The gray box Nintendo was this S*^#.... still is Safety Pins on jeans
  • When animals and people are helped.
  • My future husband whoever he is.... or David Beckham pre-family entourage that is :)
  • Mathjulz, Well I'm sorry. If it was an abusive relationship, I wonder whether woman or man, when they finally learned they screwed up a good thing and hurt someone, that then they realize, oh s*^t. And try to make up for it. I wonder if your mom would be receptive to talking with him. This was just on Coco and Ice the…
  • Ajonthguitar: Yeah, I was actually watching this thing, or saw it on a blog, it's been a while sorry, but it was explaining the rebound girl/guy, and how it always seemed so unfair that instantly that person could be with another. But the thing is, they hadn't recognized the loss of that yet, so they just picked up where…
  • Okay thank you SO much for your responses... and let me continue with my story by saying he is very emotionally needy. I was incredibly patient, to the point where I wondered why I was that way. I really tried to help him, and encouraged him to get therapy a lot. I'm extremely independent and can juggle 50 million things…
  • Bump: My Dr. wanted to check my thyroid today... so I'll see what she says. Probably normal though. Guess I'll just stick with it!
  • Thank you Azdak well yikes, from your calculations that means up to 295 calories, and here it's saying 470+... I will say, that I think your calories are more accurate to what I feel I'm burning. Thank you!!
  • Okay, so when doing the 12 min miles, then I'm really supposed to log those by that? I'm doing the Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Fat Burning walks. And on here it's jog, 5.0 mph 12 min miles. It just doesn't seem like I'm really burning that many calories. Great if I am, but maybe I should get a HRM... so confused.
  • Bump any other opinions?? I guess it's working, but I'm not sweating like I do with the treadmill... am I still burning the calories??
  • I think we've been thinking the same thing.
  • Great job!!
  • Ugh, kind of in the same boat. Although right now my energy is kaput... what the heck is that about?? I'm having a hard time concentrating on work, maybe I need to eat even more?? I'm just so freakin tired. I hope I snap out of it soon.
  • drcarrier is on board with us!!
  • Hello! Welcome from Atlanta!!
  • I'm in!!
  • I have a treadmill, total gym, yoga mat, weights (5 & 8lbs), workout dvd's, and that's about it.
    in Home gyms! Comment by Sway June 2011
  • I've never been a runner, for some reason it kills my lungs. I've always stayed at a good weight by walking. Uphill spurts help, and you can also jog some of that too, just to increase your heart rate sometimes. I'm starting the July challenge, you should too!!
    in run or walk?! Comment by Sway June 2011
  • This is exactly what I need! I'll start today, a tad early, but I need to get warmed up before July!! Thanks!! I'll make my ticker now!!
  • THANK YOU!! Is all I have to say for this post!!
  • I went to Auburn from NY, I understand completely. I'm in Atlanta now!! War Eagle!!
  • Yes, what has your conversations been like? Either she in misinformed, isn't as encouraging (seems like sabotaging) whether she realizes it or not. Does she worry about her health and weight? Honestly though, you better sit her down, whining and pouting isn't mature, especially when you're trying to accomplish something…
  • How does it know all of that?? I need to check that out!
  • I figure if a piece of gum is 5 calories, I can easily burn that, just by chewing it. Seriously!! I have all the Extra dessert ones!! They're really good. But sorry they are artificially flavored. I'm with you, so check this link out!! Hope it helps! http://aspartamefreegum.org/
    in GUM! Comment by Sway June 2011
  • Absolutely correct!! As a vegan all I eat is mainly fruits and veggies. I LOVE fruit, and could be a fruitarian..heehee. As I started to increase my fruit... I now have, what I like to call fruit fat. That's right... it's the sugars. And it goes straight for the gut. At first I thought fruit was okay, but like all things,…
  • I don't know, that portable sauna looks fun!!
  • You really are gorgeous! And you make 43 look amazing!! We should all be so lucky : ) I was like your friend once. I smoked and barely ate, drank a lot of coffee, but my weight was good but not healthy. I hated smoking, so I quit many years ago. My body went through a huge change, I gained weight, of course. And eventually…
  • Okay well now that I'm tracking calories, exercising, drinking tons of water, etc... basically doing everything right... why am I gaining weight? Is this normal at the beginning? It's very discouraging. I weighed less when I wasn't behaving with everything.