ViolaLeeBlueberry Member


  • I just want to say ... you are not having a crazy rant. You are doing something really, really important. A few years ago I lost a close friend who was "morbidly obese." She once came to my house for dinner, sat down, and broke a dining room chair. Well, she had an amazing sense of humor, so we all laughed it off ... She…
  • Hikes. Dancing to live music. Going to the same gym, even if you're not going at the same time, and talking about it. Walking places around the city/around your house instead of driving. Supporting each other's fitness goals in conversation.
  • Uh, but presumably not everywhere on the planet. Not everyone who uses this site gets their pizza from a big chain located in America :smile: To log our locally made pizza, I did a bunch of online research and found a range of articles that included calorie counts on pizzas that seemed pretty similar to what we get in…
  • Yes to grilled on a stick. But no teriyaki sauce -- mud homes in villages aren't exactly well-supplied with teriyaki sauce :smile: The meat is supposed to be quite tasty, though, because they're field rats that have only eaten rice.
  • Darn. No marsupials around here. Some people do eat rat. Don't know if I'd eat it; I've never been offered any. But it would probably be suitably stringy and gamey. And I'm sure it would benefit from a liberal dosing of beer, whiskey and/or tabasco sauce.
  • Haha, we have it here too ... I guess there are enough Aussies in Kathmandu that they stock it at some grocery stores! An Australian neighbor gave me some, and I rather liked it. My son likes it too ... partly, I suppose, for the Weirdness Factor, and also because he likes to quote Terry Pratchett about it being burnt beer…
  • Darn. I thought, "Hey, someone else with an unusual kitchen!" Wouldn't object to possum, but don't have access to it. Or celery. Or an hour and a half's worth of reliable electricity for an oven, LOL. I'm pretty good at substitutions, though. Chicken, meh. Which do you suppose would work better as a possum substitute:…
  • Nothing new there, but that's the case with most articles. (Half the articles out there re-state for the general public what people who pay more attention to the issue already know -- whether it's about ISIS or Congress or macros/calorie counting. That's not "bad" or "lazy journalism," it's part of the function of…
  • BTW just found out you can save a better description of a meal in the Notes section of the diary-- like what the meal REALLY was (other than just a list of ingredients.) Yeah, OK, so I can be slow on the uptake LOL. GenerallyMe, the recipe builder kept insisting for a while that any amount of garlic I wanted to add was a…
  • I seldom follow recipes and always cook from scratch, so I just log all the items individually. I think it's more accurate anyway. If you use the recipe builder, then the next time you might do it a little differently (or at least I would), and also it's a BIG pain IMO to get it to actually record what you want. It…
  • Glad to oblige! OK, looked it up now. (See? I didn't cheat. I may be ignorant, but I'm honest ignorant!) OK, I guess it's big here too ... don't think it's called that, though. Just called "Korean." But for real ... EVERY type of pop music has thin people. Saying that Korean pop somehow represents Korea would be like…
  • Huh?!? Well, I don't know what or who K-pop is. But I live in Asia. And first, there's really no uniform "Asian women." There are Indian women and Vietnamese women, Japanese women and Syrian women and Kazakh women and Saudi women ... all of those places are "Asia." Second, uh, no. Where I live, "you've gotten fat" is a…
  • And Ryan, that's such a cheat. "To" indeed, LOL ... got it on a loophole :smile:
  • Cloud Nine - the Temptations
  • :smile: 25 or 6 to 4 - Chicago
  • Sleep? While the sun is shining? :smile: LOL, think outside the box ...
  • Bwahaha ... but I bet someone figures one out :smile: BTW your dog looks like my dog. Unless that's you, in which case you are indeed the most impressive pup I've "met" and will surely come up with another song including "1963"!
  • 1963 - New Order Good luck ...
  • Totally agree it's not "a diet" ... I don't do diets at all ... it's about lifestyle! Basically this is just a useful way to track/log and make yourself accountable. And what the heck, why not before the holidays? Let's be real. You're going to gain anyway. Why not lose some, gain a bit back, get good at losing (and…
  • My Sharona - the Knack (I bet the next person doesn't try to match "Sharona" :smile: )
  • That'd be an alternate for In a Gadda da Vida, but it doesn't work with Viva Las Vegas, since none of those words are in it ...
  • Viva Las Vegas - Elvis Presley
  • In a Gadda Da Vida - Iron Butterfly :smile:
  • I totally agree with Other Dianne about it being easier if wheat products are cut. I know lots of people do just fine without cutting wheat (or gluten or grains or however you conceive it), and I'm not super hardcore (e.g. I'll have a cake or truly good bread at a restaurant), but the thing about eating higher protein and…
  • Hi Dianne, I'm about the same age as you and doing 1200 calories too. When I first saw that number, I thought, "No way. This is insane! What does that mean? Dinner is air au gratin?" But I've actually found it's not hard at all. I cook from scratch anyway and avoid processed foods, so it's easy to control, and I even…
  • Glad to see some folks speaking out against the (ahem) sometimes-all-too-prevalent notion on forums that somehow 1200 calories a day is a starvation diet. I'm sure it CAN be, but from what I've seen, it's mostly big bulky guys or super-active women (who I'd bet are tall gals with long marathon legs) who post comments…
  • You quit rice?!? Wow, great for you! I see we're in the same part of the world. I know how difficult it can be to lose weight while eating all the rice people shovel onto our plates around here, LOL. My husband quit eating rice (and roti etc.) about 3-4 years ago ... only eats on holidays. I quit eating rice a few months…
  • I hear you on that! Yuck, egg yolk. I make an egg-white omelette every day or two. One easy thing to do is that if you have leftovers around (for me it might be curried chicken or a chilli), you can mix a bit of the sauce with the egg white and then fold the omelette over the meat. Any kind of veggie filling is good:…
  • Probably a question no one can answer, but ............ Where I live, the only type of cheesecake IS "faux cheesecake," since cream cheese is a super-expensive, hard-to-find delicacy. But there is cheesecake made from what seems to be paneer; it's widely available at coffeehouses, where IMO it's probably one of the…