

  • I have been known to devour an entire box of Caramel Delight Girl Scout cookies at once. Hey, you have to wait all year for them! ;) I was good this year and have only had 2 Caramel Delight cookies and 4 Thin Mint cookies! Proud of myself! I've developed a taste for Pure Protein bars that has replaced my sugar cravings of…
  • Agreed!
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • :laugh: Too funny!
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • Amen!
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • You implied you had only called it trendy instead of a fad out of sheer niceness though. However, I do disagree with you on both accounts.
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • fad (fd) n. A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze. Hmmmm....wonder how brief of a period of time it would have to be to be considered a fad. I got my first one 15 years ago, and I'm pretty sure they were popular then, too!
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • Love! I always get the question about having tattoos when I'm in a nursing home when I'm old. I tell people that I don't care whether people like them now, so I'm a lot less likely to care when I'm old and senile! LOL!
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • Likewise! I have 5. Finally finished the large one that covers my left side and have planned my right side! :)
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • If I was, I would have responded with a whiney comment. Don't you think? So, based on my previous response, you can safely use intelligence, if available, to make the obvious conclusion. I also think it is safe to conclude that I'm a smart-a** b**@# as opposed to a whiney one. :)
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • Smooches!! LOL! I'm an educated business professional, not a whiney b**@#s. ;)
    in tatoos>>>>? Comment by finz96 March 2012
  • Best explanation I have heard of this so far! :)
  • I've started doing Slim in 6 and the Slim Series almost two years ago. Even though I completed the program, I still work the DVD's in here and there in my current workout routine, because I miss them! You will LOVE the Slim Series. It is more of a variety compared to original Slim in 6 and the videos are lengthier, but you…
  • At my desk or the kitchen counter. I have food scales on them both!
  • No! No time to! I'm the single mother of an active 6 yr old girl who is in tumbling and volleyball. Between her school and extra-curricular activities and my Zumba class 3 times/week, we don't get home until 7:30 every week night, then are gone again for half of Saturday! Not to mention, I work-out most nights at home…
  • I'm an accountant for a coal mine company in Illinois. I've been working for them since graduating college in 2000. Love my job, but not the sedentary nature of it!
  • And, in my case, with my daughter being so slender, her doctor has always had her on Vitamin D (whole) milk since she was weaned from nursing at a year old.
  • My daughter is 6 and very tall for her age, yet only weighs 50 lbs and wears slim pants or pants with adjustable waistbands. Adjustable waists have long been the solution to her long legs and slim body! I fear I will be a midget in comparison soon as her dad is 6'5", and I am only 5'5". Lol! Anyway, she eats a healthy,…
  • :) Yes! I eat PB2 though! Same great taste, less fat and fewer calories.
  • Everything happens for a reason! ---- Really?? No kidding!
  • This! :)
  • I eat more on days when I'm hungry though as I'm trying to change my body composition and not really lose anymore weight. I vary my calories from day to day depending on hunger, but at the end of the week my average cals is 200 more per day than when I was stuck at my plateau for so long!
  • I was at the same weight for months and working my butt off 6 days a week doing a variety of cardio: Zumba, Taebo, and Slim in 6 by Beachbody. Two and a half weeks ago, I upped my calories by 200 a day and started the new Les Mills Pump set by Beachbody. I've lost 4 pounds so far and am already seeing more muscle…
  • Me! I lost 75lbs I gained during pregnancy through a healthy diet and exercise at home. Taebo, Slim in 6, P90x, jogging, bicycling, etc. My current faves are Zumba and Les Mills Pump! :)
  • Me, too! One pregnancy...75 lbs. I lost the weight within a year after birth through healthy eating and exercise. Now, I am about 8 lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight, but my child is now 6 and I've developed muscles and tone that I didn't have before. I just stayed consistent with my work-outs since her birth. It…
  • My daughter received a makeup set (full-blown works) for her birthday at age 5 from her best friend and her mother. I promptly put part of it in her own make-up bag which she is only allowed to use in the bathroom (to prevent makeup stains on the carpet) and must ask before getting it out. She knows she is not allowed to…
  • To each their own.
  • I always weigh heavier in the few days before my period, usually 2-3 pounds. It magically disappears when my period begins. :)