xmissxamyx Member


  • The thing that worked for me was simply not buying junk food. I had a bad habit of snacking in the evening while watching TV, I just had to be a bit harder on myself and decide enough is enough and cut it out. The first week was really tough, I was craving sweet stuff like mad I kept opening the fridge and cupboards hoping…
  • I've been going through my wardrobe just to clear out old clothes and came across a coat I haven't worn more than once in the last 3 years or so. I LOVE the coat which is why ive held on to it but it was always to tight to comfortably wear.... I decided now was time to admit that there's no point holding onto it because…
  • OMG this is something that really really bugs me, not just on here but IRL. Same as when people refer to their kids as "Little Miss 3" or "Master 5" or who describe their children as being like "36 months" old
  • Apart from being healthier and feeling better about myself, my 10 year highschool reunion is happening this year THAT is motivating me to move like nothing else in my life right now! :lol:
  • I really like cream cheese, vegemite and avocado, I just kind of smoosh those 3 things together and eat it like a dip maybe with a few crackers but if im honest....mostly just with a spoon :wink: Honey and peanut butter on a cracker is pretty neat too...just maybe not the healthiest
  • Good god no! :tongue: It was a show with actual doctors on it and they tested a lot of "wellness myths" to see if there was any truth to them basically. It had Dr. Michael Mosley on it, his the guy who "invented" the 5:2 diet and Chris van Tulleken is another of the doctors him and his twin brother Alexander have done…
  • According to studies men should workout BEFORE eating and women should workout AFTER eating. (dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3388628/Men-exercise-eating-women-burn-fat-scientists-reveal.html )<<<<I know that's posted on DM and they're generally rubbish when it comes to facts but they're talking about studies done on a show…
  • ok so you most definitely didn't skip leg day...not once....ever! :open_mouth:
  • I measure about once a month, I've lost about 4 inches off my waist since I started this whole "weight loss journey" thing, it can be kind of reassuring seeing that old mark on my measuring tape knowing that's where I started and this hard work is paying off. You could try using freckles or scars or something on your body…
  • I ate really greasy food for the first time in a long long loooong time the other day and woah! my body did.not.like! I actually had to cancel plans because I was afraid to be more than a few meters from a bathroom...for reasons im sure you can imagine, definitely not the fun filled saturday night I had planned. I don't…
  • This literally just happened to me, I had a massive weekend and ate junk food on top of junk food with a sid eof junk food and jumped on the scales to see what the damage was....and I'd actually lost weight! ...go figure I guess as long as it doesn't become a routine to go over by excessive amounts it's all fine, you've…
  • I did the whole "when I reach X weight, i'll buy XX" type reward thing and it kept me motivated for a little bit, but not for long. Because I always knew in the back of my mind I could really just go out and buy that item whenever I wanted to no matter what my size was and if I wanted it bad enough I often would just think…
  • my left calf was at one stage a full 2 inches bigger than my right. It was quite noticeable if I was wearing tight pants, and there was even a pair of jeans I had that split on the left calf only, and a pair of pants I could not even wear because they were to tight on the left calf and every time I tried to walk they would…
  • Im going to have a crack at making sushi
  • I was actually surprised how much popcorn one can eat for so few calories. And how choosing the right ingredients means you can have a ridiculous sized meal for a small amount of calories
  • Man I have like supersized full grown heffers rather than calves my right one is 19" and my left just to be super awesome is 20.5" a full inch and a half bigger (Lord knows why) mine have always been big though, even before I gained weight, I'm just super lucky I guess. ???? as long as the denim has a bit of stretch in it…
  • I once had the bright idea to go the gym whilst still quite hung over... I reasoned with myself that id seen on Mythbusters exercising could help reduce the effect of a hang over so I thought "Oh this will be good for me"... ... ..it wasn't I did ok on the treadmill but I was starting to get a little dizzy, so I switched…
  • This is actually really good advice, in truth looking at other peoples successes doesn't motivate me, but the idea of working hard enough to be able to wear a nice pair of short shorts this coming summer gives me more motivation then any before or after pic could! xD (that makes me sound vain, but im not I promise I'm…
  • what the point of this post? seriously...
  • I flippin hate my scales I've been putting in a lot of effort and I notice a bit of a difference when I look at myself in the mirror, I definitely have more of a but after so many (many many) squat and such I measure myself one a week I'm noticing inches and half inch loses happening there (every where except my damn…
  • I dunno im kind of with the OP on this, I don't like my vegetables masquerading as delicious food that they're not (I mean I lurve cauliflower but theres no way I'd ruin a pizza by making it out of some) I hate people who jump on the latest "food tolerance/clean eating/superfood" bandwagon, first it was nut allegies, then…
  • this is only a minor thing but im still a smidge pleased I brought these skinny jeans a few months ago...they were really marked down I think they were once $45 and they were now on sale for like $10-$12 and I tried them on in the fitting room and they juuuuuuuust fit, like if I sucked it in stood up straight I could just…
  • the latest ministry of sound work out mix is great! It's 3 discs disc 1(walking) has slower tempo tracks and disc 2(jogging) are a bit faster and disc 3 (running) are high tempo tracks its really good...assuming you like dance music that is xD
  • oh my gosh I feel so sorry for so many of you people on here! I can't believe how cruel some people are, I thought I'd been given crap in my life about my weight but what I've experienced barely even counts as an insult in comparison.
  • Thanks for the replies! I know you cant really target specific areas to lose weight from...it would be awesome if it were possible! But I just thought you know doing squats and crunches and stuff those exercises at least are used to tone those specific areas, im not really doing much now to help my arms though. I think I…
  • I had no idea working on an incline would help tone my butt! :D Im definetly going to have to crank the incline up as far as it goes if thats the case! anyways thanks for the replies people :)
  • yes I can see a difference, in the first pic your eyes are closed, in the second pic they're not :P But no seriously you can see a difference weight wise so you're on the right track :)
  • pretty much any kind of dance anthem is good, something with a good loud beat... I like to listen to a lot of songs that have a good breakdown part in them were the bass just kicks in then it slows so you can go hard on the bass drop and rest on the slower parts then go again, a song like Bangarang by Skrillex is a good…