iwlizz Member


  • Thank you Xaspar! I was going to have to ask this question very soon! My family tends to be very pasta oriented when we eat together, so I'm going to start making my own little portions of healthier sauce and very little cheese (hope to wean myself to completely no cheese, but let's start with the little bit of cheese,…
  • way to go!! I have cravings all the time, and over indulge, but I'm hoping since I joined here, I'll be more conscious of what I actually stick in my mouth!
  • OMG, I'd love to be a part of this (Team Jasper all the way!!) but I don't have access to a scale right now! :( So there's no way for me to do the check-ins on a regular basis. (My 325 starting weight is just an estimate of where I am approximately based on what I weighed last time I had gone to the gym with a friend in…
  • I just sent a bunch of Friend Requests to the ones on here who said for people to add them! Feel free to add me! I can use the motivation ;)
  • We can do it!! I have 131 to get to a healthy BMI. I think it's going to stick this time, because I made other changes in my life as well (not hanging with certain people who either just sit around, or go out to eat all the time, etc.)! Keep up the good work, and I hope to be following in your footsteps soon! <3
  • can't wait to see the pictures!
  • thank you for your post. I'm excited to be starting a healthier lifestyle, and now that I know what I've been doing wrong, and how to fix it, I won't be alarmed if my weight goes up first! :)
  • I'm new too! I'm hoping that this will be easier for me to track on, since I seem to lose all my food diaries!