kellyr730 Member


  • I don't think he was being creepy or anything but I think it's ridiculous that she's getting so much attention. They should just focus on football though. She's obviously beautiful but so are a million other people in the world - I don't see wha'ts so special.
  • What is the Roadmap post?? It sounds interesting! Good advice too! I would suggest just giving it more time - make yourself "do good" for just one week - once you see the number on the scale start going down and feel your clothes getting loser, it's all downhill from there. If I'm having a hard day, I just ask myself what…
  • That's awesome!! :) We just got back from our Skyzone and I just jumped as high and hard as I could for an hour - it was a blast!! :) They haven't gotten the Skyrobics schedule made up yet but said it is supposed to start this month so I'm excited to try it - what kinds of things did they do? Just curious so I know what to…
  • One of my favorite, most high energy aerobics instructors at the gym brings her diet coke bottle and drinks it during the class instead of a water bottle lol :) She's known for having the most intense, energetic classes so I guess the caffeine does help :) I don't get as good of a workout from anyone else's classes.
  • Yep - except I am having to re-lose the last 7 :-( I had lost 67 overall and then had a really busy work season over the holidays and gained 7 in the last two months :-( I'm so disappointed but I keep telling myself it was just temporary and I'm going to get back to my healthy ways and it'll be gone again in no time. I…
  • Im the same way! I hate it! :) I've always had skinny legs and a thin face and my family thinks I'm too skinny now that I've lost enough weight to get my stomach where I want it because it makes my face and legs look too thin. It's a no win situation :( If I could gain weight just in my face I would be happy but my stomach…
  • I hate to break it to you but it's not going anywhere :( I've lost 67 pounds and had twins via C-section 10 years ago. I've been struggling with the idea of having my little skin pouch and stretch marks for a long time but I've finally accepted that I have to live with it. I do ab work every other night almost and it looks…
  • No - I eat a normal diet. I just take levothyroxine which regulates your thyroid hormone and speeds it up. ive never had a special diet but as sluggish as I was I wouldn't be surprised if my metabolism would have only allowed me to burn 800 resting.
  • I have an underactive thyroid also and the main thing that does is slow down every sysytem in your body, especially your metabolism - more so than "normal" people. I don't think 800 calories is too low and he probably knows what he's talking about because since your thyroid is making your metabolism so slow, you may not…
  • My dad has been telling me since I was 13 that I would be so beautiful if I just got my weight down. I've lost 65 pounds and am at the same weight as my sister (133 at 5'8 for me - she's about 5'6) who has been thin her whole life and now he says I look like I could gain about ten pounds because he thinks i'm borderline…
  • I lost my first 30 pounds before I started MFP by jumping on a mini trampoline for 30-45 minutes a night :) Very fun :) And now I jump rope alot too. I like step classes but no gyms seem to offer it much anymore and it's too complicated trying to do a video step class :)
  • It does that to me too and I asked one of the trainers ar the gym and he said if you roll your feet (instead of keeping them flat or or your toes) while you're doing it that will help - seems to work OK for me