

  • Sometimes I wish it was only 3 minutes, but if it's 32 minutes later and I'm a sweaty pig sucking on my inhaler, I would think some calories would have been burned and I should be able to log that on MFP!!!
  • I'm sure if ..... oh nevermind.
  • Make sure you message me the #'s, or post on here!
  • ha ha ha, thanks for the laugh!
  • Yes girl you definitely need a smaller dress! Looks like you're swimming in that thing! :)
  • My doc told me a glass of OJ is a quick fix for feeling this way.
  • I seriously think that you should ask yourself where you were before you decided it was your time. To me, it sounds like you've made this woman's life too much of your own if it's affecting you so much, and you feel like you have all of this explaining to do to everyone else. Like all of her personal information you just…
  • I didn't read all of the replies, but the several that I did makes me think you guys are being too hard on this girl. I mean, let's be real here...how long did it take US to get to this point? No matter how much help anyone ever offered, or how many nasty remarks were made, it took us however long to get to where we are…
  • I would eat something small, because if you're like me you won't feel like eating afterwards. Eat like a banana and a yogurt or something like that :)
  • My back fat used to be what kept me in check with my weight....whenever it started creeping up on me, I knew it was time to slow it down a lil....NOW, the backfat has taken over! With some people it's the last thing to go, be patient and keep doing what you doing!
  • Look at those legs! What a difference! I can't wait to see my knee caps again, thanks for the hope girl!
  • I used to do that too. I just stopped cold turkey. Just don't get out of bed, watch a scary movie or something, LOL.
  • I have the same problem. I always weigh less around 2 p.m. than I do at 7 a.m. I think everyone is different, and for what reason I have no clue. Interested in seeing responses to this.
  • Good idea to ask people who aren't trying to get your money...I wanna know too!
  • I bought the tummy one a long time ago, and it made me feel gross cause I was sweating too much. I also have the arm fat ones too, need to start wearing them. I'm curious to know if these things really work too, I'd gladly try again....
  • This made me laugh, and miss the past. I am very lucky to have a husband who loves me big and less big, LOL, and he STILL can't keep his hands off me, EVER. But, my weight is a big issue for me and it does hold me back now. Everything is uncomfortable, my legs are heavier to hold up, I don't wanna crush him, etc. I can't…
  • Doesn't Splenda contain asparthame?
  • Mio from Gatorade, but it's not carbonated :(. It's just a water enhancer, but it's 0 cal, 0 sodium, 0 fat....and they have a lot of awesome flavors!
  • Amen! And while we're at it QUIT USING THE WORD LOOSE FOR LOSE, and QUIT INSISTING THAT YOUR BODY WILL GO INTO "STARVATION MODE" if you don't eat back your exercise calories! Do what works for you, come here for motivation and support and the tools this site provides, but don't think any one way is THE way! Thanks, rant…
  • Really? No one? BUMP.
  • This happens to me ALL the time. Within just the last month, 3 times. First I bought a mini-van, and the sweet old lady I bought it from says "I see you're expecting, you're gonna need all this room huh?" Second time, standing in line a the grocery store and the cashier says "awww, when are you due?" Third time, me and my…
  • I feel everything but great. I feel horrible. I look at myself in pictures and I wanna throw up! I need to figure out how to get over it and use the pics as motivation...still working on it, but emotionally I can't handle this **** sometimes.
  • not only did the raft get stuck because I weighed it down. I then fell off and I could not get back on the thing. So I had to scoot down on my butt (very slow) It was one of the most mortifying experiences. I could hear everbody laughing at me. Yep, same thing happened to me :(
  • There have been days when I eat all of them I'm supposed to, then burn more than half of them. I don't want to eat them all back, and I'm usually not hungry. Like the other day, I walked FOREVER and after logging my food and my exercise I had almost 700 calories left at 11:00 p.m., and I was tired. Not about to sit up and…
  • OMG, so not funny if someone else does it too. It's almost like we look for someone to disagree with us to make us feel better, but it never happens. Or that could be just me.
  • :) I know it is, I'm finding that out more and more. BTW, your cat reminds me of my old cat we gave up and someone adopted...I miss her!
  • I am a big fan of meat, so I do get enough protein for sure but I am not sure what else could cause my blood sugar to go low. I have really almost completely cut sweets out of my diet, where as before I was eating cookies, icecream, chocolate, etc. every day....hmmmm.............
  • I have an appointment Monday for something else, but I will def bring this up. The thing is, my doctor is a complete *kitten* and never takes ANYTHING I say seriously....like the fact that I've gained 20 lbs since I got the Mirena IUD. I have never had blood pressure issues, but I've always suffered from migraines and…
  • This almost happened to me about 4 years ago at Six Flags....and now I am like 75 lbs. heavier, so I don't even attempt it. 2 years ago, though, my family and I went to a water park and I got on one of those funnel slide thingies with the HUGE intertube. So as I was going down, my big *kitten* got stuck because I was too…